Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: December 18th, 2022. Would you check out the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why you choose that holiday.

Bake Cookies Day– always held on December 18th

Bake Cookies Day, comes at an opportune time. Bake Cookies Day arrives during the major December holidays. Bake Cookies Day serves as a reminder to bake holiday Cookies if you haven’t done so already. People, young and old, celebrate bake Cookies Day by baking their favorite cookies. Make a party of it, and bake cookies in groups with family. Don’t stop at baking just one kind of Cookie. Plan to bake several varieties of Cookies. Try a new recipe, or two, or three.
If you bake more than you can eat, good for you! Wrap up gift trays filled with Cookies for friends and neighbors. Cookies freeze well, too.
We are very surprised that Bake Cookies Day is not immediately followed by “Eat Cookies Day”. We did not even find an Eat Cookies Day. So, you can, and should, eat Cookies every day!
How to Celebrate Bake Cookies Day
- Pull out your holiday recipe books.
- Make a batch of Christmas Cookies.
- Set the Cookies out on a plate and watch them disappear!
- After you’ve made several varieties of Christmas Cookies, put a few of each of them on a plate and give to neighbors.
- Have a Christmas Cookie exchange.
Chanukah begins – December 18, 2022; December 7, 2023; December 26, 2024; December 14, 2025; December 4, 2026; December 24, 2027; December 12, 2028; December 1, 2029; December 20, 2030

Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, also called Chanukah and Hanukah celebrates victory from Greek religious persecution. The Jewish victory was led by the Macabees in the year 167 B.C. Upon returning to the temple to rededicate it and relight the Menorah, the Macabees found only one small flask of Oil, enough to light the Menorah for just one day. However, the flask of Oil lasted eight days, Hence the celebration lasts eight days. This is also why Chanukah is called the Festival of Lights.
Chanukah is a happy and joyous festivity. There is no fasting no Eulogies, and no sacrifice. Small gifts are given to family and friends each of the eight days of Chanukah.
“One Hanukkah, a Jewish husband said to his wife, “I think there’s something wrong with these Latkes, dear. They taste awful.” His wife replied, “That shows you what you know. The recipe book says they’re delicious.”
National Roast Suckling Pig Day– always observed on December 18th

What’s for dinner tonight!? Who would have ever thought we’d ever be celebrating a Pig of any kind or for any reason? Not just any Pig, specifically a Suckling Pig. National Roast Suckling Pig Day is a delicious December 18th holiday to remember.
While everyone is running around, frantically preparing for the holidays, mom or grandma is busy in the kitchen. She has taken a break from the hubbub to cook a fancy meal. A Roasted Suckling Pig. As you read this, how many of you thought to yourselves “Yeah, right… fat chance that will happen.”
A “Suckling Pig”, also called “Sucking Pig”, is a young Piglet that has not yet been weaned from its mother.
Roasting a whole Pig takes a long time and is a fair amount of work, even a small Pig. But, the result is well worth it. If you are too busy to roast a Pig today, take a well-deserved break. Go out to a local restaurant and order Roasted Suckling Pig dinner.
How to Celebrate National Roast Suckling Pig Day
- Roast a Suckling Pig for dinner tonight.
- Invite lots of people because this young Pig will serve up to 20 people.
- Tour a Farm and see Pigs in their normal environment.
- Adopt a Pig as a Pet.
- If you are too busy with the activities of the holiday Season, go for a quicker meal. How about BLTs or a Ham Sandwich?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates