Welcome, back to our series sharing Unique Holidays: June 4th, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays that are celebrated today and let me know which one you most would like to celebrate and why.

When I was younger I always thought it would be fun to go up in a Hot Air Balloon. But the way I’ve been having Panic Attacks when we have to do heights it might not be a good ideal to go up in one now.
Not only that Charlie and David don’t care for heights and I am sure neither of them would go up in a Hot Air Balloon with me and there is no, one else I would want to do this with. So it’s time to mark going up in a Hot Air Balloon off my Bucket List. Is there things you need to mark off your Bucket List?
Being Hot Air Balloon Day let’s celebrate these bright and colorful, lighter than air craft.
The first manned lighter than Air Balloon Flight was November 11, 1783. Ever since then, tethered and un-tethered balloons have been used for a wide variety of purposes.
Beginning in the Civil War, Hot Air Balloons were used for reconnaissance. They’ve been used for travel, going from point A to point B. Nowadays, Hot Air Balloons are mostly limited to air shows and festivals, and for hot Air Balloon Rides from a hobby and entertainment perspective.
Hydrogen versus Helium Versus Hot Air Balloons:
Highly flammable Hydrogen is the lightest gas on Earth and it is also plentiful. Early Balloon and Dirigibles used Hydrogen with often disastrous results.
The Hindenburg disaster is the most well known. On the other hand, Helium is a fairly stable gas but, it is scarce and therefore, far more expensive.
Gas is not as light as Hydrogen, so payload size is reduced. Hot Air Balloons use regular air. It is heated, causing air molecules to expand and become lighter than air.
The resulting lift occurs after the air inside of the balloon is light enough to overcome the weight of the balloon, the basket, and any humans passengers and cargo.
One should celebrate this day, by taking a ride in a Hot Air Balloon and you can look for hot air balloon shows and festivals. Or you can do like Charlie is for Homeschool and read and learn more about Hot Air Balloons.
National Trails Day First Saturday in June

National Trails Day is established to celebrate, improve and enjoy America’s trail system. It is the Nation’s largest celebration of trails, and all that goes with it.
In addition to the National Trail system, there are countless miles of State, county and local town trail systems for you to enjoy. While today is a celebration of National Trails, its perfectly fine to celebrate all the Trails in our great nation.
Trail systems are enjoyed for a wide range of activities, including:
- Hiking
- Biking
- Horseback riding
- Bird watching
- Geocaching
- Many other activities.
Ways to Celebrate National Trails Day
- Get out on a trail with family or friends and enjoy time with Nature.
- Host an event – a bike ride or hiking event on your local trails.
Organize and conduct a trail improvement project – Scouts and many other groups can do important service projects, improving a local trail. Important: This requires permission from the government organization that oversees the trail.
.Ps Don’t forget the Trail Mix
Recipe for Trail Mix

- 1 cup (3.5 ounces) each: walnuts, pecans, and cashews
- 1 cup (3 ounces) each: banana chips and toasted coconut ribbons (see notes)
- 1/2 cup (2.5 ounces) each: raisins and chocolate chunks
- Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
- Place the walnuts, pecans, and cashews on a baking sheet and toast them in your oven for 6-8 minutes, or until they are lightly browned and smell fragrant. Remove them from the oven and let them cool.
- Once the baking sheet is cool, add all the other ingredients and mix them together. Store in a sealed bag.
The History and Origin of National Trails Day:
The American Hiking Society is a strong supporter and advocate of National Trails Day.
I wish David has been off today or my sister would have gotten off work earlier as we could have found some new Trails to walk this evening. If you were in Dallas/ Fort Worth we could have walked together. Wouldn’t that have been fun?
References for National Trails Day dates its origin back to the 1980s and 1990s. At the time, trail advocates, outdoors industry leaders, and politicians worked to promote and bring awareness to the Nation’s wonderful and extensive trail system.

World Environment Day focuses attention on important environmental issues. According to the United Nations “World Environment Day is commemorated each year on June 5th. It is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action.”
The theme for World Environment Day 2021 is ‘Ecosystem Restoration’ and Pakistan will be the global host for the big day
Celebrate World Environment Day by:
- Learn more about the Environmental topic selected for this year.
- Participate in World Environment Day activities.
- Help to create awareness of the issues
- Contribute to organizations supporting Environmental issues.
World Environment Day was created by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972. This Holiday is observed June 5. On the anniversary of the opening of the UN Conference on the Human Environment.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates