Good morning, how are you? I don’t know about where you are but it’s freezing here so there is no, way Charlie and I are going outside. Making it hard to celebrate Unique Holidays: February 22nd, 2022. Instead, we will put all celebrations on hold for the moment but when we resume our celebrations would you like to join us?

National Tortilla Chip Day– always February 24th.
Today is a holiday with a crunch and people may suggest that today is a corny holiday because its National Tortilla Chip Day. Just a few decades ago, Americans seldom ate Corn Chips and Salsa, but the popularity has grown immensely. Today is a tribute to the rising popularity of what has now become one of America’s favorite munchies.
The Corn Chip recipe was brought to the U.S. from Mexico by Texas businessman Elmer Doolin.
Celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day with a handful of Corn Chips and your favorite Salsa or Dip.
Related Holidays: National Corn Chip Day
History and Origin of National Tortilla Chip Day:
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday which was very likely created by a food manufacturer looking to promote Tortilla Chips.
This is referred to as a “National” Holiday however we couldn’t find any Congressional records or Presidential proclamations for this Holiday. We offer speculation, that this Holiday may be a Mexican Holiday.
Paczki Day in Poland – date varies
In Poland: Celebrated on Fat Thursday, the Thursday before Ash Wednesday.
In the United States: Celebrated on Fat Tuesday, the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.
Paczki were created in the Middle Ages, when the King of Poland brought French Chefs into his castle to make Pastries for Shrove Week which began on Fat Thursday, the Thursday before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. The week ended on Fat Tuesday, the Day before Ash Wednesday. This super sweet treat became instantly popular in Poland, and the Paczki Day almost immediately became a tradition to eat on Fat Thursday in Poland which soon became also known as Paczki Day.
Don’t Call Paczki a Donut!
On the outside, the visual appearance of Paczki looks very much like a Donut which is fried in Oil, like a Donut. However, don’t mistake Paczki for a Donut. Paczki are made from Dough with richer, somewhat different ingredients, containing more Sugar and Eggs. Paczki also has a little grain Alcohol, which keeps the Oil from penetrating deeply into the Dough. This gives Paczki a fluffier composition. Properly made, Paczki is also larger and rounder than a Donut. In the Middle Ages, Paczki was first filled with Pork Fat. It didn’t take long for bakeries and common folk in the Middle Ages to begin using sweet fillings, including Prunes, Apricot, Raspberry, Lemon and Custard. Over a few hundred years, many other sweet fillings were used. Today, there is even Gluten-Free Paczki. The finished product is either glazed on the outside or rolled in Powdered Sugar.
Paczki is the plural form of the word. The singular form is “paczek”. If you ever see it spelled as “Paczkis”, it is incorrect!
Celebration and History
In the Middle Ages, it was popular for Christians to empty their cupboards of Lard, Sugar, Eggs, Fruit, and other sweets the week prior to Ash Wednesday. Beginning on Fat Thursday, they would have a feast on these leftovers, before the fasting season of Lent began. Paczki was one sweet way to use up some of these supplies. On this day, people did not eat just one Paczek they would eat several.
In Poland, Paczki Day has always traditionally been celebrated on Fat Thursday. As Polish Pilgrims came to America, they brought Paczki and the tradition of Paczki Day with them. Somewhere along the way, for some unknown reason, Paczki Day began to be celebrated on Fat Tuesday.
If you’ve never had Paczki, today is your chance to try a Paczki. You’ll most likely need to go to a Polish Bakery for a chance to try a Paczki with one or more fillings. Y
For the diet conscious: not to put a damper on your enjoyment of this Holiday, but a single Paczek is loaded with Calorie and Carbs. Our study found Paczek has 329-480 calories and 49-55 carbs. After consuming Paczki, it might be best to exercise.
If you are going to participate in Paczki Day, make sure to pronounce it correctly which sounds like “Punch-Kee”.
Paczki are properly consumed just one day of the year, on Paczki Day. To properly make Paczki, bakeries prepare them fresh on Paczki Day. Most bakeries follow this practice which results in long lines at the bakery. When the bakery runs out, they’re out until Paczki Day next year.
The largest Paczki Day celebration is held in Buffalo, NY., complete with a parade.
Origin of Paczki Day:
We know a lot about Paczki and its origin however, very little is known about the creation of Paczki Day.
We do know that Paczki Day in Poland started out in the Middle Ages and was celebrated on Fat Thursday which probably became known as Paczki Day, which sounds so much better than Fat Thursday.
It is a mystery why the United States celebrates Paczki Day on Fat Tuesday.
Other Polish Holidays:
World Bartender Day– always held on February 24th.
Cheers to the bartenders of the world today, for it is World Bartender Day. A day to celebrate the bar tending craft, and to give recognition and appreciation to the men and women behind the counters at bars, pubs, breweries and wineries.
Tending bar is among the world’s oldest professions, and a very important one at that. You trust your local barkeep to fix your drink to your liking, and in a timely manner. In addition to perfectly preparing and serving drinks, a bartender is often a part-time Psychologist of sorts. Bartenders are excellent listeners and many a patron has unloaded their problems or sought advice. Patrons have confessed up things they wouldn’t tell their spouse, or their Church Priest.
There are all types of bartenders which can be a professional or non-professional. Tending bar is a skilled position. The real professionals attend Bartender’s school for a formal education. They know by heart, how to mix hundreds of drinks. You yourself may have been a casual type of bartender without even knowing it if you’ve ever mixed and served drinks behind a counter at Church or Club function, small parties, or in your own home.
Perhaps the most memorable bartenders were Sam (Ted Danson) and the lovable “Coach” (Nicholas Colasanto) on the television sitcom “Cheers”.
How to Celebrate World Tending bar Day:
- Patronize your local bar, pub, brewery or winery.
- Give your bartender a warm smile and a hearty thank you.
- Give a generous tip.
- Become a bartender yourself.
Similar Special Event: Bartender Appreciation Day on December 6 in Europe.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates