Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: February 2022: American Heart Month. For me this means I should Exercise more and get healthier because I am sure my Blood Pressure is higher than it should be, I need to get it under control.

Looks like after the bad Weather we will be having I need to get my bike out and go bike riding with Charlie. Would you like to come with us? If you don’t have a Bike we can go walking or Hiking if you prefer. If that doesn’t suit you, we can go Window Shopping in the mall and still get our Exercise in.
Why do we observe American Heart Month every February? Well, every year more than 600,000 Americans die from heart disease. The number one cause of deaths for most groups, is heart disease which affects all ages, genders, and ethnicities. Risk factors include High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Smoking, Diabetes, and excessive Alcohol use.
You can take an active role in reducing your risk for heart disease by eating a healthy diet, engaging in physical activity, and managing your Cholesterol and Blood Pressure.
The human heart is responsible for pumping Blood throughout our body, supplying Oxygen and Nutrients and removing toxins and waste. Weighing between 8 and 12 ounces, the heart is a mighty organ divided into four chambers that work together to pump blood in and out. The heart gets oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it throughout the rest of the body. It does this by contracting at a rhythmic pace, about 60-80 times per minute, thanks to electrical cells called “pacemakers.” When the heart ceases to perform its regular function, a medical device also called a pacemaker can be implanted to assist the heart.
Heart disease occurs when the arteries leading to the heart become clogged. Although heart disease has been around for thousands of years, we do know that many aspects of modern life bring more risk factors and make people more prone to heart disease and heart failure. Today, one in four deaths in the U.S. is caused by heart disease. Heart disease can affect everyone, but taking stock of your prior health risks, activities and diet can help you reduce your risk.
Although we’ve learned a lot about how the heart works, there are still many unanswered questions about heart health and the Cardiovascular system. As far as we know, the best way to protect your heart is to stay active, eat a healthy and balanced diet, and reduce your daily stress. To celebrate American Heart Month, take time to learn about heart health risks. Find your favorite heart-healthy activities or cook healthy meals with your family.
- Staying active, eating healthy, and watching your weight are important parts of maintaining a healthy Cardiovascular system. Pick a new heart-healthy habit like jogging or substituting sodas with Water and try to stick to it for a whole month.
- Learn about the risk factors for heart disease, and the ways you can prevent them, and the lifestyle choices that can help you stay healthy.
- If you’re worried you might be at risk for heart disease, ask your doctor to perform a simple Cholesterol test to let you know if you’re at risk and should make adjustments to your diet.
- I have a question for you. Did you know one in five heart attacks occurs without the person even knowing they had a heart attack.
- Women may experience different symptoms than men and the symptoms can include pain in the back, arm, neck, or shoulder; nausea; fatigue; shortness of breath; and vomiting.
- Here is a question for you. Did you know women under the age of 50 are twice as likely to die of a heart attack as men in the same age group.
- Heart attacks are more likely to occur on Monday mornings than other days of the week. Scientist’s attribute this to the disruption in our Circadian Rhythm over the weekend which leads to increased Blood Pressure and other changes to the Nervous system.
- If you drink one or more diet sodas a day, your chances of having a heart attack are 43% higher than those who drink regular soda or no Soda at all.
- American Heart Month motivates us to examine our health habits and risks and take steps to improve our heart health.
- Knowing the risk factors for heart disease and how to reduce heart problems can help people lead healthier lives and diminish their risk for heart attacks or Cardiovascular diseases.
- As the number one killer of Americans, heart disease is a slow-moving epidemic that affects almost everyone.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates