Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: December 16th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie and I want to go get Fast Food this evening and celebrate National Fast Food Day. Would you like to join us for dinner?

Button Day– always observed on November 16th

Button Day, s a fun day to collect, use, and enjoy buttons which come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors, and designs. Buttons come in an amazingly endless variety for our collection.
Wait a minute. is that the meaning of Button Day!? Maybe, the purpose of Button Day is to wear buttons. You know, those diverse buttons that send a message for political purposes. Or, ones that have funny sayings. Or, buttons with a smiley face to cheer everyone up.
The origins of Button Day are unknown. We can’t be certain of the real meaning of Button Day and, that could be a good thing. It means you can celebrate today any way you want.
Related holidays: Count Your Buttons Day
How to Celebrate Button Day
- Collect and display clothing buttons.
- Button up ‘cuz it’s cold outside!
- Push someone’s buttons.
- You could check out your Belly button and clean out the fuzz that you’ve been storing in there.
- Wear Buttons showcasing things you like but you should skip the political buttons. My favorite button is a empowering sign. What about you?
History and Origin of Button Day
We did not find any information about the origin of Button Day, or when Button Day began or who originated Button Day.
Apparently, the creators lips were buttoned up.
Have a Party With Your Bear Day– always observed on November 16th

Do you have a Teddy Bear and if so is your Teddy Bear a real “party Bear”? Hopefully, yours’s is because today is Have a Party With Your Bear Day. You and your Teddy Bear are going to be real party animals. Apparently, Teddy Bears are real swingers. Who would have known? You get to spend time with your Teddy Bear. I bet you can’t think of anything that is more fun!!
Teddy bears are a source of comfort and security for children in a sometimes scary and uncertain world. Teddy Bears encourage kids to use their imagination.
Get out the party banners and balloons. Make a cake. Send out the invitations. Invite all of your Teddy Bears, and your human friends, too. Let them bring their Teddy Bears along. Today is going to be a fun day.
Teddy bears are by far the most popular Bear for kids. Panda Bears are a close second overall, as people of all ages are fascinated by Pandas.
How to Celebrate Have a Party with Your Bear Day
Bring out the party hats, streamers, and balloons and this will be a gala event.
- Then host a party with your Teddy Bear.
- Make snacks.
- Invite your family
- Adults, we know you’ve kept your Teddy Bear. Don’t miss out on this fun Holiday. Have a party with your Teddy Bear, too.
History and Origin of Have a Party with Your Bear Day
We couldn’t find any factual information on of Have a Party with Your Bear Day.
However, we think everyone, young or old, should participate in Have a Party with Your Bear Day which will make you feel good.
International Tolerance Day– always observed on November 16th

UNESCO International Tolerance Day is an annual event, celebrated around the world. The United Nations and UNESCO created and sponsor UNESCO International Tolerance Day on November 16th. The United Nations is committed to strengthening tolerance by fostering mutual understanding among cultures and peoples. This is especially needed in these times of war, terrorism, and disregard for human life.
Countries around the World celebrate UNESCO International Tolerance Day, by holding conferences, fairs, and other events to teach the meaning and importance of tolerance, and encourage individuals and groups to practice tolerance, respect, and dignity. Practicing tolerance toward others will help lead to Peace.
According to UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon: “The United Nations promotes tolerance as a matter of its fundamental identity. When tolerance is upheld, we encourage the world to emulate those fine examples. When tolerance is threatened, we must speak out.” — UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon.
If you are in a position to do so, create an event for your company, organization, or group, to promote and teach tolerance. As an individual look for events on UNESCO International Tolerance Day, where you can participate.
How to Celebrate UNESCO International Tolerance Day
- As individuals, practice tolerance, respect, and dignity towards everyone in your life, as well as those you meet.
- Support efforts by the Federal government and organizations to promote tolerance around the world.
History and Origin of UNESCO International Tolerance Day
International Tolerance Day was proclaimed in 1993 by the UN General Assembly. 1995 was declared the Year of Tolerance. Then, UNESCO International Tolerance Day became an annual event, sponsored and promoted by UNESCO. In 1996, the UN issued resolution 51/95, encouraging all member nations to participate in this day.
National Fast Food Day always observed on November 16th

Today is National Fast Food Day. Americans are always fast-moving, and always in a rush. As a result of our on-the-go lifestyle, we need to eat quickly and are usually unwilling or unable to wait long for our food to be prepared. As a result, fast food restaurants came into existence and are thriving. Fast Food has been a part of the American restaurant scene since the early 1950s.
Fast food restaurants are conveniently located on countless street corners. Fast food restaurants are in malls and shopping centers. Breakfast and lunch are the meals we tend to rush through most often. We are in a hurry to get to work. We have a short lunch break. Many times, we are in a hurry to get a quick bite before a movie, show, or party. On the other hand, dinners are often a meal to savor and enjoy in a more leisurely manner.
Top Five Fast Food Restaurants
- McDonald’s has the number 1 position with over $38.5 billion in sales and they have over 36,000 stores all over the world.
- Starbucks has $19.7 billion in sales worldwide.
- Subways sell over $10.4 billion a year.
- Taco Bell has $10.3 billion in annual sales.
- Chick-fil-A rounds off the top five with $10 billion in annual says.
How to Celebrate National Fast Food Day
Participating in National Fast Food Day is easy. You are probably already doing so, on a regular basis.
- All you have to do, is eat or drink at a fast food restaurant today.
- To be a full-fledged participant on National Fast Food Day, eat in fast food restaurants for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- Take the challenge. Eat or drink at each of the top 5 fast-food restaurants today. Its more fun if you have 4 friends join you and you set out all the food and take turns sharing the meals you purchase.
History and Origin of National Fast Food Day
Our research did not reveal the creator of National Fast Food Day. The great mind that thought up National Fast Food Day, was probably moving too fast to remember to take credit for creating National Fast Food Day. He or she is likely someone in the fast food industry.
This relatively new, yet important Holiday, is called a “National” Holiday but we did not find a congressional or presidential proclamation making this Holiday a true National Holiday.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates