Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: July 31st, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie and I love Mutt’s and Charlie and I have Mutt’s so without a doubt we want to celebrate National Mutt Day. Would you like to celebrate National Mutt Day with us by collecting Pet Supplies to drop off at your local Animal Shelter?

It’s National Mutt’s Day which is also called National Mixed Breed Dog Day. When you think about it, the majority of Americans have a lot in common with mixed breed dogs. Many of us are mixed breeds ourselves. Call me a Mutt if you will, but I’m proud of and cherish my mixed roots. That makes mixed breed Dogs extra special.
Mutts deserve their day in the spotlight, just as much as a pure breed Dog. Mixed breed Dogs are just as special as pure breeds. If you own a Mutt, or you are a Mutt then you know this holiday is for you. As you celebrate the Dogs don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back as well because if your a Mutt you should be celebrated today as well.
By definition a Mutt, which is sometimes called a “half-breed”, is a Dog that is of mixed breed. Mutt’s come from two to several breeds of Dogs. Purebred owners, and sometimes the public in general, view Mutt’s as lesser in many ways. Mutt owners know better.
Mutt owners value the diversity and uniqueness of their Mutts. A Mutt doesn’t carry an expensive price tag. A purebred with papers, will cost you a pretty penny or two. To a Mutt owner however, the Mutt is invaluable. In addition, Mutts don’t walk around needing to prove anything. You won’t see them strutting around any Dog shows trying to prove they are the best. Mutt’s know their worth. They’re priceless.
8 out of 10 dogs are a mixed breed.
To all Mutts and Mutt owners, we hope you thoroughly enjoy National Mutt’s Day. Spend today relaxing and doing all the things you and your dog like to do. Do so with both of your chins held high. For your Mutt is worth a million bucks!
The History and Origin of National Mutt’s Day:
National Mutt’s Day was created in 2005 by Celebrity Pet and Family Lifestyle expert and Animal welfare advocate Colleen Paige of Los Angeles, CA.
It is suggested that this holiday is to be celebrated on both July 31st and December 2nd. There are thousands of important holidays in existence. If all of these events began to be celebrated on multiple days, the holiday calendar would be overwhelmed. However, nothing keeps you from celebrating this holiday on both dates, if you choose.
Date When Celebrated : celebrated on July 31st
It’s National Avocado Day. The objective of this holiday is to celebrate and enjoy Avocados. To understand their rich history. Model Meals, the organization that created this holiday, did so to “advocate the infinite health benefits of the Avocado Berry”. Avocados are a Fruit, considered a Berry, and a pretty big Berry at that. Celebrating National Avocado Day is a healthy decision. Avocados are healthy, rich in vitamins, = high in fiber, and helps to lower blood cholesterol.
Avocados go way back in time. Avocados are native to South and Central Mexico. Avocados were first harvested 8,000 – 10,000 B.C. Avocados can be eaten raw or cooked. Avocados are an ingredient in a wide variety of recipes. Avocado Dips and Guacamole are by far the most popular recipes. Avocados are also used in Salads, Salsa, and even Cheesecake.
Are you a gardener or do like indoor houseplants? People take the pit from a Avocado and grow Avocado plants indoors as a houseplant until the plant gets to tall.
Avocado Trivia
- Avocados were believed to have been first discovered in Puebla, Mexico.
- Avocados were grown in orchards and farms in Mexico as early as 3,000 B.C.
- In 1696, Naturalist, Sir Hans Sloane named “the avocado or alligator pear-tree” in his catalog of Jamaican plants.
- Horticulturist, Henry Perrine, was the first to bring Avocado trees to the U.S., bringing them to Florida in 1833.
- Fallbrook, CA. claims to be the Avocado capital of the world.
- Avocados are about 22% fat.
- Americans consume about 4.5 pounds of avocados each per year..
The History and Origin of National Avocado Day
National Avocado Day was created by Cammille May and Danika Brysha from the organization Model Meals in California
The date was selected, as it is the peak of Avocado season in California.
July is National Watermelon Month
National Watermelon Day is celebrated on July 31st.
It’s July Summer is in full swing. It’s hot and muggy, time to seek out a refreshing Summer treat. Time for Watermelon. We’ve got exciting news. You get to spend the whole month of July enjoying Watermelon. It’s very likely that in addition to enjoying slices of Watermelon, you will enjoy Watermelon in many other forms, too. Try Watermelon Daiquiris, Watermelon Coolers, Watermelon Candy and Watermelon Gum.
July is the peak harvest month for Watermelons, which ripen just in time for the Fourth of July holiday. That’s when we celebrate and enjoy baseball, Hot Dogs, fireworks and Watermelon. We certainly consume a lot of Watermelons during the Summer months. Watermelons is healthy and nutritious as Fruit can and should be eaten in other months of the year, too. Did you know that the entire Watermelon is edible? The rind can be pickled and is also used in stir fries. The seeds can be roasted and eaten as a snack, like Sunflower or Pumpkin seeds.
Watermelons can grow quite large, or huge. There are small, home garden varieties of Watermelon that just about fit into the palm of your hand. But, watermelons can weigh hundreds of pounds each. The world record heaviest Watermelon weighed in at 350.5 pounds on October 4th, 2013. This Watermelon was grown by Chris Kent of Sevierville, Tennessee.
We encourage you to celebrate Watermelons all month long, and all Summer. Take up the challenge to see how many different ways you can enjoy Watermelons.
The History and Origin of National Watermelon Month:
We did not discover the creator of this holiday but The National Watermelon Promotion Board sponsors and promotes this holiday. which was formally declared in 2008.
National Watermelon Month is celebrated in July, while National Watermelon Day is in August. No one knows why this is, although it gives us an extra day to celebrate Watermelons!
This is a true “National” day. In 2008, the U.S. Senate passed a unanimous resolution designating the month of July as National Watermelon Month. The U.S. House of Representatives in 2009 also declared July to be National Watermelon Month. According to the National Watermelon Promotion Board spokeswoman Stephanie Barlow: “Congress has given us the opportunity to celebrate Watermelons like we have never done before with promotions that we may not have thought of.”
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates