Unique Holidays: December 30th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: December 30th, 2021. I don’t know about you but with today celebrating Bacon I plan on celebrating all day long. I think I will start with Bacon and Eggs for Breakfast. Then a snack of Bacon. For lunch I will have a Club Sandwich with Bacon. A mid-afternoon snack of Bacon and for Dinner I will have a Bacon Cheeseburger. With a snack of Bacon before bedtime. Before you ask me if I will be tired of Bacon and not want any Bacon for a while. the answer is no, you can never have to much Bacon. Just ask my nephew David or his daughter Lily. Also, if you like Bacon as much as I do would you like to celebrate National Bacon Day with me?

Bacon Day

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Gather-round the frying pan today is National Bacon Day. Which is December 30th and this Holiday is enough to make any Bacon-lover squeal. Just saying the word Bacon makes us hungry. Bacon is an incredibly versatile food. You can eat Bacon on a Hamburger if you’re ready for a major calorie-fest.

Or you can crumble Bacon over a Salad if you’re trying to be kind of healthy. Although we should be honest, nothing is healthy with Bacon on it. You can even make Bacon the star of the show by pairing Bacon with Eggs. No matter what you do, Bacon is greasy, and the most beautiful thing we’ve ever seen strip. If you want to climb a tall building and scream at the top of your lungs, “I love bacon,” then please join us in celebrating National Bacon Day on December 30th.
Though the Holiday was created in 1997 as a way to take a break from celebrating the traditional Winter holidays, the consumption of Pork dates back thousands of years to 4900 B.C. where the Chinese domesticated Pigs and preserved Pork Bellies with Salt. This practice is believed to have made its way to the Romans and Greeks through conquests in the Middle East and by 1500 B.C. had largely impacted both production and preservation of Pork in the Roman Empire. Ancient Roman’s early form of Bacon, or “petaso,” was Pig shoulder broiled with dried Figs, browned and served with Wine. Which I think I would pass on. How about you?

The word “Bacon” can be traced back to various languages from before the 12th Century. Most notably from the French word “bako,” the Germanic “bakkon” and the Old Teutonic word “backe,” all of which specifically refer to the rear of the Pig. During the 16th Century, the word “bacoun” was used to refer to any kind of Pork. It wasn’t until the 17th Century that “Bacon” was used solely to refer to the salted and smoked Pork Belly that we know today.

Considering how easy and cheap it was to own Pigs, it’s no wonder during Medieval Times Bacon was very common among Anglo-Saxon Peasants. Each family and Butcher had their own recipe for curing and smoking Bacon. The sheer variety of Bacon, Sausage, and Black Pudding that you could buy in Victorian England created an almost golden age of Pork

Did you know the popular phrase “bring home the Bacon” can be traced to the 12 Century, in the English town of Dunmow. The church promised to reward a side of Bacon to any married man who swore before God and the congregation that he would not quarrel with his wife for a year and a day. I don’t think I would survive so I wouldn’t end up with a Side of Pork. If your married could your husband take this bet and win?


The good news the main tradition for National Bacon Day is eating Bacon. Yep, it doesn’t get much better than that. It’s also the last chance of the year for those who work in the food industry to lure you in with tasty deals. Keep your eyes peeled on Social Media for specials including Bacon.


  1. It’s time to switch things up and get outside of your box. Live life on the wild side and swap your normal Pepperoni and Sausage Pizza order. The delivery man is judging you, and frankly, we are too. To earn our respect back, you have to order a Pizza with nothing but crispy, mouth-watering Bacon as a topping and yes, you can add Candian Bacon to the Pizza. Trust me you’ll thank me later. If you’re not already thanking us now for thinking of this awesome lunch or dinner treat which will keep you from cooking.
  2. Purchas Bacon-covered Donuts. We get it this sounds wrong. But if Maple-Bacon Donuts are wrong, we don’t want to be right! You can thank the Swirls Bakery in Nebraska for starting the trend. They first conceptualized the Donut and decided to call it the “Elvis.” Later, this Donut was picked up by Voodoo Donuts in Portland, Dynamo Donuts in San Francisco, and more. Live on the edge and try this treat.
  3. Fix Bacon-wrapped Hot Dogs for lunch. You’re probably asking yourself how things could get any better. You’ve probably seen these concoctions before outside of that Event you attended this, Summer. But I’m willing to bet you’ve never tried Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs and you’re missing out!


  1. During WWII the U.S. government urged citizens to donate their excess Bacon Fat to the Army. The Army used the fat to make Bombs.
  2. The average American consumes 18 pounds of Bacon a year.
  3. There is a church in Las Vegas called “The United Church of Bacon” and it is exactly what it sounds like.
  4. The exact antithesis of Fat Camp, in Ann Arbor Michigan you can go to a camp with activities entirely curated around Bacon. Making this the perfect Gift for my nephew David and my niece Lily. Creating the perfect bonding experience for them.
  5. Did you know Bacon was included in the first meal eaten on the Moon?


  1. Bacon is amazing. Check your pulse if you don’t believe us. You’re clearly a Zombie masquerading as a real person. Why do we like Bacon so much? Bacon complements everything it comes in touch with, whether it’s spicing up a Salad or taking Donuts to the next level. They say Midas has the golden touch, but we beg to differ.
  2. Bacon is convenient. Look, there’s never enough time in one day. Between jobs, errands, and friends, we’re always struggling to find time to cook. However, when you opt to have Bacon as a meal, that’s not a problem. All you need to do is heat up a pan and pour in a little bit of Oil. Your Bacon will be ready in minutes and the hunger monster inside of you will be sated. Awin-win situation for everyone involved!
  3. Bacon has superpowers a nutrient called “Choline.” It’s been known to increase intelligence and memory, fight Alzheimer’s Disease, and protect the Heart from developing lethal problems. We never thought our favorite food Bacon could get any better, but then we learn about its health benefits. Thank you, Bcon; you’re the gift that keeps on giving.

National Bicarbonate of Soda Day– always on December 30th.

Image result for National Bicarbonate of Soda Day

National Bicarbonate of Soda Day, also called Baking Soda Day, celebrates the many benefits and uses of Bicarbonate of Soda.

Just how does Baking Soda work and what, specifically, does it do? Few people seem to know. It’s quite simple. We will skip the chemistry lesson and how Baking Soda is made. Let’s just talk to what it is, and what it does. Bicarbonate of soda is a chemical compound – sodium carbonate or sodium bi-carbonate. When heated, it creates carbon dioxide, a gas. The gas aids a variety of bakery products to rise as they cook.

Many people just think of Bicarbonate of Soda as something you use for baking. But, it has so many more uses. Here are just a few of them:

  • Baking- helps baked goods, like bread, to rise
  • Relieve stomach indigestion and heartburn when mixed in water
  • Removing odors in the refrigerator, vents, storage areas, and closets
  • Removing odor in kitty litter
  • It is used in fire extinguishers for grease and oil fires
  • It is often used as a cleaning agent
  • It can be used as a meat tenderizer
  • Put it in water with beans to minimize flatulence from eating beans
  • Polish Silverware
  • Remove burned food from a pot or a pan
  • And, the list goes on, and on, and……

Thought for the Day: The two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success.

History and Origin of National Bicarbonate of Soda Day:

Despite a whole lot of reference to this day, we found no content to help to identify the origin or the creator of this day.

With so many uses, it would sure make sense for Baking Soda to have a national day of recognition. Informally, it is indeed called a “National” day. However, we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates