Unique Holidays: December 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome back to our series featuring Unique Holidays: December 2022. Can you believe today is the first day of the last of month of 2022? Were did the time go? Are you ready for Christmas? To help you prepare I wanted to share the unique holidays happening this month which Charlie and I use in our Homeschool Classes.

December Monthly Celebrations

  • Bingo Month
  • National Fruitcake Month
  •  Safe Toys and Gifts Month
  • World Food Service Safety Month
  • Write a Friend Month

December Weekly Events

  • National Handwashing Awareness Week –  first week of the month
  • Human Rights Week – second week in December
  • Thank a Soldier Week – the week including Christmas

2022 December Daily Holidays, Special and Wacky Days:

December Eat a Red Apple Day World Aids Awareness Day

December 2 National Fritters Day

December 3 National Roof over Your Head Day

December 4 Santa’s List Day – we hope you are on the “Nice” list Wear Brown Shoes Day

December 5 Bathtub Party Day Repeal Day – The 21st Amendment ends Prohibition. I’ll drink to that!

December Bartender Appreciation Day – in Europe St. Nicholas Day Mitten Tree Day Put on your own Shoes Day

December 7 International Civil Aviation Day

Letter Writing Day

National Cotton Candy Day – would you like some fairy floss?

Pearl Harbor Day

December 8 

National Brownie Day

Take it in the Ear Day

December 9

Christmas Card Day

National Pastry Day

December 10

Human Rights Day

Nobel Prize Day

December 11

International Children’s Day – Second Sunday in December

National Noodle Ring Day

December 12

Gingerbread House Day

National Ding-a-Ling Day

Poinsettia Day

 December 13

Ice Cream Day

National Cocoa Day

Violin Day

December 14

International Monkey Day

National Bouillabaisse Day

Roast Chestnuts Day

U.K. National Postal Worker Day

December 15

Bill of Rights Day

National Lemon Cupcake Day

December 16

National Chocolate Covered Anything Day

December 17

National Maple Syrup Day

December 18

Bake Cookies Day

Chanukah begins – the date varies

National Roast Suckling Pig Day

December 19

Look for an Evergreen Day

Oatmeal Muffin Day

December 20

Go Caroling Day

December 21

Crossword Puzzle Day

Forefather’s Day

Humbug Day

Look on the Bright Side Day

National Flashlight Day

Winter Solstice – the shortest day of the year, the date varies

December 22

National Date Nut Bread Day – or September 8!?

December 23

Festivus – for the rest of us

Roots Day

December 24

National Chocolate Day

National Egg Nog Day

December 25

Christmas Day

National Pumpkin Pie Day for recipes see Pumpkin Nook’s Cookbook

December 26

Boxing Day – date can vary

National Candy Cane Day

December 27

Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day

National Fruitcake Day

December 28

Card Playing Day

December 29

Pepper Pot Day

December 30

Bacon Day

National Bicarbonate of Soda Day

December 31

Make Up Your Mind Day

New Year’s Eve

Unlucky Day

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates