Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: June 28th, 2022. Would you take a look at the holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As for Charlie and I were going to study Paul Bunyan in our homeschool reading class and draw his Ox for art Class. Would you like to join us this afternoon?

I have a question for you. Isn’t Insurance Awareness Day one of your top holidays, right!? At this point, one must be asking. Why Insurance Awareness Day?
Insurance, be it home, auto or life insurance, offers us peace of mind that if something happens, we will be financially protected. Of course when it comes to life insurance, if something happens, you won’t be around to worry about the outcome but you will know your family is taken care of and that is all that matters isn’t it?
Insurance is a gamble if you purchase insurance, you’re gambling that something will go wrong. If you don’t purchase insurance, you’re gambling that something will not happen.
Were not sure what you should do to appreciate this holiday but we are certain what the insurance companies would like you to do today……..
The History and Origin of Insurance Awareness Day:
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this holiday but, you can be certain that insurance companies had a little something to do with the creation of this holiday.
International Body Piercing Day

Express yourself today, by getting a body piercing somewhere anywhere because today is a great day to do so, because it’s International Body Piercing Day.
Nowadays, body piercing are most often done as a form of self expression along with tattoos, body piercings set us apart, and to some degree define who we are.
Body piercing has been around since ancient times when body piercings were practiced in many Cultures around the world. Most notably, African and Native American tribes practiced body piercing, often for tribal rituals, among other reasons. Even in ancient times, body piercings were performed on almost any part of the human body.
Modern body piercing in the U.S. began to gain in popularity in the mid to late 1970s and it’s popularity and continues to grow around the world. Many people consider body piercing a form of art. Along with growth in popularity, body piercings are a marked increase in extreme piercings, with some individuals having dozens upon dozens of piercings.
Jim Ward of California is known as the “granddaddy of modern body piercing”. Jim Ward opened the first body piercing studio in California in 1978 and among Jim Wards many achievements, were establishing methods of piercing, promoting body piercing education, and setting safety standards.
Also see: Body Painting Day, another form of self-expression
The History and Origin of International Body Piercing Day:
Jim Ward, the “granddaddy of modern body piercing” was born on this day in 1941 and the date was selected to celebrate Jim Wards many contributions to the world of body piercing.
While we know this holiday was created to honor Jim Ward, and to promote body piercing, we do not know who created this holiday, or the year of origin.
National Columnists Day – fourth Tuesday in June

National Columnists Day was first established to recognize the importance and value of newspaper columnists. However, we also encourage you to give recognition and appreciation to columnists in all forms of media including blogging.
In today’s world of false news, it is easy to paint all columnist, and journalists for that matter, as creators of news, rather than reporters of the facts. Often, the truth and facts are distorted. It’s a sad commentary, as the majority of columnists are honest, hard working, individuals who strive to report the news with actual facts.
Please give thanks and appreciation to the many columnists who report to you the truth and what you need to know.
The History and Origin of National Columnists Day:
The National Society of Newspaper Columnists created National Columnists Day which was established on April 18th, in memory of the day columnist Ernie Pyle was killed in World War II.
We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

Paul Bunyan Day is a giant of a holiday. Paul Bunyan was a gigantic lumberjack of American Folklore. According to folklore, Paul Bunyan and his blue ox “Babe” lived and traveled around the Country. Paul Bunyan is best known for his logging feats.
Paul Bunyan is “credited” with many deeds.
- Paul Bunyan created logging in the U.S.
- Paul Bunyan scooped out the great Lakes to Water Babe, his Ox.
- Paul Bunyan cleared the entire states of North and South Dakota for farming.
- Paul Bunyan trained Ants to do logging work and they were, Carpenter Ants.
- Babe’s large footprints created Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes.
Celebrate Paul Bunyan Day in a giant way and learn more about Paul Bunyan and his tales. Share the tales with your family and they are best told by word of mouth around a Campfire.
Note: The correct spelling of his name is “Paul Bunyan” . Some references have him spelled as Paul Bunyan”.
The History and Origin of Paul Bunyan Day:
French Canadians were believed to have originated Paul Bunyan during the Papineau rebellion of 1837. While Paul Bunyan may have been created in Canada, Paul Bunyan quickly became a huge American legend. Many of the tales of Paul Bunyan originated in lumberjack industry and logging communities. Like all good folklore, Paul Bunyan was passed from generation to generation by word of mouth. Over campfires, Paul Bunyan legend grew, and tales were created. Written tales emerged in the early 1900’s.
We are not certain why Paul Bunyan Day is celebrated on June 28th. Do you know?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates