Unique Holidays: June 16th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? I wanted to bring you our series featuring Unique Holidays: June 16th, 2022. I am a day late in share this holiday with you but it’s never to late to eat our Vegetables is it? If you can take a Road Trip today and find a Small Town Diner for lunch and order a Vegetable Plate.

Eat Your Vegetables Day

Eat Your Vegetables Day was created in the middle of National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, this holiday is the perfect opportunity to re-introduce a healthy portion of Vegetables into your diet. No doubt about it, Eat Your Vegetables Day was created to promote a more healthy diet not only for today but for life!

On this holiday, we are encouraged to eat Vegetables for every meal, even when snacking. Try to be a Vegetarian, for the holiday. Short of that, any additional Vegetables at meal time today will honor the holiday, as well as make you a little healthier.

We encourage parents to let the kids help with dinner, preparing Salad and Vegetables. Along the way, you tell your kids a little about the importance of Vegetables which can lead to a long and healthy life.

History and Origin of Eat Your Vegetables Day:

We discovered no substantial information about the origin of this holiday and we can only speculate that a medical or health organization or group created this holiday to promote a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Take a Road Trip Day – third Friday in June

Summer is here and the Weather is Sunny and warm our kids are out of school. Summer vacation season has arrived. It’s time for a road trip gather the family, hop in the car and go!!

The road awaits you and today is the perfect holiday to declare yourself a day off and just get away. This holiday is on a Friday, so you can call in to work and use a vacation day and make a long weekend of it. While you can plan this holiday in advance, today will be the most fun by making this trip an unplanned trip. Be adventuresome and go with the flow. Some of the best vacation memories come from a spur of the moment trip, with no prior planning..

Here’s how to best enjoy Take a Road Trip Day which is about the journey and not the destination. You can point to a destination, but don’t get hung up about reaching it. Take a spinner from a kid’s game board, and spin it then point your car in the direction the spinner indicates, and drive. Make sure to stop along the way at points of interest, and any place that attracts your attention. Keep off the Superhighways and you will find the ride is much more fun.

You can take a simple day trip, or you can pack an overnight bag and extend the road trip into the weekend which is my favorite choice. If you opt for the overnighter, remember this is an unplanned trip, so pack your bag at the last minute.

For those of you who can’t hit the open road without a planned route and destination, it’s okay. Just keep in the spirit of an unplanned trip as best you can.

History and Origin of Take a Road Trip Day

This holiday was created in 2019 by Bob Matthews of Rochester, NY.

Matthews conceived the idea of this day while researching Read a Road Map Day and he realized that something was remiss when he felt after reading a road map, it was only natural to actually take a road trip.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates