Here we are again with your series featuring Unique Holidays: June 5th, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays being celebrated today and then let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. I would like to celebrate Hot Air Balloon Day but I would need to find someone to go up in the Hot Air Balloon with me because neither Charlie or David would. Would you go with me?

Today is Hot Air Balloon Day. I would like to ask you to join me in celebrating Hot Air Balloon which are bright and colorful, and lighter than air craft.
The first manned Hot Air Balloon flight was on November 11, 1783. Ever since then, tethered and untethered balloons have been used for a wide variety of purposes. Beginning in the Civil War, Balloons were used for reconnaissance. Balloons have been used for travel, going from point A to point B. Nowadays, Balloons are mostly limited to air shows and festivals, and for hot air balloon rides from a hobby and entertainment perspective.
Hydrogen versus Helium Versus Hot Air Balloons:
Highly flammable Hydrogen is the lightest gas on earth and Hydrogen Gas is also plentiful. Early Balloon and Dirigibles used Hydrogen with often disastrous results. The Hindenburg disaster is the most well known. On the other hand, Helium is a fairly stable gas. But, Helium is scarce and therefore, far more expensive. Helium is not as light as hydrogen, so payload size is reduced. Hot Air Balloons use regular Air. Helium is heated, causing air molecules to expand and become lighter than air. The resulting lift occurs after the air inside of the balloon is light enough to overcome the weight of the balloon, the basket, and any humans passengers and cargo,
We should celebrate this holiday, by taking a ride in a Hot Air Balloon. You can also look for Hot Air Balloon shows and festivals. Another idea, is just to read and learn more about Hot Air Balloons.
The History and Origin of Hot Air Balloon Day:
There is very little documentation to be found on this high flying holiday but it appears to have been first celebrated after 2010. No one has claimed ownership of this Holiday.
There is some speculation that this holiday is or should be celebrated on November 11th, commemorating the date of the first manned flight on a lighter than air balloon. This speculation is merely that-speculation. It is limited to online blogs and commentary. There is no website claiming this holiday to be held on November 21st.
National Frozen Yogurt Day – first Sunday in June
Frozen Yogurt is a healthy and tasty treat. We are ecstatic that there are two days to celebrate Yogurt. But, don’t limit your consumption of Frozen Yogurt to just two days a year. Eat Frozen Yogurt as often as you can!
You know what to do, to celebrate both Frozen Yogurt days. International Frozen Yogurt Day, as its name implies, is the broader of the two holidays. Everyone around the world can partake in a dish of their favorite flavor of Frozen Yogurt. Froyo Yogurt Shops are located in many Countries around the world. They strongly promote this holiday, offering free Yogurt samples and discounts. Froyo uses this holiday to come out with new Yogurt flavors and toppings. Not to be outdone, many other retail outlets that sell Frozen Yogurt, host their own promotions.
National Frozen Yogurt Day, may sound more limiting, and apply to just one Country which would presumably be the U.S. but, who is to stop anyone, wherever they are, from enjoying Yogurt on this holiday?
History and Origin of International and National Frozen Yogurt Day:
International Frozen Yogurt Day was created by the International Frozen Yogurt Association (IFYA). At the time of it’s creation, there actually were two dates for National Frozen Yogurt Day. We suspect the IFYA chose the February 6th date, as little was known about the creation of the holiday on this day. On the other hand, it was well known that TCBY created the National Frozen Yogurt Day in June. Rather than create a third day, they expanded the February 6th National Holiday into an International Holiday, so everyone could celebrate and enjoy Frozen Yogurt. No one seems to know why a February date was originally chosen. Perhaps, the intent was to increase sales in Winter, when demand for Frozen Yogurt is at is lowest.
National Frozen Yogurt Day was created in 1993 by The Country’s Best Yogurt (TCBY’s) . Obviously, TCBY’s did so to promote Frozen Yogurt. We are so glad that they did. Understandably, the June date was selected, as warm Summer months creates a natural rise in demand for Frozen Yogurt.
World Environment Day is a holiday that is always observed on June 5th.
World Environment Day focuses attention on important Environmental issues. According to the United Nations “World Environment Day is commemorated each year on June 5th. World Environment Day is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the Environment and enhances political attention and action.”
Each year, a theme is selected, The theme for 2006 was “Deserts and Desertification”. The slogan is: “Don’t Desert Drylands!” Each year, a different City is selected to host World Environment Day celebrations. Algiers, Algeria was selected for 2006.
Celebrate World Environment Day by:
- Learning more about the Environmental topic selected for this year.
- Participate in World Environment Day activities which you can find on Google.
- Help to create awareness of the issues
- Contribute to organizations supporting Environmental issues.
The Origin and History Origin of World Environment Day:
World Environment Day was created by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 and it is observed every June 5th, on the Anniversary of the opening of the UN Conference on the Human Environment.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates