Unique Holidays: June 8th, 2022


Welcome, to our series sharing Unique Holidays: June 8th, 2022. Did you know today is Best Friend Day? I don’t know about you but I will be spending the day with my best friends. David and Charlie then this evening having dinner with David’s parents Sherry and David Cates Jr. Would you like to join us for dinner this evening?

Best Friends Day

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Best Friend Day (BFF Day) is a time to enjoy and appreciate our friends, and it is a day to honor and cherish the relationship.

If you’re lucky, you have a best friend and if you are real lucky, you have more than one best friend. Best friends are very, special people which w spend countless hours with going to events =or just hanging out. We share our secrets with each out, our hopes, dreams, and aspirations, along with disappointments.

Some folks say you can only have one best friend but I have to disagree with this because we can have a couple best friends at the same time, or several over time. Friends come and go for a variety of reasons. Including BFFs are only for a time not forever which is the result of many things, including moving, changing schools and many more reasons. I hope = you are lucky enough to have a number of best friends over the years.

Celebrate Best Friend Day by:

  • Spending time with your best friend doing things you both love.
  • Making efforts to find a best friend if you don’t currently have one or two or three
  • Give a small gift or card to your best friend or invite them out to lunch
  • Call an old best friend that you’ve lost touch with

Name Your Poison Day

Name Your Poison Day is a day to make a choice. The term “Name Your Poison” is commonly used to suggest that you choose between a number of options.

Name your poison has a negative connotation. The origin of this term is unknown but, at the time, name your poison probably referred to some unhappy choice. Name your poison is commonly used when asking someone what type of Alcoholic beverage they want. But, name your poison is also used to refer to any choice of options, good or bad. For example, “Name Your Poison” may be asked when selecting a dessert choice, etc.  

World Ocean Day

Oceans are immensely important and vital to humans. The Oceans feeds us, producing vast amounts of Fish and Seafood. We sail the Ocean, to bring people and cargo to and from places around the world. There’s recreational boating, too. We swim in the Ocean. Oceans are so important to us, that it is only fitting that a day today is  World Ocean Day. This is a global holiday to celebrate our Oceans, and to work towards maintaining and improving their health and cleanliness. As the health of our Oceans goes, so goes the health of the entire Planet.

Oceans comprise about 71% of the surface of the Earth. With their immense size, you would think it is very hard to pollute our Oceans. Well, we happen to be doing a pretty good job polluting our Oceans.

As if global warming was damaging our Oceans enough, we humans are exacting a terrible toll on the health of Oceans, adding immeasurable amounts of pollutants each and every year.

I would like to let you know people are still dumping trash into the Ocean.

Use Holiday, to become more knowledgeable about how we are polluting the Oceans with litter of all kinds, from just about any source you can imagine. Tsunamis devastate Coastal areas and drag pollutants into the Sea. A Tsunami in Japan resulted in tons of trash washing up on the U.S. West Coast Beaches. Oil is leaked from oil rigs, ships, and boats. Plastics, which take many years to break down, of all kinds find their way into our Seas. Plastics in particular, can have a devastating effect on Marine life.

A clean and healthy Ocean, translates to healthy marine life and this results in safe and healthy Seafood that you and I consume.

The five Oceans of the World are?

  • Atlantic
  • Pacific – the largest
  • Indian
  • Antarctic
  • Arctic

The History and Origin of World Ocean Day:

World Ocean Day was first proposed by the Canadian government at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. In 2008, a United Nations resolution made World Oceans Day official.

Since 2004, the organization “Ocean Project”, has strived to advance Ocean Conservation. On World Ocean Day, this organization works with schools, museums, aquariums, and other groups, to promote and coordinate educational programs about Ocean health.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates