Unique Holidays: December 1st, 2022

The Mommies Reviews
Unique Holidays: November 28th, 2022
Unique Holidays: December 1st, 2022

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: December 1st, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate by leaving me a comment below.

Eat a Red Apple Day– always observed on December 1st

Eat a Red Apple Day is today from Thanksgiving through New Years, we consume an overabundance of food especially desserts. Not all of it is healthy for us. December 1st encourages us to take a break from all the Candy, and high-in-fat sweets. Instead, eat a red Apple. Apples are delicious and they are nutritious. That’s a great combination. Apples date back to the garden of Eden. In that garden, the Bible tells us Apples were the “Forbidden fruit”.

It is really easy to participate in Eat a Red Apple Day. There are thousands of varieties of Apples grown all over the planet. Your mission today is to pick an Apple among all of these varieties and eat it.

The Science of growing Apples is called Pomology.

Celebrate Eat a Rede Apple Day and select a juicy piece of the “Forbidden Fruit” and enjoy Eat a Red Apple Day.

How to Celebrate Eat a Red Apple Day

  • Eat an Apple which doesn’t have to be red.
  • Give an Apple to your teacher.
  • Bake an Apple Pie.
  • Research the different varieties of Apples.

History and Origin of Eat a Red Apple Day

We found no factual information about the origin of Eat a Red Apple Day. and we did not find any information on the creator of Eat a Red Apple Day. 

Most likely, Eat a Red Apple Day was created by either an Apple-growing organization, the medical community, or a dietitian.

World Aids Awareness Day– always observed on December 1st

World Aids Awareness Day is today which is noted around the world, by fundraisers and educational programs, and events. World Aids Awareness Day goals are to bring greater awareness to Aids. To support the fight against HIV/Aids and people who have it, along with searching for a cure.

HIV/AIDS is one of the world’s biggest medical crises. Aids disease was first spotted in 1959 and Aids grew to epidemic proportions, peaking in the 1980s and 1990s. Thanks to awareness, medicine, and treatment, the number of people with this disease have dropped off dramatically. Worldwide, about 38.4 million people have aids. In 2021 aids deaths were 650,000, a decline of 68% since 2004.

How to Celebrate Aids Awareness Day

On World Aids Awareness Day, there are several things you can do. Including:

  • Learning more about HIV/AIDs.
  • Promote education about Aids and protection against Aids.
  • Help people with AIDS.
  • Donate to the fight to end Aids.

Please do what you can to support the fight against HIV/AIDS.

History and Origin of Aids Awareness Day

World Aids Awareness Day was created in 1988 by the United Nations World Health Organization.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates