Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: December 14th, 2022. Today is International Monkey Around Day a Holiday I know Suzzane would have liked celebrating because she loved Monkey’s. Did you know here nickname is Monkey Sue? If you want to know why leave me a comment and I will tell you.

International Monkey Day– always observed on December 14th

I’ll be a Monkey’s Uncle today is International Monkey Day, sometimes called “World Monkey Day“. What does one do on International Monkey Day you ask!? Why anything about or related to Monkeys. To be in the spirit of International Monkey Day, start off drawing pictures of Monkeys. You can act like Monkeys and Monkey around. You should hang from Trees while eating a Banana or two. Scratching under your armpit is optional.
On International Monkey Day, back in the year 2000, artist Casey Sorrow was in art school. Casey jokingly sketched a Monkey on a friend’s calendar. International Monkey Day was born.
International Monkey Day is a day to celebrate and enjoy Monkeys of all kinds. We encourage you to do as Casey did and draw pictures of Monkeys today.
There is no shortage of Monkeys to honor. Last time they counted, there were over 260 species of Monkeys including Apes, Lemurs, and Tarsiers.
How to Celebrate International Monkey Day
- Teachers, have your students draw pictures of Monkeys in art class today.
- Follow the art class with an instructional class about Monkeys and their habitat.
- Monkey around.
- Go to the Zoo and visit Monkeys.
- Your diet should consist of plenty of Bananas today including Banana Pancakes, and Banana Pie.
History and Origin of International Monkey Day
We found no factual information about the origin of International Monkey Day and we did not find any information on the creator of International Monkey Day. Is it possible that there was a little Monkey business resulting in the historical information being misplaced or otherwise lost!?
As of yet, there is no international or world organization that has officially sanctioned International Monkey Day. We hope this does not deter you from celebrating International Monkey Day.
National Bouillabaisse Day– always observed on December 14th

I think that you will agree with me that Bouillabaisse is a somewhat Fishy day which celebrates a tasty Mediterranean Fish Stew or Soup.
Bouillabaisse is believed to have originated in Marseilles, France and Bouillabaisse is extremely popular all around the Mediterranean and is a specialty in ports across the region.
Bouillabaisse is a Fish Stew or Soup. All agree the Fish should be White Fillets. Recipes call for a variety of Fish, including Cod, Snapper, Flounder, Halibut, Sea Bass, Monkfish, and more.
Celebrate National Bouillabaisse Day with a cup or bowl of this Bouillabaisse.
How to Celebrate National Bouillabaisse Day
- Find a restaurant that has Bouillabaisse on the menu and go for lunch or dinner.
- Prepare a Bouillabaisse recipe at home.
History and Origin of National Bouillabaisse Day
Bouillabaisse appears a little Fishy but we found no factual information about National Bouillabaisse Day. Nor, did we catch or met the creator but we will continue to troll the internet for the originator and more information.
There was some reference to National Bouillabaisse Day as a “National Holiday”. Most food-related holidays are called “National”. However, we found no congressional records or presidential proclamations.
Roast Chestnuts Day– always observed on December 14th

Today is Roast Chestnuts Day. Aren’t you excited!? Every Christmas holiday we all sing about “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.” Have you ever roasted Chestnuts!? It may surprise you to know, that some people have never even tasted a Chestnut.
It’s time we changed that, by simply roasting Chestnuts today. Roast Chestnuts in the early evening, so they will be done in time for an evening snack. Chestnuts go great with a cup of Hot Chocolate.
With the holidays rapidly approaching, take a few minutes to roast Chestnuts. Make sure to roast enough to share with family. You can even wrap Chestnuts up and include them in gift baskets.
How to Celebrate Roast Chestnuts Day
- Roast chestnuts. It’s okay if you don’t have an open fireplace you can roast Chestnuts in the oven.
- Have Chestnuts as a snack tonight.
- Make Chestnuts the night before and bring them to work to share with co-workers.
History and Origin of Roast Chestnuts Day
Bob Matthews, owner of Holiday Insights created Roast Chestnuts Day in 2015.
The date to celebrate Roast Chestnuts Day was selected to coincide with the beginning of the “Twelve Days of Christmas”. This date was also selected just before we all get totally engrossed with all the activities of the holiday season.
In a recent review, we found a website referring to this as a “National” Holiday. As the creator of Roast Chestnuts Day, it IS NOT national holiday.
U.K. National Postal Worker Day– always observed on July 1st. United Kingdom – always celebrated on December 14th.

Today is National Postal Worker Day. Show your appreciation and thanks to all the postal workers you meet today. Postal Workers certainly work hard to assure you receive your mail six days a week all year long.
When we think about postal workers, postal carriers usually come to mind. These are the individuals who deliver the mail to you by vehicle or walking, six days a week, under all kinds of weather. Carriers certainly should get recognition today. In fact, there is a separate holiday called Thank Your Mailman Day just for the carriers.
Today’s holiday is all about recognizing the hard work of all the other workers. Show appreciation for all postal workers behind the scenes. National Postal Workers Day includes the clerks behind the counter at the post office as well as all those hard workers behind the scenes. There are about 490,000 workers in the United States and over 120,000 in the U.K. They include the clerks behind the counter, mail sorters, truck drivers, management, and a wide range of other jobs at the Postal Service.
Postal carriers who walk their routes, typically walk 4 to 8 miles per day, with a full bag of mail.
How to Participate in National Postal Worker Day
- Go to the Post office and thank the clerks and all those behind the scenes.
- Bring a box of treats to the post office.
- If you run into a postal worker on the street, tell them thanks.
History and Origin of National Postal Worker Day
In the United States, this National Postal Worker Day was created in 1997 by Seattle, Washington postal worker Richard E. Baker. Richard E. Baker simply wanted to honor his hard-working fellow employees.
Neither congress nor the President of the United States has proclaimed a national day for postal workers. Postal workers do not get this day off. Let’s change that. Write your local congressman and the President of the U.S., to voice your support for National Postal Worker Day.
Less information is available on National Postal Worker Day in the U.K. Similar to the U.S., we did not find any proclamation from the U.K. government or the queen mum.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates