Howdy!! I’m excited to be back to share our series featuring Unique Holidays: July 13th, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most would like to celebrate and why you picked that Holiday.
Barbershop Music Appreciation Day

Barbershop Music Appreciation Day is a day to relax and enjoy the sweet voices of the Sweet Adelines, or a Barbershop Quartet. Which is what Charlie will be studying in our Homeschool Music Class today.
Edna Mae Anderson of Tulsa, Oklahoma invited some women to her home to sing on July 13, 1945. Their husbands were members of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America (SPEBSQSA).
The ladies wanted to participate in the singing fun and enjoyment and on that evening, the “Sweet Adelines” were born. The group later became Sweet Adelines International., which now boasts hundreds of groups and thousands of members.
Also see Barbershop Quartet Day in April.
Today is a great day to listen to barbershop music. Better still, join a Barbershop Quartet, or the Sweet Adelines and even though I can’t sing I want Charlie to see if he can find local groups for us to go and listen to. Would you like to join us?
The History and Origin of Barbershop Music Appreciation Day:
Barbershop Music Appreciation Day was created in 2005 by Sweet Adelines International. It was started to mark the 60th Anniversary of the founding of their organization which boasts over 300 choruses, and 15,000 singers.

Embrace Your Geekness Day is a great day to be a Geek or, to know a Geek. If you don’t then you might want to watch Sheldon from The Bing Bang Theory or Urkel from Family Matters.
If your not sure what a geek is. It’s an individual who is highly intelligent, brainy and technically oriented. Geeks are at home in the world of computers, and computer systems. A geek is usually formal, studious and into his or her technical environment, often to the exclusion of all else.
A geek is closely related to a “Nerd. A nerd however, may or may not possess technical expertise. People may view the term “Geek” with a negative connotation. Are they jealous of your knowledge and skills? We certainly think so.
Enjoy Embrace Your Geekness Day to the fullest and spend plenty of time with your computer. Talk computer lingo and jargon. If your a geek, stand tall and proud. Isn’t it great to be so brilliant and gifted!?
The History and Origin of Embrace Your Geekness Day:
Believe it or not, Embrace Your Geekness Day is a copyrighted holiday created for fun and for profit by the good folks at Wellcat Holidays. Check them out when you have a second.

Heaven, Utopia, Shangri-La, Nirvana, the Garden of Eden, they’re all great places to be. But, Fool’s Paradise? Perhaps, not so good.
This Holiday seems a bit like an oxymoron. How can a fool reach, or experience, Paradise and how could a place BE Paradise, if fools inhabit the place?
Before you wait for these answers we don’t know the answers timportant questions. We can only speculate, as we have yet to find the creator of this Holiday so we will leave the philosophical thought about this day to you the reader.
In the meantime……………… Have a wonderful Fool’s Paradise Day!
The History and Origin of Fool’s Paradise Day:
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day. We think the creator of this day was foolish not to claim his or her rightful credit. don’t you think so?

National French Fries Day is today and one may wonder why its called a “National” day, as French fries are popular around the world. shouldn’t it should be called an “International” day.
It’s name might suggest a French origin but, French Fries are believed to have originated in Belgium in the 17th century. When Fried Potatoes were substituted in the Belgium diet in winter months, when Fish were not available to fry. From Europe, their popularity spread literally around the world.
French fries were introduced to the U.S. by President Thomas Jefferson. In the U.S. Did you know French fries are the most popular fast food item. Some of us may choose a Hamburger, while others get a Hot Dog. Some people may choose a Chicken Sandwich, while others ask for a Steak Bomber. But, almost every one of these dishes are served with a side order of French Fries.
French Fries are high in fiber, but you can enjoy eating French fries anywhere in the world. When traveling, be prepared to place your order in the native language:
- In the U.S., they’re called French fries.
- In Belgium, they’re known as “Belgium Fries”.
- The French call them “pomme frites”.
- In the UK, ask for an order of “Chips”.
- In Spain, they are called “patatas fritas”.
- Folks in some countries call them “finger chips”
- They are also known as “Flemish Fries”
Americans consume 30 pounds of potatoes per person per year. 25% of those potatoes are made into French fries. That’s a lot of Potatoes for one person to eat.
You can call French Fries by many, many names but be certain to order or make French Fries today in celebration of National French Fries Day. Despite their name, French fries can be fried, or baked. Depending on where you are, you will likely eat them with Ketchup, Salt, Vinegar, Mayonnaise, Gravy, Cheese, Bacon, Butter, Sugar or Charlie and Suzzie’s favorite Ranch.
Also see:
The History and Origin of National French Fries Day:
Our research has not revealed who declared this a special holiday, or when it was first celebrated but it appears to have been first celebrated in the early 2000’s. Neither the U.S. Congress, nor the President of the United States has proclaimed today National French Fries Day. Considering the world-wide popularity of French fries, we believe this day should be considered an “International” day. Don’t you?
National Nitrogen Ice Cream Day
Are you ready for a real brain freeze? Then, you’re gonna just love National Nitrogen Ice Cream Day. Just wait until you taste the difference. Creamy and delicious, Nitrogen Ice Cream is a real treat.
Have you had Nitrogen Ice Cream before? I don’t think Charlie or I have. As for had Nitrogen Ice Cream and before you ask I have no, clue if David he has or hasn’t tried Nitrogen Ice Cream.
There are two objectives for this Holiday. The first goal for today, is to treat yourself and your family to Nitrogen Ice Cream. For many people, this will be the first time they’ve enjoyed it. While the price will be higher than conventionally made Ice Cream, the experience is well worth the price.
The second objective of this day, is to commemorate and honor Gustav Robert Paalen, who received a patent for a double walled vessel on July 13, 1909. Why is this important? The double walled vessel is required for making Nitrogen Ice Cream.
Many people don’t know what Nitrogen Ice Cream is and it is the process of using Nitrogen which differs from other traditional Ice Cream making processes.
The Nitrogen is so cold, that it will flash freeze the ingredients. The resulting Ice crystals are tiny, making the taste smooth and creamy. Nitrogen Ice Cream can be made using any of the same ingredients and flavors used in traditional Ice Cream making processes.
Now that this frosty day has arrived, you will have to do a little research. Only a limited number of Ice Cream Shops or restaurants offer Nitrogen Ice Cream.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates