Good morning, how are you? I wanted to share our series featuring Unique Holidays: June 10th, 2022. Would you take a look at the holidays celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As for me after moving yesterday I just plan on resting there isn’t going to be any celebration with Charlie or I.

Lett’s not take the ballpoint pen for granted. The invention of the ballpoint pen in 1943, can be counted among the great inventions of the 20th Century. The ballpoint pen is right up there, with the invention of canned Beer!. Without ballpoint pens we would still be using a messy fountain pen, or frequently dipping a quill into an ink jar.
On this holiday in 1943, brothers Laslo and Georg Biro of Argentina, filed a patent for ballpoint pens. Other inventors were working on making a ballpoint pen but the Biro brothers were the first to succeed. The ball point pen was originally called a “Birome”. Ballpoint pens hit the U.S. market in 1945 at Gimbel’s department store, selling for $12.50 each!! Ballpoint pens became an instant success and the rest is history. The Biro brothers sold their patent to Bic.
The History and Origin of National Ballpoint Pen Day:
While the reason for creating this holiday is clear, we found no reference to who is the creator of this holiday.
There is no presidential proclamation, nor any documentation from the U.S. Congress, to support this as a true U.S. “National” holiday.
The inventors of the ballpoint pen are from Argentina, causing us to speculate that perhaps the government of Argentina issued a proclamation or resolution, making it a national holiday in Argentina.
Today is a spicy holiday, if there ever was one.
Do you enjoy eating? We all do. The basic ingredients in many recipes can be pretty bland. It’s the herbs and spices in those recipes, that enhances and brings out the flavor. Herbs and spices are so important to the enjoyment of food, that it is only fitting that one day of the year is designated as Herb and Spices Day.
From salt and pepper, to basil, oregano, and cinnamon, we use herbs and spices to create culinary wonders. On a low salt diet!? No problem. There are dozens upon dozens of herbs and spices that you can substitute, to thoroughly enjoy your meal without a lot of salt.
Medicinal Value of Herbs: Since ancient times, herbs have been used for a wide variety of medicinal purposes. They have been used to treat countless ailments, from bad breath and skin ailments, to treatments for cancer, stomach disorders and diabetes. Many of these uses are effective, and others not so successful. We do know that garlic, will certainly keep vampires away!
It’s easy to celebrate Herbs and Spices Day:
- Learn more about herbs and spices
- Learn about the medicinal value of herbs
- Use herbs and spices in your food today.
- Try a herb or spice you’ve never had before.
- Grow herbs. Today is the perfect time to plant your first herb garden.
The History and Origin of Herb and Spices Day:
This special day has only been around since about 2015. There is little written about it, and the creator of this special day is unknown.
While this day is relatively unknown, we feel the importance of herbs and spices in the kitchen, as well as for medicinal purposes, warrants this special day
With the official start of Summer just a few days away the timing is perfect for National Iced Tea Day. To celebrate the Holiday you can make Sun Tea today, which is a great thirst quencher. Almost every day all Summer long Iced tea is Organic and Iced Tea is good for you.
Chances are, it is already hot in your area which means today may serve as a good reminder to make and enjoy your first Iced Tea beverage of the Season. Have the Iced Tea plain, or add Lemon, or sweeten the Ice Tea with Sugar. Iced Tea is certainly a favorite Summer beverage of millions of Americans. Best of all, Tea is good for your health!
Medicinal value:
Since ancient times, people have believed Tea has a wide range of medicinal uses. Modern research has given credibility to many of these beliefs and identified more but in some cases research is not conclusive. Regardless of the final determination as to it’s value over time, drink and enjoy Iced Tea because there is no research to suggest Iced Tea can hurt you.
Here are some of the known or suspected medicinal applications:
- Avoidance of heart disease
- Cancer and tumors
- Stomach ailments
- Sore throats and colds(often flavored with honey)
- Soothing, relaxing
The History and Origin of National Iced Tea Day:
In 1904, English Tea plantation owner Richard Blechynden set up a booth to sell Hot Tea at the St. Louis World Fair. That was a sizzler of a day. Fair visitors didn’t want anything hot. They needed something to quench their thirst. Something cold. Richard Blechynden dumped some of his Hot Tea into Ice and served the beverage cold. This drink was an immediate hit and it was the first known use of Iced Tea.
Recognizing that this day is in honor of an Englishman, if it is a “National” holiday, it is an English holiday.
We did not find any government proclamation or British act of parliament declaring this a national day.
National Flip Flop Day – second Friday in June
Summer is here and it’s time to bear our toes to the sun. Ditch those sweaty, hard leather shoes, and even your sneakers, and slip into flip flops. Wearing sandals is as much a Summer tradition, as baseball, hot dogs, and going to the Beach.
Speaking of the Beach, where would you be without your flip flips? Leather shoes and sneakers just won’t do, when strolling on the beach, ankle deep in the surf. Flip Flops are easy to slip on and off. Flip Flops protect our feet from the blazing hot sand. As we walk across the Beach in search of the perfect Sunbathing spot.
Flip flops are a form of sandals. Ancient Egyptians wore sandals as far back as 4,000 B.C. So, we’ve been wearing this comfortable footwear for quite a while. Flip flops are simple and inexpensive, allowing many of us to have several pairs.
Tropical Smoothie Cafe, the creator of this holiday. Tropical Smoothie Cafe holds a fund raiser today for Camp Sunshine. Customers who come into Tropical Smoothie Cafe today, receive a free Sunshine Smoothie and Customers are encouraged to donate to Camp Sunshine.
Participating in this Summer holiday is easy just wear your flip flips! But, don’t forget the real reason behind this holiday, and donate to a Camp Sunshine near you.
The History and Origin of National Flip Flop Day:
This holiday was originally created in 2007 by Tropical Smoothie Cafe to celebrate it’s 10th anniversary and they use the holiday as an annual fund raiser for Camp Sunshine.
There is no presidential proclamation, nor any documentation from the U.S. Congress, to support this as a true U.S. “National” holiday and the creators make no mention on their website, to any efforts to obtain official “National” status.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates