Welcome to June before we move any further into the month I wanted to share what Unique Holidays: June 2022 happen this morning. Did you know I use these Holidays when teaching Charlie in homeschool. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays and let me know which of these Holiday you would like to celebrate the most and why.

Unique Holidays:
- Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
- Aquarium Month
- Candy Month
- Dairy Month
- Effective Communications Month
- Fight the Filthy Fly Month
- Gay and Lesbian Pride Month
- Great Outdoors Month
- National Accordion Awareness Month
- National Adopt a Cat Month
- National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
- National Iced Tea Month
- Rose Month
- Turkey Lovers Month
Weekly Events:
- Fishing Week, Week 1
- Email Week, Week 2
- Lightning Safety Week – Last full week of Month
- National Flag Week – the Week of Flag Day on June 14
- National Gardening Week – First full week of month
June, 2022 Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:
June 1
June 2
June 3
Chinese Dragon Boat Festival – date varies
National Doughnut Day always the first Friday in June
Repeat Day (I said “Repeat Day”)
June 4
National Trails Day First Saturday in June
June 5
National Frozen Yogurt Day – first Sunday in June
June 6
National Gardening Exercise Day– Get out and exercise with your plants.
June 7
National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
June 8
June 9
National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day
June 10
National Flip Flop Day – second Friday in June
June 11
June 12
National Peanut Butter Cookie Day
June 13
June 14
June 15
National Nature Photography Day
June 16
Nursing Assistants Day – date varies
June 17
Take a Road Trip Day – third Friday in June
June 18
National Hollerin’ Contest Day – third Saturday in June
National Splurge Day – Oh yeah!!
World Juggler’s Day – Saturday closest to June 17th
June 19
Father’s Day – third Sunday
National Turkey Lovers Day – third Sunday in June
June 20
June 21
Finally Summer Day / Summer Solstice – date varies
June 23
June 24
International Fairy (or Faery) Day
National Food Truck Day – fourth Friday in June
Take Your Dog to Work Day Friday after Father’s Day
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
Insurance Awareness Day – Now who do you think invented that!?!
International Body Piercing Day
National Columnists Day – fourth Tuesday in June
June 29
June 30
National Handshake Day – last Thursday in June
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates