I would like to welcome you to our series featuring Unique Holidays: June 9th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. For me it’s Donald Duck Day and I need to go to the Disney Store in Grapevine Mills Mall. Would you like to go with me to celebrate Donald Duck Day?

Happy Birthday, Donald. We hope that Daisy Duck bakes you your favorite Cake. If not I would be happy to make you a Cake.
Donald Duck Day takes place in honor of Walt Disney Donald Duck’s cartoon debut. Donald first appeared in “The Wise Hen” on June 9th, 1934. While Donald is over 70 years old, Donald doesn’t act a day over 20. Donald Duck is one of Disney’s most famous and popular characters.
Donald has a middle name. Donald F. Duck’s middle name is “Fauntleroy”.
Enjoy Donald Duck Day in front of the television watching Donald, along with all of his family and friends.
The History and Origin of Donald Duck Day:
We discovered why this day was created to honor Donald’s cartoon debut on June 9, 1934. We do not know for sure “who” created the Holiday but we strongly suspect it was Daisy Duck.
National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day

Today is National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day, which is time to enjoy a slice of a Pie you many never have tried before. While Strawberry Rhubarb Pie has a long history, dating back to the 1800’s, not too many people have ever tried Strawberry Rhubarb Pie. Some people, especially the younger crowd, do not even know what Rhubarb is.
Rhubarb plant has a long, thick, edible stem with good flavor, but a tart taste. Rhubarb recipes use Sugar to sweeten Rhubarb. The leaves are not eaten, as they are poisonous. Through the years, debate has raged as to whether Rhubarb is a Vegetable, or a Fruit. Rhubarb is commonly thought of as a Fruit, because of the the way Rhubarb is used. In actuality, Rhubarb is actually a Vegetable.
Are you ready to be adventuresome? Dig into a piece of Strawberry Rhubarb Pie and you will not be disappointed.
The History and Origin of National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day:
Our research has not uncovered the creator of this holiday, or when the holiday originated. This holiday appears to have been around for at least several years, perhaps much more.
There is no presidential proclamation, or act of congress, making this a true “National” holiday.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates