I wanted to share our series sharing Unique Holidays: June 2021 with you. If your looking for Homeschool Resources these topics can help you prepare Lesson Plans, Cooking Classes and even help you find books to read throughout the year.

- Cell Phone Courtesy Month
- Dog Days of Summer – July 3 – August 11
- National Blueberry Month
- National Anti-Boredom Month
- Unlucky Month for weddings
- National Cell Phone Courtesy Month
- National Grilling Month
- National Hot Dog Month
- National Ice Cream Month
- National Park and Recreation Month
- National Picnic Month
- National Watermelon Month
Week Event:
- Week 2 – Nude Recreation Week
- Week 3 – Capture the Sunset Week Third full week in July
Daily Holidays and Wacky Days:
July 1
Canada Day / Dominion Day – observed the following day, if July 1 falls on a Sunday
Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day
International Chicken Wing Day
July 2
July 3
International Cherry Pit Spitting Day
July 4
July 5
July 6
July 7
Father Daughter Take a Walk Together Day
National Strawberry Sundae Day
July 8
July 9
National Motorcycle Day – second Friday in July
July 10
July 11
National Blueberry Muffins Day
July 12
July 13
Barbershop Music Appreciation Day
National Nitrogen Ice Cream Day
July 14
National Macaroni and Cheese Day
July 15
July 16
July 17
July 18
July 19
July 20
Eid-Ul-Adha – date varies
Ugly Truck Day- it’s a “guy” thing
July 21
National Hot Dog Day – third Wednesday in July
July 22
July 23
Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony – rescheduled from last year due to COVID-19
July 24
National Day of the Cowboy – fourth Saturday in July
July 25
Parent’s Day – fourth Sunday in July
July 26
July 27
Take Your Houseplants for a Walk
Take Your Pants for a Walk Day
July 28
July 29
July 30
International Day of Friendship
System Administrator Appreciation Day – last Friday in July
July 31
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates