Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: December 8th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why you choose that Holiday.

National Brownie Day celebrates Brownies. December 8th is destined to become chewy and gooey.
Brownie lovers, love Chocolate. Chocolate lovers, love Brownies. Therefore, it’s only natural, that we have a Holiday to celebrate Brownies.
It’s fun and easy to enjoy on National Brownie Day. First, select your favorite Brownie recipe, and bake a batch of Brownies. You can add Nuts if you prefer. Topping the Brownies with Chocolate frosting is a good thing, too. Finally, eat the Brownies! You can have Brownies for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as a snack.
Don’t forget the glass of Milk!
How to Celebrate National Brownie Day
- Bake Brownies.
- Give home-baked Brownies to family and friends.
- Now comes the fun part. Eat those Brownies!
Related Holidays
History and Origin of National Brownie Day
We found no factual information about the origin of National Brownie Day. That’s okay. I think I will have a Brownie with a glass of Milk.
Take it in the Ear Day– always observed on December 8th

Give me your ear, because today is Take it in the Ear Day. A a bizarre day of unknown origin. Our research found absolutely no documentation about the origin of Take It In The Ear Day. We have not uncovered any information around the meaning or purpose of Take It In The Ear Day. References to this holiday abound on bizarre and fun internet calendars.
Perhaps December 8th was without a holiday or day of celebration. Perhaps, someone created Take It In The Ear Day because they were having a rough day. Or, maybe, just maybe, the word ear was misspelled.
Well, in any event, however and whatever you want to take to your ear ee hope you thoroughly enjoy Take it in the Ear Day!!!
How to Celebrate Take it in the Ear Day
- Take It In The Ear Day is a day for listening.
- Take it in one ear and out the other.
- Put on your favorite music and listen with your headset.
- Go to an Opera or Musical.
- Attend your local Symphony Orchestra.
History and Origin of Take it in the Ear Day
Our research found no evidence of who created Take it in the Ear Day, when Take it in the Ear Day started, or why Take it in the Ear Day. But, we are all ears. Our “ears” are open to any information you can provide.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates