Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: February 22, 2021. Charlie says he would like to celebrate George Washington’s Birthday and he will make a Cake in his Homeschool Cooking Class as our evening dessert. Would you like to have a slice of cake with us this evening?
George Washington’s Birthday– always February 22nd.
The “Father of His Country”, George Washington was born on February 22nd, 1732. George Washington became Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in 1775 and fought a long and arduous War for freedom from British rule. The War was finally over in 1781, when the Continental Army with the help of the French, forced British General Cornwallis to surrender at Yorktown.
In 1787, Washington was unanimously elected President by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. George Washington took the oath of office in 1789. George Washington served two terms of office from 1789 until 1797.
After the Presidency, Washington retired to his home in Mount Vernon, Virginia where he died on December 14th, 1799, of a throat infection.
Be Humble Day– always held on February 22nd.

Today is not a day to brag or to boast. Today is not a time to talk about your success or accomplishments. Why!? Today is Be Humble Day!
Be Humble Day can be a humbling experience. That’s exactly the intent of today. Humbleness is a good thing, a virtue. People much prefer a humble person to a braggart. Practice humbleness today, and everyday which will serve you well in life.
International World Thinking Day– always held on February 22nd.

Just think about it! Today is a day to ponder and contemplate.
International World Thinking Day is celebrated by Girl Scouts, Girl Guides and other Girl Groups. The original objective of this Holiday was to set aside a day for girls all over the world to think of each other, and to give thanks and appreciation to “sister” Girl Scouts and Girl Guides. Over the years, the Holiday has been expanded to include the opportunity for girls to learn about health issues that affect girls and young women.
You don’t have to be a Girl Scout or a Girl Guide to participate in this Holiday. We encourage all females, young and old, to learn a little more about health issues today. If you are in a position to provide education and training on health issues, do so. If you cannot conduct it today, then schedule it for some time in the near future.
February 22nd is the birthday of both Lord Baden-Powell founder of the Boy Scouts, and his wife Lady Olave Baden-Powell who founded Girl Guides.
History and Origin of World Thinking Day:
According to the World Thinking Day organization’s website “World Thinking Day was first created in 1926 at the fourth Girl Guide/Girl Scout International Conference, held at Girl Scouts of the USA’s Camp Edith Macy now called Edith Macy Conference Center. “
National Margarita Day– always on February 22nd.
National Margarita Day is today, smack dab in the middle of Winter. Many people think of Margaritas as a Summer beverage. A date in February was selected, because Margaritas can be enjoyed any time of the year. There are all kinds of flavors, including Strawberry and Peach to Mango and Berry. Almost any Fruit you can imagine can be used to make the Mexican Margarita.
Margaritas are comprised of Tequila, Citrus, Fruits, and Sugar. Margaritas are the most popular Alcoholic beverage that uses Tequila. Margaritas are poured over Ice, or the Ice can be put through a blender to create Frozen Margaritas.
Historically, Margaritas have been around since the 1930s and 1940s. The actual origin and creator of the Margaritas is unknown. Frozen Margaritas came on the scene in the 1970s.
Todd McCalla, the creator of this Holiday, started it to “celebrate Margaritas, plain and simple”.
Lft your glass and celebrate National Margarita Day
Tequila is made from Agave plants, a Succulent.
Related Holiday: National Daiquiri Day
History and Origin of National Margarita Day:
Todd McCalla is the creator of this Holiday. According to Todd National Margarita Day was created “to spread his love for Margaritas around the world.”
This is not a true “National” Holiday because neither the U.S. Congress, nor the President of the United States has proclaimed today National Margarita Day. It is possible that this “National” tag is Mexican in origin.
Walking the Dog Day– always February 22nd.
Walking the Dog Day is a Holiday that you should celebrate every day.
Don’t you walk your dog just about every day? Sure, we do Weather permitting, which is enjoyable for you and your dog.
On this Holiday walking with your dog is a must. If you don’t have a dog, perhaps you can join a friend while they walk their dog.
Have you ever played with a Yoyo and if so did you know “Walking the Dog” is a yo-yo trick? If you have a Yo-Yo, you can celebrate the Holiday by “walking the dog” with your yo-yo and don’t forget to check out Yo-Yo Day.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates