Did you know today is Beer Can Appreciation Day? Now, this is a Holiday I am sure David can sink his teeth into while Charlie I will sit out celebrating this part of the Holiday. But we wouldn’t mind celebrating Compliment Day because I believe we should always compliment people we come into contact with, and I want to teach Charlie to also take the time to compliment people he sees on a daily basis.
Beer Can Appreciation Day– always on January 24th.
Now here’s a Holiday that people can really get into! Although, most people would say they can “get into” the stuff inside even more. A bBeer can that is full and icy cold.
Beer Can Appreciation Day celebrate that great day in 1935 when Beer was first sold in cans. On January 24, 1935, the American Can Company and Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company first sold Krueger’s Finest Beer and Krueger’s Cream ale in Richmond, VA. Major brewing companies quickly followed suit. Over200 million cans of Beer were sold in the first year.
Laugh if you will. Believe me when I say that Beer Can Appreciation Day is a big important day to many people.
A lot of people do not know that there’s a huge number of Beer can collectors out there. Collectors meticulously open a Beer can from the bottom, empty it (and drink the Beer, of course), then wash and dry the can and keep it. For beer can collectors, there is no shortage of types of Beer, cans, bottles, and sizes. A beer can collector may have hundreds of cans and bottles.
Did you know there’s a market for Beer cans? If you come across an old Beer can, do not throw it out. Rather, check out the prices in a collector’s catalog, or on Ebay.
Beer Can Appreciation Day provide us with the opportunity to enjoy and appreciate the many different kinds of Beer cans. Enjoy today by adding to your Beer can collection. As you empty the new cans, drink the contents. After all, you don’t want to be wasteful, do you?
History and Origin of Beer Can Appreciation Day:
We know that this Holiday celebrates the first-time Beer as available in cans. We have yet to discover the creator or the origin of Beer Can Appreciation Day. Perhaps the originator opened up a few too many beer cans on the Holiday of creation and didn’t remember the next day.
While the creator may no longer recall creating today, we are glad they did!
Compliment Day– Always January 24th.
How nice of you to visit today. I can see by your choice of Blogs, that you are an intelligent person. Kind and a inquisitive person. I love the way you took time to stop by and read what I had to say.
Its Compliment Day. A great opportunity to say something positive about the people you come into contact with. Everyone has good attributes. That’s right, everyone.
- Its a cinch to find compliments for family and loved ones, even for your Mother-in-Law. She’s probably a good cook and if not, she raised your spouse to be the person they are which rates a compliment or two.
- Friends are friends because you see something good in them. Here’s a compliment for a friend: “Wow, you’re very intelligent…you choose your friends wisely”.
- It may be more challenging to compliment your boss, or people you don’t like. Take the challenge and find a compliment for them too
Mama said, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything”. After a long search for something good, if you just can’t find a compliment for then silence is golden.
Compliment Day is celebrated by offering compliments to people you know, and it is important that you are sincere. People will see right through insincerity, and you will do more harm than good.
How many compliments should you give out today? The common suggestion is five compliments. and before you ask the compliments, should be to five different people.
History and Origin of Compliment Day:
This Holiday was created in 1998 by Kathy Chamberlin, of Hopkinton, NH. and Debby Hoffman, of Concord, NH.
Global Belly Laugh Day – Always January 24 at precisely 1:24 p.m. local time
Here’s a day that is certain to make you laugh. It’s Global Belly Laugh Day!
This is a “feel good” day. It’s easy and enjoyable to participate in this Holiday. Elaine Helle, the originator has this celebration established down to the minute. Make plans to join the “Belly laugh bounce around the world!” At exactly 1:24 p.m. your local time, put a big smile on your face, throw your hands into the air, and give a hearty laugh as loud as you can. Let the laugh resonate all the way from your belly. The result is certain to make you and those around you feel better, your belly laugh should not be performed alone. Rather, do a belly laugh or two in front of others. Get a group of friends together in a public place, and have a pleasurable belly laugh as a group.
There are four goals for Global Belly Day:
- Celebrate and remember past laughter.
- Connect with others via laughing. Hence, laughing in public with others is the best way to celebrate.
- Remember the importance of laughs and smiles.
- Gain the health benefits of smiling and laughing. Laughter is the best medicine.
We strongly recommend you get someone to do a video of your participation and post it on Social Media. The problem with this, is finding someone who doesn’t want to participate in the laughing and will Video Tape you because this event is too much fun to sit on the sidelines.
History and Origin of Global Belly Laugh Day:
This Holiday was created in 2005 by Elaine Helle from Lake Oswego, Oregon. The Holiday was first celebrated on January 24, 2006. Elaine is a certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. She created this Holiday because she felt we needed a day to laugh together and celebrate the gift of laughter.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates