Unique Holidays: June 2022 Turkey Lovers Month

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share our series featuring Unique Holidays: June 2022 Turkey Lovers Month. I don’t know about you but a Turkey Sandwich sounds pretty good today. Or if I knew how to make the Bread Stuffing my dad would make for the Holidays Turkey and Dressing with all the fixings would make a awesome Sunday dinner.

Turkey Lovers Month

In June, celebrate Turkey Lovers Month with one of the most popularly consumed meats in America. Turkey is more than just a holiday dish! Cooking options range from seared, roasted, and braised to smoked, grilled, and baked. Turkey offers a wide variety of choices for how to prepare your favorite dish. Enjoy the start of Summer with a delectable Turkey dish fit for any occasion.


  1. Invite friends to a Potluck and ask them to bring their favorite Turkey recipe.
  2. There is countless methods available to cook Turkey, explore new possibilities online and experiment with Seasoning, Sauces, and preparations.
  3. Did you know a Turkey can be stored in the freezer unopened and uninterrupted for up to three years and still be safe to cook. For the best quality, it’s recommended that you use the frozen Turkey within seven months of storage.


  1. ​Ben Franklin, in a letter to his daughter, proposed the Turkey as the official United States Bird.
  2. ​Did you know the heaviest Turkey ever raised weighed 86 pounds, about the size of a large dog.
  3. Wild Turkeys can fly for short distances up to 55 miles per hour.
  4. ​​The numbers: 45 million Turkeys are consumed each Thanksgiving; 22 million Turkeys during Christmas; and 19 million for Easter.


  1. Turkey Meat’s texture absorbs flavors well in cooking, which allows for lots of options. Including roasted, brined, smoked, and grilled.
  2. Turkey is lower in Cholesterol than most other meats, especially red meats. Turkey has a much better proportion of unsaturated fats to saturated fats than Chicken. Per portion, Turkey meat contains more protein per gram than Beef, Pork, and Chicken.
  3. Turkey is high in Tryptophan, an amino acid that helps regulate sleep, and control your sleep-wake cycle. Tryptophan helps to improve sleep quality, reduce awakenings, and increase REM sleep.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates