Unique Holidays: March 12th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? I wanted to share Unique Holidays: March 12th, 2022. Today is Genealogy Day and my friend Nancy Smith is always studying her Genealogy. With Charlie Homeschooling for a while Nancy was teaching Charlie Genealogy but with her health she had to stop. But today might be the day to begin again.

Genealogy Day – second Saturday in March

the second Saturday in March

Image result for Genealogy Day

What’s in your genes??

Do you know your roots or who’s in your family gene pool? Do you have famous people or notorious characters in your family tree? You never know what you will find, as you uncover information and learn about ancient relatives. Genealogy Day is an opportunity for you to begin travelling the exciting journey of your family history.

The study of genealogy is tracing your family roots through history, which can be a fascinating and addicting hobby. Researching an interesting limb of the family tree, can keep you up until three in the morning, on a day you have to go to work.

You’re certain to get hooked researching and identifying your family ancestry is easy and fun to do. The internet contains a vast amount of information on your roots, just waiting to be found. As you research your ancestors, you build a chart of your family tree. Amazing family facts and stories are uncovered. But you have to be prepared to uncover both famous people, as well as a few inevitable skeletons in your family closet. Perhaps best of all, as you identify distant family members, invariably you will have the opportunity to meet some of your living relatives. In addition to helping, you fill in whole segments of your family tree, your newly found kin add a richness to your life.

On Genealogy Day, join in on the fun. You know what to do:

  • Search to find out about your family roots.
  • Spend some time with living family members and talk and learn what they know about your ancestors.
  • If you have not done so already begin a chart of your family tree.
  •  If you already participate in Genealogy, seek out a living relative and meet them today.
  • Get an ancestry DNA test. But, be prepared there might be surprises and your ancestry could be different than what mom and dad told you.

History and Origin of “Genealogy Day”:

Genealogy Day was created in 2013, by Christ Church United Presbyterian and Methodist Church in Limerick, Ireland. Their objective was to bring together and make available local family history records. It allowed those in attendance from the combined Churches to find out about their ancestors the event was so successful, that it became an annual event.

Girl Scouts Day– always held on March 12th.

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Girl Scout Day recognizes and celebrates the Girls Scouts of the USA (GSUSA). This date celebrates the creation of the first Girl Scout group on March 12th, 1912.

Lady Olave Baden-Powell, founded Girl Guides. The wife of Lord Baden-Powell (who created the Boy Scouts), she was born on February 22 (1889).

On March 12, 1912, Juliette Gordon Low started the first Girl Scout group in Savannah Georgia with 18 girls. The Girls Scouts became a national organization and was chartered by the U.S. Congress on March 16th, 1950. Today, there are millions of girls involved with Girl Scouts.

Are you a Cookie Monster? Americans eagerly await the annual Girls Scout cookie drive which teaches the girls valuable skills and generates income to support Girl Scout Camp. While we get to munch on delicious cookies including Thin Mints. Did you know most people purchase more than one box of Girl Scout Cookies at a time?

International Fanny Pack Day – second Saturday in March

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In the 1980s a new fad hit the world. People wore fanny packs to carry belongings, and Fanny Packs allowed women to carry cosmetics, keys, wallets, IDs freeing them from lugging their purse around everywhere they went. Fanny packs were not seen as feminine and men found fanny packs useful, too. While they were called fanny packs, more often than not, the pack was worn in the front. Positioned in the front of the body, fanny packs were a far safer way to carry our wallets and keys, keeping belongs safe from pick pockets. Like all fads, the fanny pack craze faded. However, some people wear fanny packs to this day, for the convenience and security they provide. 

 Origin and History of “International Fanny Pack Day”:

The roots of International Fanny Pack Day began in 2007 when Nick Yates of Portland, Oregon came across a homeless person while going home from a Christmas party. He felt pity on the man and gave him Fruitcake that was in his fanny pack. Based on this chance meeting, Nick got the idea to begin a charitable campaign to give food to the poor and needy. With this brainstorm, International Fanny Pack Day was conceived. Nick went to Food Pantry’s and businesses seeking donations and to promote this Holiday. It didn’t take long for this Holiday to grow in popularity.

How to Participate in International Fanny Pack Day

  The best way to celebrate this Holiday, is to go into your closet and dig out your fanny pack. Fill the Fanny Pack with foods and distribute the food to the poor and needy.

Plant a Flower Day– always March 12th.

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The calendar says it is mid-March, which is the dawn of Gardening Season which has been a long time in coming. Winter has seemed endless but Plant a Flower Day has arrived. A day to finally get a little dirt under your fingernails. Take a few minutes and plant a flower today.

Gardening is a great hobby which is enjoyed by millions of people, old and young alike. Gardening is a hobby that virtually everyone can participate in, regardless of age, and health. Senior citizens love Plant A Flower Day, because they can garden long after they give up other hobbies and sports.

Identifying the correct date for celebrating Plant a Flower Day has proved irritating because as we researched this Holiday, we found multiple dates in March and May for Plant a Flower Day, but we found no content sites defining the Holiday, and no written documentation. No one claimed to be the creator of this Holiday.

Celebrate today by planting or transplanting any plant which can be done indoors, or Weather permitting, outdoors.

History and Origin of “Plant a Flower Day”:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday and there is reference to this Holiday as celebrated on multiple dates across multiple months. We have posted this day as March 12th, as it is by far the most common date referenced.  

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates