Unique Holidays: December 31st, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: December 31st, 2021. Today is Make Up Your Mind Day and also New Year’s Day which is when we make Resolutions for the New Year. Making these Holidays go hand in hand. As well as a lot of fun to participate in.

Make Up Your Mind Day– always on December 31st.

Image result for Make Up Your Mind Day

Make Up Your Mind Day is a very decisive day. All during the year, you’ve put on hold, many issues and decisions. Eventually, they need to be resolved and decided upon. Today is the day. It’s not a day to procrastinate or to put off making a decision. If you are going to make up your mind this year, you’d better do it real soon. When you think about it, isn’t it a great idea to clean the slate in advance of the New Year!?

You may want to begin, by making up your mind whether you will make New Year’s resolutions or not. Then, make up your mind to just what those resolutions will be.  

History and Origin of Make Up Your Mind Day:

We found no factual information about the origin of Make Up Your Mind Day nor didn’t we find any information on the creator of this Holiday.

New Year’s Eve – The evening of December 31st to the morning of January 1st.

Image result for New Year's Eve

New Year’s Eve is when all the festivities are. We see out the old year and ring in the new year. While New Years is often thought of as a time to drink and be merry, many people take New Year as an opportunity to eat and be merry. Drinking is not as much a part of the event as it was decades ago, if only because of tougher drunk driving laws.

New Years’ Day on the other hand, is a time to relax and enjoy the start of a bright and promising New Year a new beginning. It is a time to be with family. After all, you haven’t seen your mother-in-law since last year.

Enjoy everything about New Year’s because New Year’s only comes once a year.

To many Americans, the ball dropping at Times Square in New York City signals the start of the New Year in this Country. Did you know the ball was first dropped in 1908?

Did you know that a Raisin dropped in a glass of fresh Champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top?

I would like to ask you a question. D you make a New Year’s resolution. Millions of people do. It’s easy to make resolutions, yet much harder to complete the resolutions.

As you get well into January, those unaccomplished New Year’s resolutions hang over your head. Lucky for you, there is a Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions Day

Related Holidays: National Hangover Day

Unlucky Day

holiday is always on December 31

Unlucky Day is today. We sincerely hope it’s not unlucky for you. It will be unlucky for some people. It seems fitting that Unlucky Day is the last day of the year. You get the chance to get all the bad things out of the way, do next year will be happy, healthy and prosperous.

For the Record: We do not create special days. We record and report them. And, we definitely are not big on negative days. If we were to create special days, every day would be Lucky Day.

Friday the 13th: Any day when the 13th of the month falls on a Friday, it is considered an unlucky day. This happens from 1 to 3 times in a given year. You would think that’s enough unlucky days for a year.

Do you have….  Paraskevidekatriaphobia? If you are afraid for Friday the 13th, an unlucky day for most, then this is the diagnosis.

On this last day of the year, we hope that you have a very lucky Unlucky Day, and that the new year is a very lucky, healthy, and prosperous one!

Today’s Quote: “I still believe love is all you need. I don’t know a better message than that.” – – Paul McCartney

History and Origin of Unlucky Day:

Much is written about Friday the 13th. However, we found no factual information about the origin of Unlucky Day on December 31st. We wondered if it was just coincidence, that when you flip the numbers in 13, you get 31……hmmmmm.

We did not find any information on the creator of this special day. We firmly believe that this special day was created by someone who was just having a terribly mis-fortunate day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates