Good evening, how are you? Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: June 3rd, 2021. It’s hard to believe its just one more day until the 4th of July. Do you have plans because I haven’t made any because David is working this year. Yes, that stinks but thank the LORD he has a job…

Can you believe today is Compliment Your Mirror Day? My mirror is so nice. How’s your Mirror!? Although mine are tired and would like to be replaced soon. Hint Hint David….
Here is what you need to do today………
Stand in front of your mirror with your eyes closed and put a big smile on your face…. a big smile. Open your eyes. Isn’t the picture of the person in your mirror absolutely stunning!? That person in your mirror is beautiful (or handsome) and its you. Yes, you…
Do not let this special holiday be overshadowed by the 4th of July. Make sure to compliment your mirror for displaying this beautiful person.
The History and Origin of Compliment Your Mirror Day:
This Holiday was created by Robert L. Birch of Pun Corps and July 3rd is by far the most common date referenced for this day. There is however, a scattering of references to July 4 and July 5.

We can only speculate that Disobedience Day is a day for Civil or Social Disobedience as an act of protest. But we’re going to be upfront and make it clear that we are neither encouraging nor endorsing disobedience.
We also want to make it clear to our younger readers that disobeying parents, teachers, or other authorities is not a good thing………period. Don’t do it ever…
We suggest you use this day to learn a little about Civil Disobedience, and why it is sometimes used and yes, before you ask we will be studying this in Homeschool.
The History and Origin of Disobedience Day:
We didn’t find the creator, or the origin of this day and the creator of this day left no recordings to allow us to understand why he or she created this Holiday.
We did discover a number of seemingly peaceful cCivil or Social Disobedience Days, on a variety of dates. They appeared to provide a non-violent way to protest an issue, law, or cause.

Eat some beans today and toot about it, for today is Eat Beans Day. In our home I need to make Pinto Beans for David which he has been asking for and yes, he will TOOT. So, you might want to run for your lives. LOL
Humans have been eating Beans since they first began to walk upright on the planet. Beans are grown all over the world and most people find Beans to be very tasty. That’s a good thing, because Beans are very good for you.
Beans are healthy and nutritious and Vgetables in general are healthy for you. Beans are among the healthiest. These Legumes are a major source of protein and fiber and they contain many other minerals and vitamins, too. Beans have no fat, and are very low in cholesterol. Diabetics love the low Carbs. The only downside, is that Beans can cause flatulence.
It’s easy to celebrate this very special day, simply eats Beans, and lots of them. There are over 40,000 varieties of Beans to choose from, and no shortage of recipes. Now, that’s something to toot about!
To celebrate this special day, include a bean recipe in your meals today. Now, I have a question for you. Did you ever consider growing your own beans? Which are easy to grow and you can find out How to Grow Beans here.
Also see:
Today’s Saying:them, the more you #%$@ (Toot!?)”
The History and Origin of Eat Beans Day:
Our research didn’t find the creator, or the origin of this day. but special day is right at the time when beans of all kinds of Beans are ready to harvest. Perhaps, there is some linkage to gardening!?
International Cherry Pit Spitting Day – first Saturday of month

In 1974, Herb Teichman of Eau Claire, MI. Held a Cherry Pit spitting tournament as a joke, at a picnic. The event was a real hit, and has been held annually since that very first tournament in 1974.
Little did Teichman know at the time, that Cherry Pit Spitting would become an annual event, and spark the creation of International Cherry Pit Spitting Day .
The timing for this holiday on the first Saturday in July is perfect, because Cherries are ripe. As we hold Fourth of July and Summer picnics, fresh Cherries are available in abundance.
Are you looking to break the Cherry Pit Spitting record? Well, you’d better start practicing because the world record for Cherry Pit Spitting is 100′ 4″ !! Can you imagine that?
Celebrate the special day by holding or participating in a Cherry Pit Spitting contest.
About the date: Herb Teichman, the originator to the Cherry Pit Spitting contest, set the first Saturday in July for this annual event and there are some references to this day always being on July 7th which is (wrong) or erroneous. Itsnot a fixed date.
Join me in learning How to Grow Cherries
The History and Origin of International Cherry Pit Spitting Day:
We know almost everything there is to know about the roots of this holiday. We didn’t know who created the holiday itself. or the year. We suspect it was Herb Teichman, and the special day was coined a year or two after the first tournament in1974.
We also do not know why it referred to as an “International” day but, we encourage people around the world to hold a Cherry Pit Spitting tournament.

Stay Out of the Sun Day encourages us stay cool in the shade, and to give our skin a rest from the hot, damaging rays of the Sun. Please don’t tell David this because he works out in the Sun and he would want to stay home.
Also, don’t tell Charlie or Bradley because neither of them would want to go outside and play and there not staying inside on the Electronics. I forbid that.
Did you know the Sun is directly over head and we’re in the middle of Summer, when the temperatures are the hottest. The Sun is the brightest. It’s not a bad day to take a break from catching all of those rays and stay out of the Sun.
Here’s a great fun and relaxing way to stay in the shade string a hammock between two shady trees which sure sounds like a great way to go to me! Before you ask if I am going to do that not at the moment because we don’t have a Hammock but its time David purchases one for Charlie and me. Would you like one as well?
If you go out in the Sun, don’t forget to slather on the Sunscreen.
History and Origin of Stay Out of the Sun Day:
Stay Out of the Sun Day is a copyrighted Holiday created by Ruth and Tom Roy, of Lebanon, PA provided courtesy of the great folks at
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates