Unique Holidays: June 3rd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: June 3rd, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie and I think it would be fun to build a Scarecrow today. Would you like to help us?

Build A Scarecrow Day – first Sunday in month

Build a Scarecrow Day and the Scarecrow will help to keep Birds out of our garden.

When we first started research on this holiday, we thought Build A Scarecrow Day should have been held in the Fall. Our logic was that Scarecrows are a big hit in decorating during the Fall, and are associated with Harvest. Then we realized the error in the logic.

Scarecrows are built to stand out in the garden to scare Crows or Birds away. The Crops are out growing in the field during the Summer months. I you’re going to build a Scarecrow for your garden, the time is now.

Sometimes the Scarecrow does his job quite effectively and the Birds think someone is in the garden, and the Birds stay away. Other times, Birds know better. How can you tell that a Bird is not scared by a Scarecrow? When you see a Bird resting upon a Scarecrow, you can be pretty certain that the Bird has not been fooled.

The History and Origin of Build a Scarecrow Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this holiday but we speculate it was a farmer or home gardener who was tired of seeing Birds eating all of their Blueberries. 

Compliment Your Mirror Day

Today  is Compliment Your Mirror Day. What do you plan on saying to your mirror?

Stand in front of your mirror with your eyes closed and put a big smile on your face then open your eyes. Isn’t the picture of the person in your mirror absolutely stunning!? The person in your mirror is beautiful.  

Do not let this holiday be overshadowed by the 4th of July. Make sure to compliment your mirror for displaying this beautiful person. 

The History and Origin of Compliment Your Mirror Day:

This holiday was created by Robert L. Birch of Pun Corps. July 3rd is by far the most common date referenced for this holiday and there is however, a scattering of references to July 4th and July 5th. We found no other factual documentation on this day.

Disobedience Day

We can only speculate that Disobedience Day is a day for Civil or Social disobedience as an act of protest. We’re going to be upfront and make it clear that we are neither encouraging nor endorsing disobedience and we also want to make it clear to our younger readers that disobeying parents, teachers, or other authorities is not a good thing ever.

We suggest you use this holiday to learn a little about Civil disobedience, and why disobedience is sometimes used.

The History and Origin of Disobedience Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this holiday and the creator of this holiday left no recordings to allow us to understand why he or she created this holiday.

We did discover a number of seemingly peaceful Civil or social Disobedience Days, on a variety of dates. They appeared to provide a non-violent way to protest an issue, law, or cause.

Eat Beans Day

Today is eat some Beans today and toot about it, because today is Eat Beans Day.

Did you know humans have been eating Beans since they first began to walk upright on the planet. Beans are grown all over the world. Lots of people find Beans to taste good which is a good thing, because Beans are very good for you.

Beans are healthy and nutritious. Vegetables in general are healthy for you but Beans are among the healthiest. Beans are a major source of protein and fiber and Beans contain many other minerals and vitamins, too. Beans have no fat, and are very low in cholesterol. Diabetics love the low carbs. About the only downside, is Beans can cause flatulence.

It’s easy to celebrate this holiday, eats Beans, and lots of them. Did you know there are over 40,000 varieties of Beans to choose from, and no shortage of recipes. That’s something to toot about!

To celebrate this holiday, prepare a pot of Beans or include Beans in a recipe. I think I will make Frito Bean Salad for dinner. Would you like to have some with me?

Did you ever consider growing Beans which are easy to grow.

Also see:

Bean Day

Bean Trivia

The History and Origin of Eat Beans Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this holiday. This holiday is right at the time when Beans of all kinds are ready to harvest. Perhaps, there is some linkage to gardening!?

 Stay out of the Sun Day

 Stay Out of the Sun Day encourages us to stay cool in the shade, and to give our skin a rest from damaging rays of the Sun.

The Sun is directly over head because we’re in the middle of Summer, when the temperatures are the hottest, and the Sun is the brightest. It’s not a bad day to take a break from catching all of those rays and stay out of the Sun.

Here’s a great fun and relaxing way to stay in the shade. String a hammock between two shady trees if your lucky enough to have a hammock or trees. Which I have neither of. How about you?

If you must go out in the Sun, don’t forget to slather on Sunscreen.

History and Origin of Stay Out of the Sun Day:

 Stay Out of the Sun Day is a copyrighted holiday which was created by Ruth and Tom Roy, of Lebanon, PA. and the holiday is provided courtesy of the great folks at Wellcat.com

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

 Stay out of the Sun Day