Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: December 9th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Although you could have a Pastry or two while filling out your Christmas Cards. Giving you the opportunity to celebrate both Holidays.

Christmas Card Day– always observed on December 9th

I would like to ask you a question. Is your Christmas card list up to date? Christmas Card Day is December 9th and this holiday honors Sir Henry Cole (1818 – 1874) of England. Cole created the first commercial Christmas Card in 1843. Christmas Cards grew into a tradition. People created a list of all there friends and family members. The number of cards you received was a source of pride. You had to send a card out to everyone who sent you one. As a result, the list grew year after year.
Just a few decades ago, sending Christmas cards through the mail was a holiday “must”. Now, sending cards through the mail continues to decline in popularity. The cost and time of writing and sending cards have caused many people to stop sending Christmas Cards. Free Ecards have surged in popularity. Animated Christmas and daily seasonal Ecards have made sending and receiving Christmas Cards a lot of fun.
How to Celebrate Christmas Card Day
Sit down and address your Christmas Cards and get them ready to send out .
History and Origin of Christmas Card Day
We found no information about the creator of Christmas Card Day or when Christmas Card Day started. We suspect that on this date, Henry Cole marketed the commercial Christmas card. The timing is certainly appropriate. We have not yet confirmed this. Henry Cole was born in July and died in April, so it does not mark his birth or death.
National Pastry Day– always observed on December 9th

Indulge today and diet tomorrow, today is National Pastry Day. A fun holiday, created to encourage you to make, and eat your favorite Pastries. On National Pastry Day well-known Pastry Chefs put on a show, making and displaying their finest creations.
Enjoy a variety of Pastries today. The holidays are on the doorstep. There will be lots of Christmas Cookies, Treats, and Fruitcakes. This may be the last time to enjoy Pastries until after New Years.
How to Celebrate National Pastry Day
- Get your fill of Pastries on Holiday.
- Celebrate National Pastry Day by making Pastries.
- Don’t make just one variety of Pastry.
- Make a variety of Pastry’s and creativity is big in the world of pastry making so bee sure to try your hand at creating a new Pastry.
- Visit a bakery to get your fill of Pastry’s.
- Culinary Chefs use National Pastry Day an opportunity to put on a show today with live demonstrations.
History and Origin of National Pastry Day
We did not find any information about the origin of National Pastry Day but aren’t you glad someone created National Pastry Day as a holiday!?
There is no reference to suggest that this is a true “National” Holiday and we did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” Holiday. There is no congressional records or presidential proclamation.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates