Unique Holidays: February 17th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening I’m a day late but I wanted to share our series for Unique Holidays: February 17th, 2022, with you. Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day and since Charlie and I didn’t leave the house today we weren’t able to perform any Random Acts of Kindness which stinks. But I did check on all my friends to see if they needed anything. Does that count as a Random Act of Kindness?

Random Acts of Kindness Day– always held on February 17th.

I wasn’t sure if you knew today is Random Acts of Kindness Day. and, if you know what to do to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day. If not, we ask you to perform a few random acts of kindness. Almost any kind deed will do and, we highly recommend you perform kind acts on as many people as you can.

This is a favorite Holiday of many people and groups. People like the idea of showing a little kindness to others. It’s a fun and good thing to do. People hey being on the receiving end of this Holiday as well. It makes both the giver and the receiver feel good.

Schools have used Random Acts of Kindness as an educational event, and to promote the value of kindness. Organizations have used this Holiday to promote their cause, and for fundraisers.

Also see World Kindness Day

History and Origin of Random Acts of Kindness Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday but we wish we could thank the originators of this Holiday. The originators have truly helped to make the world a better place.

Many organizations and groups have declared other days to be “Random Acts of Kindness Day”. These declarations are usually local, one-time events, often for fundraisers.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates