Good morning. did you remember tomorrow is Father’s Day? Not only that as I was putting together my post to share Unique Holidays: June 18th, 2022 is also Go Fishing Day. I wish David would have been off this weekend as he has been wanting to go Fishing which would have been the prefer way to spend Father’s Day but with him working I may just need to get David a Fish Cake to celebrate Father’s Day with. Would you like to join us for a slice of Cake?

Go Fishing Day
Today is Go Fishing Day and for a lot of people its there kind of day! As for me I will pass on Fishing even though it’s a day to go out and bring home a healthy, meal for the family.
I don’t know who said Fishing is a fun and relaxing sport because that isn’t true Fishing is hard work. There is the pressure to bring home a “mess of fish” to feed the family is almost unbearable. As the “Hunter-gatherer” of the family, you need to bring home the meal, or the family might starve. Wives don’t appreciate the difficult task of Fishing for long hours under all sorts of Weather conditions. The wife thinks we’re just out having fun and that isn’t true.
Celebrate today, on the shore or in a boat, with a fishing pole in one hand, and your favorite beverage in the other. Don’t go home until you have caught your limit of Fish! Don’t forget to bring plenty of Sunscreen and your favorite snack and a beverage as you may be on the lake for a week or two.
International Panic Day
Today is International Panic Day, a day for everyone to be worried and concerned. We’re not sure what is so big, and so widespread, to create an international incident of this magnitude. But, here it is on the calendar an international day of panic.
Don’t hit the panic button just yet. This is not the only day to be panicked during the month of March there is also a Panic Day.
International Picnic Day
Today is a perfect day to go outdoors and have a picnic which can be in a park, or right in your back yard.
Picnics date back to Medieval times, when outdoors Feasts were held to celebrate a successful hunt. Picnics really grew in popularity during the Victorian Era in England.
Picnics are held outdoors from Spring through Fall and Picnics are enjoyed by everyone. Young lovers with a blanket and picnic basket in hand, are a frequent site in parks. Families and groups get together to enjoy picnics to celebrate just about any event, including Memorial Day, and Family Reunions. Any reason is a good excuse to have a picnic.
Picnic fare commonly includes a meal, snacks and outdoor games. Common picnic foods include Hamburgers, Potato Salad and Baked Beans. Any foods are fair game for your picnic. We suggest you try a different dish at each picnic including desserts and snacks.
How to Celebrate International Picnic Day:
It’s easy if you only have an hour or so, fill up a picnic basket, grab a blanket, and go to a nearby park for lunch. Make sure to take someone along. If you’ve got all day, hold a full blown picnic, with food, fun and games.
The History and Origin of International Panic Day:
We found no reference to the originator of this holiday. While picnics are enjoyed around the world, there is no international organization or group promoting International Picnic Day, to suggest it is truly an “International” event.
International Picnic Day appears to have been celebrated for decades, but we did not find any reference to when International Picnic Day began.
International Sushi Day
Something’s Fishy and that’s because today is International Sushi Day.
Sushi was created in Japan and it is a well known type of Japanese Cuisine, but Sushi is often misunderstood. Most of us think of Sushi as a finger food containing raw Fish. Sushi is certainly is a finger food. Did you know Sushi does not have to include Fish.
This relatively new Holiday is titled an “International” day but we found very little reference to this holiday outside of the U.S.
There is only one requirement for this holiday simply eat Sushi.
The History and Origin of International Sushi Day:
International Sushi Day is a relatively new holiday which was first proclaimed on Facebook, on June 18th, 2009. Thanks to the wonders of Social Media, the holiday quickly took off at least among Sushi lovers.
The creator of this holiday is unknown.
National Hollerin’ Contest Day – third Saturday in June
National Hollerin’ Contest Day is the perfect opportunity to yell and scream at the top of your lungs. Which I don’t know about you and your familybut hollerin seems to happen in my home at least once a day and sometimes much much more.
In Spivey’s Corner, North Carolina has a population of about 50 people. But, on National Hollerin’ Contest Day , an estimated 5,000-10,000 people come to enjoy the annual National Hollerin’ Contest. Can you imagine the honor of winning this contest!?This would be something to yell about.
You should check out the different kind of “hollers” here. More information
Rev up the decibels on your vocal chords, and spend today hollerin’.
The Origin of Hollerin Contest Day:
People have been hollerin’ about this holiday every year since its beginning in 1969.
We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation. However, there does appear to be national recognition of this holiday.
National Splurge Day – Oh yeah!!
Today is not a day for penny pinchers, anyone on a diet, thrifty people or Ebenezer Scrooge because it’s National Splurge Day. Open the purse strings, eat to excess and have fun.
There are certain dates on the calendar that you look forward to with great excitement. You mark the date and wait in eager anticipation. For a lot of people National Splurge Day is one of those holidays.
National Splurge Day is a day to treat yourself to anything you want. Do it in style, let there be no limits today. Isn’t that a great thing? Go out and buy that boat you’ve always dreamed of. Or go to the spa and get the deluxe treatment. If you’re on a diet, and that special dessert has too many calories today is the day to splurge and try it.. The options are endless. Toss out your reservations about spending over your budget, and splurge today.
Celebrate this holiday to the fullest degree. Treat yourself to whatever you want and to excess . For, this is indeed a holiday to splurge and you should do so without worry or concern. Until tomorrow. To keep in the spirit of the holiday, you may not want to balance your checkbook or step on a scale until tomorrow.
The History and Origin of National Splurge Day:
This holiday was created by Eventologist Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith.
We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation. Do you think splurging in congress would spend time and energy to make this into a national holiday?
World Juggler’s Day – Saturday closest to June 17th
International Juggler’s Day – always April 18th.
World Juggler’s Day – Saturday Closest to June 17th.
International Jugglers Day and World Juggler’s Day celebrates the skill of juggling, and the talented people who can juggle many balls or objects at a time. Common objects include: balls, plates, and flaming sticks. The best jugglers can juggle up to ten balls at a time.
Juggling is a skill and form of entertainment that has been around for thousands and thousands of years. Some of the earliest recorded history supplies proof that juggling was around during the early days of civilized man. Juggling is primarily entertainment and juggling is most well documented in Medieval times in Europe. Juggling remains popular today and juggling can be most frequently seen when the Circus comes to town.
Some might suggest that office workers are jugglers, as they multi- task and keep several “balls” going at the same time.
Celebrate Juggling Day by watching a juggler at work. Or get several balls and give juggling a try. ‘Y=ou just might be a talented juggler!
History and Origin of “Jugglers Day”:
According to Juggler James Reid: “World Juggling Day was originally established in the mid 1980’s as “National Juggling Day” by the International Jugglers’ Association (IJA).”
Do to the lack of documentation, were uncertain why there is both an International Juggler’s Day and a World Juggler’s Day.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates