Unique Holidays: June 18th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Father’s Day – third Sunday

A day to honor Dad. NO. Rather, it is a day to enjoy time with Dad and appreciate all he does for you. What Dad really wants is healthy, happy and successful kids. And, he wants you to spend a few moments with him on Father’s Day. Today’s life style is busy for both dads and kids. So, a little time with dad on Father’s Day is just what he wants.

A Father is more than the biological paternal source of our being. It is the person who cares and provides for us. It is the man who helps to set the standards, the family values and the example. So, add to this group, step fathers and other men who willingly and eagerly accept and cherish the role. Whether biological, adopted or informally, if they are the father figure to you, give him some recognition today and don’t hesitate to call him “Dad”.

Did you know? The first Father’s Day celebration was in Spokane, WA. on May 18, 1910.

Remember all those famous quotes and sayings dad had when you were growing up? See Dadism’s


Juneteenth day celebrates and symbolizes the end of slavery in the United States. President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862. It was not until June 19, 1865 that all slaves were finally freed. That concluding event was when General Gordon Granger rode into Galveston, Texas with his troops and issued Order Number 3 which finally freed the last of the slaves.

The formal end of slavery was marked by the passing of the 13th amendment of the constitution.

National Kissing Day

International Kissing Day: July 6

National Kissing Day: June 19

Ahhh, it’s Kissing Day. The objective of this very special day, is to appreciate  and enjoy a kiss. So, go ahead and swap some spit today. Pucker up and give out a big, juicy kiss to anyone and everyone.

Kissing originated thousands, and perhaps millions of years ago. It is believed to have originated from mouth to mouth feeding of parents to a child. My, it certainly has evolved over the centuries. But, why is that? The answer is simply because it makes us feel good.

There’s all sorts of kisses, for all sorts of reasons. There’s the peck on the cheek, the full on the mouth kiss, and the French Kiss, the favorite among lovers.

People are not the only creatures to kiss. Apes, cats, dogs, and dolphins, are among the animals that share a kiss or two.

Did You Know? Okay, you may not want to know this juicy tidbit. Kissing can transmit 80 million microbes of bacteria.

The World Record Longest Kiss: Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranarathold from Thailand hold this envious record at 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds. How would you like to beat that!?

The History and Origin of International and National  Day:

International Kissing Day, on July 6, clearly appears to have originated in the United Kingdom.

National Kissing Day, on June 19, has its roots in the United States and several other countries.

National Turkey Lovers Day – third Sunday in June

National Turkey Lovers Day is a special day that just had to be created. When you think about eating delicious turkey, you usually think about Thanksgiving. To millions of Americans, turkey is their favorite meal. Why then, don’t we have it more often on any of he other 364 days of the year? Perhaps, the answer is simple. Perhaps, we just don’t think about it. Then, along come National Turkey Lovers Day, to remind us to have it in the middle of June. 

How do you celebrate National Turkey Lovers Day?

This answer to this question is quite simple. Eat turkey today. The true participant will eat turkey for both lunch and dinner. A turkey sandwich, hot or cold, along with some turkey soup is the perfect lunch time fare today. For dinner you have many more options. Chances are the weather will be hot, so you won’t want to heat up the kitchen roasting a traditional turkey dinner. We suggest you cook it outdoors: grill it, smoke it, fry it, or try a trash can turkey. Either way, it will be delicious.  There are a huge variety of rubs, oils and sauces you can put on it.

Once you enjoy National Turkey Lovers Day, we hope you have turkey on a regular basis all year round!

The History and Origin of National Turkey Lovers Day:

This special holiday is rather new. It was created in 2016 by the National Turkey Federation.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a true “National” day. We found no congressional records or presidential proclamation for this special day.

Definition of “National” Days

On the Fun Side:

Turkey Trivia

Turkey Fortune Cookie

World Sauntering Day

World Sauntering Day is a day to saunter here and there, wherever you go.

You can spend your life walking through life, jogging through life, or being dragged through life. But, life is far more enjoyable, if you saunter through it. Its doubly true if you saunter with a friend or loved one.

Sauntering is  not a walk, jog, trot, or run. Sauntering is a form of strolling. Sauntering is a very casual, yet stylish, form of movement from point A to Point B. The dictionary defines sauntering as walking along slowly, happily and aimlessly. Now, doesn’t this sound like a grand way to get around?

On World Sauntering Day, practice your sauntering technique. Saunter everywhere you go.

Today’s Chuckle: “People say, ‘But Betty, Facebook is a great way to connect with old friends.’ Well, at my age, if I want to connect with old friends I need a Ouija board.” – – Betty White

The History and Origin of World Sauntering Day:

This day was created in the 1970’s by W. T. Rabe at Mackinac Island, Michigan while he was the Public Relations Director for a hotel on the island. Rabe was well known for his publicity stunts. Rabe describe it as “the lost art of Victorian sauntering.”

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates