I would like to share our series featuring Unique Holidays: December Holidays and this month is Bingo Birthday’s Month. I wish my mom was here because she loved playing Bingo with her Cousin and we could go today. Now there is a Bingo Hall in Haltom City right around the corner from my home. Since my mom isn’t here would you like to go with me and Charlie.

Bingo’s Birthday Month is a Holiday observed in December. You know the game you probably loved playing with your grandparents and family members growing up? Now’s its Bingo Birthday Month! Play Bingo with friends and family at Holiday Parties to get everyone involved in the game that will bring you back to your childhood.
Bingo is a popular game of chance often played for cash or prizes. Players are given a “bingo card” with a pattern of random numbers. One player reads out a series of randomly drawn numbers. The object is to be the first to complete a specific pattern which could be “five in a row. The winner calls out “Bingo!” and collects their prize.
Bingo game began in Italy in 1530 as “LoGiuoco del Lotto D’Italia,” and Bingo is still played there today, every Saturday. The French adopted Bingo in the 1770s as “Le Lotto.” Germany put an academic spin on the pastime a Century later turning Bingo into an educational game for children, tying in lessons on various subjects.
Bingo arrived in North America in 1929, where Bingo was first called “beano.” Edwin Lowe, a New York salesman, modernized Bingo by hiring mathematician Carl Leffler, who developed thousands of combinations of numbered game cards. Lowe reportedly changed the name to “Bingo” when a winner shouted the word one day by mistake.
A Catholic Priest approached Lowe in the thirties about using Bingo as a Church Fundraiser, kicking off the decades-long association of the game with the American Catholic community. Bingo is also popular in Casinos, though Casino Bingo has declined in many areas due to rising taxes, smoking bans, and the rise of online gaming.
Did you know the man Edwin Lowe, the man who modernized Bingo, also invented Yahtzee!
HOW TO OBSERVE #BingosBirthdayMonth
Play a game or two of Bingo and use #BingosBirthdayMonth to post your game on Social Media. Dig out your old game of Bingo, or purchase a new Bingo Game. Or you could make a Bingo Game at home!
After searching for the creator of this Holiday we couldn’t’ identify the founder of Bingo’s Birthday Month. But the reason for the celebration is obvious.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates