Unique Holidays: March 13th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: March 13th, 2022, did you remember it’s Daylight Savings Time. Time to change our clocks. Because I didn’t but thank the Lord our phones and computers change on their own, so I wasn’t late getting Charlie up for Church this morning.

Daylight Savings begins at 2: a.m. – date varies   

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Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of turning the clock ahead as warmer weather approaches and back as it becomes colder again so that people will have one more hour of daylight in the afternoon and evening during the warmer season of the year. (Some believe that it should be called Daylight Shifting Time because no daylight is actually “saved.”) Daylight Saving Time varies somewhat from Country to Country. Countries in equatorial and tropical climates do not observe Daylight Saving Time. The months when the clock is set ahead and back differ between northern and Southern hemispheres.

Ear Muff Day– always held on March 13th.

Image result for Ear Muff Day

Earmuff Day celebrates a warm invention the Earmuff which people in cold climates can really appreciate Earmuffs. These people are ever so thankful to the person who created the earmuff. Although if you live in Florida, you might not even know what an earmuff is.

Earmuffs keep your ears warm and protect you from ear infections and earaches resulting from Icy cold wind and weather. Manufacturers have responded to the earmuff’s popularity with a variety of designs and colors, making earmuffs to fit almost anyone’s personality.

History and Origin of “Earmuff Day”:

Big-eared Chester Greenwood is the father of the Earmuff. Greenwood patented the “Champion Ear Protector” on March 13, 1877 which later became known as “ear mufflers”, and was eventually shortened to “earmuffs”.

We wonder why we celebrate Earmuff Day in March because we believe Earmuff Day would have been more appreciated if it was held in January or February, during the coldest days of Winter.

 Jewel Day– always March 13th.

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Jewel Day is your chance to give or receive jewelry. Do you think you will receive jewelry today? Who knows? One thing we can be certain about Jewelry stores love this holiday.

Today is a jewel of a day to receive jewelry and while most people think this is a day for the ladies, guys can receive jewelry, too.

The jewelry does not need to be expensive or elaborate. Just a simple, inexpensive piece of jewelry will be in good keeping with this special day.

The Biggest Jewels in the World:

  • The biggest jewel in the world is one of the British Crown Jewels at 533 Carats!
  • The Hope Diamond is the world’s largest diamond at 45.52 Carats. It is on display at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C.

Smart & Sexy Day– always celebrated on March 13th.

Image result for Smart & Sexy Day

 This Holiday was created to show women that they can be both smart and sexy. As a matter of fact, being smart and sexy is a very powerful combination. Strongly promoted by the Alliance for Career Development Nonprofits (ACDN), the organization provides job training and employment assistance for both men and women. But, on  Smart and Sexy Day, the focus is upon women. Alliance for Career Development Nonprofits (ACDN) strives to empower women. Member organizations hold events in support of women.

ACDN members encourage women to do their best, have confidence and let your skills shine through.

History and Origin of “Smart & Sexy Day”:

This Holiday was created in 2014 by Ariela Balk, CEO of the Smart & Sexy Company. The Holiday is also supported and promoted by the Alliance of Career Development Nonprofits (ACDN).

There is an occasional reference to this a “National” Holiday. However, the creator’s website refers to it as “Smart & Sexy Day” and we did not find a Presidential Proclamation or Act of Congress declaring this to be a true National Holiday.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates