Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: June 21st, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the holidays below being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie and I will be studying and celebrating Rain Forests in his Homeschool Class this morning. Would you like to join us?

National Chocolate Eclair Day is perfectly sweet way to start not only our mornings but our day. Eclairs are a light, crisp Pastry filled with a Vanilla Pastry Cream and Eclairs are most often eaten as a dessert but Eclairs can be eaten at every meal, including snacks.
We hope that you are not on a diet, because participating in this holiday, means consumption of high calorie, high carb, high sugar Eclairs.
Eclairs originated in France.
The History and Origin of National Chocolate Eclair Day:
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this holiday and we did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.
Today is the perfect day to visit your favorite Hamburger joint and order a Hamburger with all of your favorite toppings Then, the waitress asks if you want anything with the Hamburger and you say I’m tired of the same-o-same-o French Fries. When a smile creeps across your face as you say Onion Rings.
Did you know after French Fries, Onion Rings are the second most popular choice to pair with a Hamburger. Aren’t you lucky that someone a long time ago, created the first Onion Ring recipe. Now here is a question for you. Who created the Onion Ring recipe?
It is well documented that the first Onion Ring recipe was in the cookbook The Art of Cookery Made Easy & Refined which was published in 1802. In the 1900s, several other individuals, companies and restaurants have made claim to be the first. Those supporting their case suggest the 1802 recipe wasn’t truly Onion Rings. But, that 1802 recipe called for Onions sliced into rings, and to be fried. Undoubtedly, those who came up with recipes in the 1900s, contributed to the evolution of Onion Rings and contributed new recipes. But, the 1802 recipe was the first.
It’s so easy to participate in this holiday just eat Onion Rings. You will get extra brownie points, if you prepare Onion Rings from scratch.
The History and Origin of National Onion Ring Day:
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this holiday but National Onion Ring Day appears to have begun around 2016-2018.
We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.
World Rainforest Day is a recently new special holiday which was created in 2017 to raise awareness of the importance of Rainforests around the world for the health of the Earth, and for our health, too. Rainforests are decreasing at an alarming rate and it is time to pay attention to this vital asset, and reverse the trend of shrinking Rain Forest areas.
Rainforests do many good things for the Earth. Did you know 20% of the oxygen we breath, comes from Rain Forests. Rain Forests offer many other benefits, including absorption of harmful carbon dioxide, and stabilizing climates. About half the plant and Animal species on the planet call Rainforests their home. The diversity, and potential of Rain Forests, is nothing short of astonishing.
Rainforests exist all over the world and we all know the biggest, the Amazon is located in South America. Most of us know of the tropical Rainforests in Southeast Asia, too. However, there are many Rainforests around the world, some of these Rain Forests are in places you would never think of. There are Rainforests in the United States, including Hawaii, the Appalachians, and even Alaska. There is a Rainforest on Vancouver Island in Canada, too.
While we think of Rainforests in tropical areas, not all Rainforests are in the tropics.
The History and Origin of World Rainforest Day:
This is a more recent special holiday which was created in 2017 by the “Rainforest Partnership”. The Rainforest Partnership is an international, non-profit organization based in Austin, Texas and they are dedicated to protecting and regenerating tropical Rainforests around the world.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates