Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: June 19th, 2021. Take a look at this mornings Holidays and let me know which one you most would like to celebrate and why.

Juneteenth day celebrates and symbolizes the end of Slavery in the United States. President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862.
It wasn’t until June 19, 1865 that all Slaves were finally freed. That concluding event was when General Gordon Granger rode into Galveston, Texas with his troops and issued Order Number 3 which finally freed the last of the Slaves.
The formal end of Slavery was marked by the passing of the 13th Amendment of the Constitution.
National Hollerin’ Contest Day – third Saturday in June

National Hollerin’ Contest Day is the perfect opportunity to yell and scream at the top of your lungs. What’s stopping you get to yelling now..
Spivey’s Corner, North Carolina has a population of about 50 people. But, on National Hollerin’ Contest Day , an estimated 5,000-10,000 people come to enjoy the annual National Hollerin’ Contest. Can you imagine the honor of winning this contest!? Its definitely something to yell about.
Did you know? There are different types of “hollers” and you can find More information here.
Rev up the decibels on your vocal chords, and spend today hollerin’. If you have children who enjoy hollerin then you might want to invest in Ear Plugs because they might not stop Hollerin.
The Origin of Hollerin Contest Day:
People have been hollerin’ about this day every year since its beginning in 1969.

International Kissing Day: July 6
National Kissing Day: June 19
Ahhh, it’s Kissing Day and the objective of this very special day, is to appreciate and enjoy a kiss. Go ahead and swap spit today. Pucker up and give out a big, juicy kiss to anyone and everyone.
Did you know kissing originated thousands, and perhaps millions of years ago. Kissing is believed to have originated from mouth to mouth feeding of parents to a child. It certainly has evolved over the Centuries. But, why is that? The answer is simply because Kissing makes us feel good.
There’s all sorts of kisses, for all sorts of reasons. There’s the peck on the cheek, the full on the mouth kiss, and the French Kiss, the favorite among lovers.
People are not the only creatures to kiss. Apes, Cats, Dogs, and Dolphins, are among Animals that share a kiss or two.
Did You Know? Okay, you may not want to know this juicy tidbit. Kissing can transmit 80 million microbes of bacteria. Eww yuck is that going to stop you from Kissing? It will not stop me but Charlie said it would him. LOL
The World Record Longest Kiss: Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranarathold from Thailand hold this envious record at 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds. How would you like to beat that!? I don’t think we could do you?
The Origin of International and National Day:
International Kissing Day, on July 6, clearly appears to have originated in the United Kingdom. National Kissing Day, on June 19, has its roots in the United States and several other countries.
World Juggler’s Day – Saturday closest to June 17th

International Juggler’s Day – always April 18
World Juggler’s Day – Saturday Closest to June 17
International Jugglers Day and World Juggler’s Day celebrates the skill of juggling, and those talented people who can juggle many balls and objects at a time.
Common objects used in Juggling include: balls, clubs, swords, plates, rings, and flaming sticks. The best jugglers can juggle up to ten balls at a time. I don’t think I would ever be able to do that. Do you think you could?
Juggling is a skill and form of entertainment that has been around for thousands and thousands of years. Some of the earliest recorded history supplies proof that juggling was around during the early days of civilized Man.
Juggling is primarily entertainment and it is most well documented in Medieval times in Europe. Juggling remains popular today. and Juggling can be most frequently seen when the Circus comes to town.
Some might suggest that office workers are jugglers, as they multi- task and keep several “balls” (projects) going at the same time.
Celebrate Juggling Day by watching a juggler at work. Better still, get several balls and give juggling a try. ‘Ya never know, you just might be a talented juggler! Just practice outside so you don’t break anything.
History and Origin of “Jugglers Day”:
According to Juggler James Reid: “World Juggling Day was originally established in the mid 1980’s as “National Juggling Day” by the International Jugglers’ Association (IJA).”
Do to the lack of documentation, we are uncertain why there is both an International Juggler’s Day and a World Juggler’s Day.

World Sauntering Day is a day to saunter here and there, wherever you go.
You can spend your life walking through life, jogging through life, or being dragged through life. But, life is far more enjoyable, if you saunter through Life. Its doubly true if you saunter with a friend or loved one including a dog.
Sauntering is not a walk, jog, trot, or run. Sauntering is a form of strolling. Sauntering is a very casual, yet stylish, form of movement from point A to Point B.
The dictionary defines sauntering as walking along slowly, happily and aimlessly. Now, doesn’t this sound like a grand way to get around? For me and Charlie it does.
On World Sauntering Day, practice your sauntering technique. Saunter everywhere you go.
The History and Origin of World Sauntering Day:
This day was created in the 1970’s by W. T. Rabe at Mackinac Island, Michigan while he was the Public Relations Director for a hotel on the island. Rabe was well known for his publicity stunts. Rabe describe it as “the lost art of Victorian sauntering.”
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates