Good evening, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: July 2022: Dog Days of Summer. I don’t know about where you live but being in Texas I can tell you we are in the Dog Days of Summer as temperature’s are in the 90’s a couple days a week. Which is almost to hot to go outside which I hate because I want to be in the Pool or walking so I can lose this weight I need to lose. Before you say find a indoor Swimming Pool or place to walk no, I want to be outside because its healthier and we all need that.

When is the Dog Days of Summer? July 3rd to August 11th
It’s sure hot and that is because we’re in the Dog Days of Summer. Which is the hottest, muggiest days of the year. As the song goes “roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer”. If your feeling the effects of hot, muggy, sultry, “Weather that you can wear”, you can be certain that you are in the Dog Days of Summer which is also a period of drought and occasional Thunderstorms.
By definition, the Dog Days Summer are the hottest and steamiest part of Summer. Typically, this is the period when Sirius, the Dog Star, rises at the same time as the Sun, from July 3rd -August 11th.
When the Dog Days of Summer arrive, it’s time to take part in Summer activities, that help us to keep our cool. Including:
- A dip in the pool.
- Visiting a Water Park
- Lazing under a shady tree.
- Go to an evening Baseball game
Whatever your favorite pastime for the Dog Days of Summer, we do not believe the day should be spent indoors all day long, in air conditioned comfort. You should get out and enjoy the hot Weather while it is here. After all, the days are already growing shorter, and you know what that will lead to dog days of Summer.
History and Origin of the Dog Days of Summer Day:
God made these dog days for us to either enjoy, or suffer through . Depending on your point of view.
Did you know it was the ancient Romans who defined the period between July 3rd -August 11th as the dog days. Typical of many ancient cultures, the Romans used a relationship between the Stars and Sun to define the exact period of time.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates