Unique Holidays: June 6th, 2022


Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: June 6th. 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As for Charlie and I I think in Homeschool we will look for movies about D-Day, WWII which we can watch in the Hotel. Would you like to join us as we watch movies and discuss what we see?

 D-Day, WWII

On this historic day in 1944, Allied troops invaded the beaches of Normandy, France which was the largest amphibious assault in world history. This massive, bloody battle was the turning point of the war in the European theater.  

On this day, 156,000 troops from the United states, Great Britain and Canada stormed five Beaches. American troops landed on Omaha and Utah Beach. At the same time, British troops landed on Gold and Sword Beach and Canadian forces landed on Juno Beach. 4,000 Allied troops died on these Beaches on D-Day. Did you know 2,000 of them were American?

Please take a moment of silence today, and thank the many soldiers who fought and died for our Country on D-Day.

National Gardening Exercise Day– Get out and exercise with your plants.

Image result for National Gardening Exercise Day

Everyone knows Gardening is therapeutic and gardening is good for the mind, body, and soul. Gardening Exercise Day gives us an opportunity to go out and burn off calories and have fun exercising. National Gardening Exercise Day is intended to recognize the important physical health benefits of gardening.

In reality, gardening is exercise. Experts say the various activities and tasks of gardening ultimately uses all of the major muscle groups. In addition, strenuous gardening activities including raking, hoeing, and digging is both aerobic and muscle strengthening.

Take time today to celebrate one of America’s favorite hobbies and go out and exercise with, and among, your plants.

History and Origin of National Gardening Exercise Day

Our research found evidence pointing towards gardens clubs and other garden organizations as the creators of this holiday. Most likely, it was avid clubs who also recognized the health values of gardening. 

More Information:

National Gardening Week

Garden Hobbies– for those who enjoy gardening

The Gardener’s Network– one of the net’s  top authorities on how to grow great gardens

National Yo-Yo Day

Image result for National Yo-Yo Day

Yo-Yo day is here…hooray! Not that you need an excuse to play with your Yo-Yo. Wherever you are today, get out your Yo-Yo and impress your family, ] with your Yo-Yo skills. Practice at work today! If you don’t think it’s appropriate at work, consider the fact that three U.S. presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon showed off their Yo-Yo skills while in office!

It’s origin is hard to factually prove but many believe that the Yo-Yo originated in China as early as 500-1000 B.C. Their is some evidence that the Yoyo was first used in Greece even before this time. Over the Centuries the Yo-Yo has had it’s ups and downs.

The classic Yo-Yo was made wildly popular in America by businessman Donald F. Duncan Sr when Donald F. Duncan Sr manufactured the “Duncan Yo-Yo” in the early 1900’s.

Celebrate the Yo-Yo today by “walking the dog” or “shooting the moon”, which is the most popular Yo-Yo tricks.

History and Origin of Yo-Yo Day:

This holiday was created in 1990 by Daniel Volk from Cleveland, OH. Volk a Yo-Yo demonstrator. National Yo-Yo Day was established June 6th to honor of the birthday of Donald F. Duncan Sr., the founder of Duncan Toy Company.

While June 6th is recognized as Yo-Yo Day, there is some unsubstantiated reference to June 10th.

Yo-Yo Trivia

The worlds largest Yo-Yo weighs 256 pounds. That Yo-Yo is on display at the National Yo-Yo Museum.

Did you know in 1992, Jeffrey Hoffman took a Yo-Yo into Space aboard the shuttle Atlantis.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates