Unique Holidays: June 18th, 2021

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: June 18th, 2021, Fathers Day is Sunday and David loves Fishing. I wish he had been off today because with it being Go Fishing Day and National Picnic Day we could have taken a Day Trip and found a quite Beach.

David and Charlie would have been able to Fish while I rested and read a book or walked in the water. Then we could have had a picnic lunch of our favorite dishes created by all of us.

Go Fishing Day

13News Now on Twitter: "Today is National Go Fishing Day! If you like to  fish, enjoy the day! #GoFishingDay http://t.co/OZ7l4XCCh4"

Today is Go Fishing Day. For David and my daughter Leslie and my mother in law this is there kind of day! A day to go out and bring home a healthy, tasty, meal for the family.

Who said Fishing is a fun and relaxing sport? Not, me Fishing is hard work. The pressure to bring home a “mess of fish” to feed the family is unbearable.

After all, as the “Hunter-gatherer” of the family, you need to bring home the meal, or the family might starve. Some people don’t appreciate the difficult task of fishing for long hours under all sorts of weather conditions. People think your just out having fun….yeah, right.

Celebrate today, on the shore or in a boat, with a fishing pole in one hand, and your favorite beverage in the other. Don’t go home until you have caught your limit of fish!

International Panic Day

14+ International Panic Day Graphics Ideas

Overworked? Underpaid? Stressed that the cat has moved in with a neighbor? International Panic Day is just what’s needed to try to return to a semblance of normality. 

Not to be confused with International Picnic Day – which albeit confusingly is celebrated on the same day – this is the one day of the year when it is (almost) considered okay to go postal on whatever it is that causes the most stress in life. Let it go…

History of International Panic Day 

Begun as sort of a ‘mock’ holiday, this was put together with the intention of offering a day to shake off the natural state of panic in our lives. It is a day to sit back, relax and try to let stress and panic melt away. 

It might be a ‘fun’ little way to address it, because panic is a serious topic. In fact, panic disorder is a mental health issue that may affect up to 2% of the population in certain countries.

Women are more likely to succumb to panic than men, and the condition is very treatable, particularly when the person affected is armed with self-care tactics while sticking to a healthful diet. 

International Panic Day has been taken on by many Countries throughout the world to raise awareness of struggles with mental illness. International Panic Day is meant to encourage people to slow down, relax and get the help they might need if they are, indeed, struggling with panic. The best measures, however, are preventative! 

Celebrate International Panic Day by taking time to focus on reducing stress and taking time off

How to Celebrate International Panic Day

International Panic Day can be celebrated by enjoying time alone (if that’s life-giving), calling a friend, or engaging in some of these activities can help to reduce the panic and stress in life: 

Practice Breathing and Mindfulness Techniques

Whether simply incorporating a few slow breathing exercises for a few minutes or engaging in an hour of full-blown mediation, these types of activities can have a huge impact on mental as well as physical health. 

Taking time to be centered in the moment can help slow down racing that cause panic. Breathing deeply can help get the heart rate more regular and minimize the body’s response to stress. If it seems helpful, try taking a class at a community center or yoga studio that will provide techniques and tools for relaxation and stress reduction. 

Take Time to Relax and Enjoy Life 

A good idea would be to celebrate the day by taking a step back from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Start by taking a deep breath and trying to relax the mind and body. 

Taking the day off work is a great idea! Make your favorite dish and refuse to share, retreat to a favorite coffee shop. Or spend the day with a long past due library book. Charlie says we should lounge in a bath overflowing with bubbles. I would like to spend quality time with a close friend.

David says lets head out to a local nature spot and enjoy a picnic? Now which allows the celebration of both picnics and Panic Day all at once! 

Get Help from a Professional

Those who struggling with panic as a stress response would be wise to seek help before it gets worse. If calling a counselor seems like too big of a first step, check in with a trusted friend or family member to see if they’ll help call a counselor or doctor.

It is important to remember there is no shame attached to mental health issues, and getting help from a professional is the bravest thing a person can do on the road toward recovery!

International Sushi Day

International Sushi Day - Home | Facebook

Something’s fishy and that’s because today is International Sushi Day.

Sushi was created in Japan and Sushi is a well known type of Japanese Cuisine, often misunderstood. Most of us think of Sushi as a finger food containing raw Fish and yes, it certainly is a finger food. But, Sushi does not have to include Fish. Which I didn’t know that did you?

This relatively special day is titled an “International” day. We found very little reference to the Holiday outside of the U.S. There is only one requirement for this day. Simply eat Sushi.

The History and Origin of International Sushi Day:

International Sushi Day is a relatively new event and it was first proclaimed on Facebook, on June 18, 2009. Thanks to Social Media, the Holiday quickly took off. At least it became popular among Sushi lovers. The creator of this special day is unknown.

National Splurge Day – Oh yeah!!

National Splurge Day GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Today is not a day for penny pinchers, anyone on a diet, thrifty people or Ebenezer Scrooge because it’s National Splurge Day, oh Yeah! Let’s open the purse strings, eat to excess and have fun.

There are certain dates on the calendar that you look forward to with great excitement and you mark the date and wait in eager anticipation. National Splurge Day is one of those very special days.

National Splurge Day is a day to treat yourself to anything you want. Do it in style, let there be no limits today. Isn’t that a great thing? Go out and buy that boat you’ve always dreamed of, go to the spa and get the deluxe treatment, or buy that new outfit you’ve wanted.

Maybe, you’re on a diet, and that special dessert has too many calories. Or you want to buy a Steak, abut your budget is a tight. Have a extra Scoop of your favorite Ice Cream.

Splurge a little and go out to a fancy restaurant for dinner and don’t forget to take the men in your lives because Fathers Day is the 20th. Options are endless. Toss out your reservations about spending over your budget, and go for it today.

Celebrate this day to the fullest degree and treat yourself to whatever you want. This is indeed a day to splurge and do so without worry or concern…until tomorrow. To keep in the spirit of the day, you may not want to balance your checkbook or step on a scale until tomorrow.

The History and Origin of National Splurge Day:

This day was created by Eventologist Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith.

Take a Road Trip Day – third Friday in June

Wesley Trevento Apartment Homes - Take a Road Trip Day is here. No better  excuse to take a drive and get out of the house for the day! | Facebook

Summer is here and the weather is Sunny and warm. Kids are out of school. The Summer vacation season has arrived and its time for a road trip. Gather the family, hop in the car and go!!

The road awaits you and today is the perfect day to declare yourself a day off and just get away. This special event is on a Friday, so you can call in to work to use a vacation day and make a long weekend of it.

While you can plan this day in advance, today will be the most fun by making it an unplanned trip. Be adventuresome and go with the flow. Some of the best vacation memories come from a spur of the moment trip, with no prior planning or thought.

Here’s how to best enjoy Take a Road Trip Day: Your road trip is about the journey and not the destination. Sure, you can point to a destination, but don’t get hung up about reaching it.

Take a spinner from a kid’s game board, and spin it. Point your car in the direction the spinner indicates, and just drive. Make sure to stop along the way at points of interest, Arts and Craft shops, Wineries and Breweries, or any place that attracts your attention. Keep off the Superhighways and you will find the ride is much more fun, with plenty things to do.

Remember you don’t have to be gone for days you can take a simple day trip, or y pack an overnight bag and extend the road trip.. just pick your favorite choice and go. If you opt for the overnighter, remember this is an unplanned trip, so pack your bag at the last minute.

For those of you who can’t hit the open road without a planned route and destination, it’s okay. Just keep in the spirit of an unplanned rise as best you can.

History and Origin of Take a Road Trip Day

This special day was created in 2019 by Bob Matthews of Rochester, NY and owner of Holiday Insights. Matthews conceived the idea of this day while researching Read a Road Map Day. He realized that something was blatantly remiss. He felt after reading a road map, it was only natural to actually take a road trip.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates