Unique Holidays: January 13th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: January 13th, 2022. Did you know today is International Skeptics Day? I’m telling you at times Charlie and I both have been skeptics and David as well. How about you. Have you ever been a skeptic?

International Skeptics Day

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January 13th, or October 13th or the first Friday the 13th of the year.

Many of the October Holidays center around Halloween or Pumpkin themes. However, there’s ample room on the October calendar for plenty of Holidays and observances celebrating or commemorating other subjects and topics. International Skeptics Day is one of these important and special days

Don’t be skeptical. International Skeptics Day is the perfect day for the “doubting Thomas”.

Perhaps the Earth isn’t really round!? Maybe, the Sky isn’t truly blue!? Do they really love me!? These are the words and questions of the classical skeptic.

 By definition: A skeptic is a person who questions or doubts facts and theories. He, or she, is a misbeliever. A skeptic does not accept the “Given”. If you are inclined to doubt things that you hear, then International Skeptics Day is for you.

If you practice a little, I’m sure we can make a good skeptic out of you. Go ahead, give it a try. What better day to practice skepticism, than International Skeptics Day?

History and Origin of International Skeptics Day:

We suspect that a real skeptic created this Holiday and, they did so by first creating doubt about the date to celebrate this Holiday. There are three dates: January 13th, October 13th, and the first Friday of the year. While Friday the 13th sounds intriguing, we have our doubts.

We encourage you to celebrate skeptics and skeptical behavior on all three dates!

There is reference to this as an “International” Holiday because there are skeptics organizations all over the world. However, we found no documentation of this day being celebrated anywhere outside of the U.S.

Make Your Dream Come True Day– Always January 13th.

Image result for Make Your Dream Come True Day

Make Your Dream Come True Day gives you the opportunity to do something to realize your dreams. Whatever your dreams are, dreams usually don’t come true without some effort on our part. Today is the perfect opportunity to get off the sofa and do something about it.

On this day do anything, to move in the direction of achieving your dreams. Sometimes it takes several steps to accomplish them. So, view today as a time to get started on them. With a little effort, they will come true!

Origin of Make Your Dream Come True Day:

Our research found no evidence of who created this Holiday, or when it started, or why.

National Rubber Duckie Day – always January 13th.

Happy National Rubber Duckie Day!

Children and adults love rubber Duckies. A bath time favorite, that puts a smile on everyone’s faces. Toddlers and young children play with Rubber Duckies in the bathtub, and in toddler Swimming Pools. Parents, and grandparents play along. For adults, the Rubber Ducky brings back fond memories of childhood bath and pool time.

 Chances are you know that the Muppet Ernie on Sesame Street, first sang the Rubber Duckie song, which became an infamous childhood song. The year was 1970. That year the song reached #16 on the Top 100 Chart. The Rubber Duckie remains one of the favorite childhood songs of all time.

It’s so easy to celebrate National Rubber Duckie Day hop in the tub and bring your rubber Duckie along. Don’t forget to sing the Rubber Duckie song as you play and if you have time hold a rubber Duckie race.

Are you an adult who owns a rubber Duckie? If so, you’re in good company. It is rumored that Queen Elizabeth II has a Rubber Duckie in her bathroom, complete with an inflatable crown!

History of Rubber Duckies

Rubber Duckies have a very long history. Rubber Animal toys, including Ducks, first appeared around 1880. Those first toys were made of solid rubber and did not float. Even then, rubber Duckies were among the most popular. As World War I and II came, rubber was too expensive, and these toys were made of plastic or vinyl. Over time, design changes made the toys hollow so they would float. Then, a small weight was added to the bottom, so the toys always floated upright.

Did you know the Rubber Duckie was inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame in 2013?

History and Origin of National Rubber Duckie Day

While the Rubber Duckie has been around for over a hundred years and its history is well documented. There is no information readily available about National Rubber Duckie Day. The originator and date this special day was established remains unknown. We can logically assume National Rubber Duckey DaY was established because the originator, like all of us, love rubber Duckies.

Did you know January 13th has been noted as the birthday of the Rubber Duckie, with Ernie of Sesame Street associated with the birthday on the first show it appeared. Oddly, that date was February 25th, 1970.

There is no evidence to suggest that this is truly a “National” day, which requires an act of congress. and/or a presidential proclamation.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates