Unique Holidays: June 24th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: June 24th, 2022. If Suzzie was here she would have wanted to celebrate International Fairy Day and her favorite Fairy from Peter Pan Tinker Bell who I also like a lot. Although if I had my choice and could find a swimming pool open I would celebrate Swim A Lap Day. Would you like to join me?

International Fairy (or Faery) Day

Today I would like to invite you to enter the enchanted world of Fairies, because today is a holiday to celebrate these tiny, magical mystical beings. Fairies, or Faeries as they are called in some parts of the world, are fascinating to people not only young but not so young as well.

In some form or another, Fairies have captivated us for hundreds of years. Did you know Fairies first appeared in European Countries back in the Middle Ages and Fairies can also be found in Greek Mythology and Faries are not limited to children’s Fairy Fales.

There are all kinds of Fairies and perhaps the best known, is Fairy is the Tooth Fairy, who leaves money under a child’s pillow in exchange for a tooth. Fairies also have many Cousins, including: Dwarfs, Pixies, and a variety of others. Fairies have a wide variety of varying characteristics and traits. Did you know Fairies can be good or bad and Fairies are often mischievous and whimsical.  

Are you up for a Fairy Tale? Then, you should take out a book featuring Fairies in it, and let your imagination run wild as you read the book.

It’s easy to participate in International Fairy Day? Including the following:

  • Read a book with Fairies in the book and this is not limited to children’s books.
  • Read a book with Fairies in it to a child. 
  • Host a Fairy party and ask everyone to dress like a Fairy!
  • If you have the time and space start a Fairy Garden.

The History and Origin of International Fairy Day:

Jessica Galbreth, a Fairy artist from Waterville, Ohio, is the creator of this holiday which we are uncertain when International Fairy Day was started or why.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a true “National” holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamatin.

Tooth Fairy Day

National Food Truck Day –  fourth Friday in June

National Food Truck Day is always held on the 4th Friday in June

National Food Truck Day, has also been called National Eat at a Food Truck Day.. School is out, Summer has arrived. Thousands of Food Trucks around the Country have hit the road. Did you know Food Trucks are largely run by local, small business entrepreneurs. You can find Food Trucks on street corners, and at special events. When you eat at a Food Truck, you are supporting our local small businesses.

According to the creators of this holiday the goal of National Food Truck Day is to “celebrate and support small businesses across the Country. The people who operate Food Trucks, Carts, or Trailers, are all hard working small business owners that make our Cities that much more delicious and diverse. Which is why people wanted to create a National Holiday that celebrates the entire industry and raised awareness of Food Trucks”.

Did you know Food Trucks can be described as a traveling restaurants? The Food Trucks contain kitchens equipped with all of the refrigeration, cooking, serving, and cleaning equipment needed to serve you with the food they offer. Speaking of food, each Food Truck has their own diverse menu. Food Trucks offer a wide variety of foods, from gourmet to traditional Summertime favorites. Depending upon which Food Trucks are at the Rodeo, you can select from traditional Hamburgers, or Fried Chicken. Or, you can eat “International” selecting from among a multi-cultural assortment of foods from all over the world. Gather together several Food Trucks, and you have a food rodeo with a wide menu certain to please everyone.    

You will find Food Truck Rodeos everywhere and there’s hardly an event, that does not utilize the menu versatility a group of several Food Trucks have to offer. It is mutually beneficial to both the Food Truck industry and the entertainment or event venue. For Food Trucks, it means increased business success, with more faithful followers and increased profits. The popularity and diversity of Food Truck menus bring more people to the events. Some people actually follow their favorite Food Truck from one event to another, increasing attendance.

There are over 18,000 Food Trucks in the U.S. and that number is increasing every year.

The History and Origin of National Food Truck Day:

National Food Truck Holiday was created in 2016 and this holiday was created by the organization “Roaming Hunger” and it’s purpose is to encourage people to eat at Food Trucks, which are operated by local, small businesses. The date was chosen to align with the kick off of Summer.

Originally named “National Eat at a Food Truck Day” back in 2016, the name was changed to “National Food Truck Day”. In 2018, the Roaming Hunger organization contacted the original creator of National Food Truck Day Rick McNeely who agreed for the organization to take over the holiday. Rick McNeely allowed the date to be moved from October to the current date. Since then National Eat at a Food Truck Day changed to National Food Truck Day.

Roaming Hunger confirmed that this is not a true “National” holiday and there is no congressional order or presidential proclamation.

Take Your Dog to Work Day Friday after Father’s Day

Today is Take Your Dog to Work Day. and, we’ve just gotta ask “Why!?”

They say every dog has it’s day and today that day has arrived. Today, your dog gets to join you at work today off course, that depends of if your boss will allow your dog to join you at work.

Once the dog arrives at work, your dog can tag along, following you on all of your work chores. Your dog will be at your side all day long and your dog will frown at those dog eared papers on your desk. The dog will end the day happy, but dog-tired.

Now, that’ we’ve had our chuckle, it’s time to recognize that this is a serious holiday for “Man’s Best Friend” which is sponsored by Pet Sitters International. The objective of Take Your Dog To Work is to recognize the importance of dogs in our lives as both companions and protectors. The organization Pet Sitters International also encourages you to help homeless dogs and one way to do that is to adopt a dog today!

Once your dog has arrived at your work what do you do with him? Will there be organized activities and a luncheon in his honor!?

Sorry, but equal rights has yet to arrive in the pet world and we have not found a “Take Your Cat to Work Day”.

The History and Origin of Take Your Dog to Work Day:

This holiday for you and your dog was created in 1999 by Pet Sitters International.

Take Your Dog to Work Day was created to recognize dogs as great companions, and to encourage adoptions of dogs.

Swim a Lap Day

Swim a Lap Day is good for your health and not only that it’s a fun day, too! All ‘ya gotta do today, is take a dip in the swimming pool.

Summer has arrived and it’s time to enjoy all Summer has to offer, including plenty of time in and around the pool. What better way to enjoy the early days of Summer, than by taking a lap or two around the pool. In addition to the fun, it’s great exercise to help keep you fit.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates