Unique Holidays: February 21st, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Did you know today is Card Reading Day and I’m having lunch with one of my best friends and her daughter. I think before I leave for lunch I will run to Walmart and pick up a card to let Debbie know how much I appreciate her and a card for David and Charlie as well. Would you like for me to pick up a card for you to give to someone this morning?

Card Reading Dayalways on February 21st.

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I have a question for you. Who ever said, “it is far better to give, than to receive?” As for me, I sure enjoy getting cards and reading them. That’s because you can’t read a card until you receive one. That makes today the perfect Holiday, which is Card Reading Day.

Card Reading Day is such a fun Holiday because a day to read cards. No more, no less.

Beyond a doubt, Stationery and Ecard companies love this Holiday which encourages you to send cards. T

As we did our research, we thought we’d find some History that suggest it is a day for Tarot Card Readings which it could very well could be. But we found no written evidence to support this theory.

What we can tell you, is that it’s very popular to send and receive cards today. In order to read a card, someone has to send one. What are you waiting for go get the ball rolling and send cards today? Chances are, you will get a few cards back and when you do share the cards with us on Social Media. 

President’s Day 

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Since 1968, Presidents Day is observed on the third Monday in February

President’s Day is a Holiday set aside to honor all of the U.S. Presidents. We often think of two great presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln when we celebrate this holiday, which falls by design between their birthdays.

More and more of us, look at this day as a tribute to each and every person who has ever served in the office of the President of the United States of America. Presidents Day is a National Holiday. Federal employees, the Post Office, and banks have Presidents Day off, but most businesses do not recognize Presidents Day as a paid holiday.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates