Unique Holidays: December 13th, 2022

Holidays The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: December 13th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why you picked that holiday.

Unique Holidays: December 13th, 2022:
Unique-Holidays- December 13th, 2022:

Ice Cream Day

National Ice Cream Day is on the third Sunday in July and Ice Cream Day is December 13th.

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July as National Ice Cream Month. President Ronald Reagan also established National Ice Cream Day as the third Sunday in the month.

When you get the urge for a snack on a hot, Summer night, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Ice Cream! Therefore, it’s only fitting that Ice Cream is given its own holiday. On this holiday, we hope you enjoy a Sundae, or a Milkshake. Set the diet aside and splurge a little and have one of each!

Did you know Ice cream is nutritious? A little heavy on Sugar and calories, Ice Cream is otherwise good for you. Ice Creams base ingredient is Milk, which is loaded with healthy vitamins and minerals.

Charles E. Minches of St. Louis, Missouri is credited with inventing the Ice Cream Cone. On July 23, 1904, at the World’s Fair in St. Louis, Charles E. Minches of St. Loui filled a Pastry Cone with two scoops of Ice Cream to make the first Cone. There is some controversy over this claim. Italo Marchiony of New York City filed a patent for the Ice Cream Cone months before the fair opened. . Italo Marchiony of St. Louis was selling Lemon Ice in Cones as early as 1896. 

National Ice Cream Day in December

There is also a celebration of Ice Cream Day on December 13th. We found no factual information about this holiday. We suspect that it evolved from some local event. Perhaps a school Ice Cream Social somehow took on an undocumented, national recognition as a holiday. 

How to Participate in Ice Cream Day

Food holidays are fun holidays were you get to guiltlessly put aside your dietary restrictions and partake in whatever food is being celebrated.

  • Enjoy Ice Cream a couple of times today. Then, go back to your diet tomorrow.

History and Origin of Ice Cream Day

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan declared July to be National Ice Cream Month. President Ronald Reagan also proclaimed the third Sunday in July as National Ice Cream Day. According to President Reagan ” Ice cream is a fun and nutritious food that is enjoyed by over 90% of Americans.”

National Cocoa Day– always observed on December 13th

It’s mid-December and it’s cold outside. The snow is piling up outside, too. It’s only fitting, that today is National Cocoa Day. which is also called National Hot Chocolate Day. There’s nothing better to do on a cold winter’s night than to sit by the fireside with a mug full of hot Cocoa.

 There is a basic difference between Cocoa and Hot Chocolate. Hot Cocoa is made from Cocoa Powder, which comes from roasted Cacao Beans minus the Cocoa Butter. Hot Chocolate is made from melted Chocolate. Many people do not know this distinction. Many people do not care. They only care that both drinks are delicious!

The ancient Mayans created the first Chocolate beverages more than 2,000 years ago. It was called “Xocolatl”. By 1,400 A.D., when European explorers first arrived, they found Cocoa was an important part of the Aztec civilization. In addition to being part of their diet, Cocoa was used medicinally. Cocoa aids in digestion and Coca is loaded with antioxidants, which help prevent Cancer.

There are a lot of things you can add to hot Cocoa including

  • Marshmallows
  • Whipped cream
  • Peppermint
  • Peppermint schnapps or liquor.

Cocoa Trivia

  • The Swiss consume the most Cocoa, about 22 pounds per person per year.
  • In comparison, the average American consumes just 11 pounds per year.
  • Cocoa comes from the Cacao Tree. Therefore, Cocoa is a Vegetable!

How to Celebrate National Cocoa Day

It’s fun and easy to celebrate National Hot Cocoa Day. Grab your favorite mug, fill it with hot Cocoa, or hot Chocolate and don’t forget the marshmallows.

History and Origin of National Cocoa Day

Our research has not yet uncovered who the creator of National Cocoa Day is, or why he or she created National Cocoa Day. Perhaps, they fell asleep by the fireside, cup of hot Chocolate in hand.

This holiday has been in existence since 2010, or a little before.

We did not find a congressional or presidential proclamation making National Cocoa Day a true national day.

Violin Day– always observed on December 13th

Violin Day is today, a December 13th holiday. If you play the Violin then pick up your Stratovarius, and let’s make some music together. The Violin is an elegant instrument, and classy.

Those who play the Violin can create beautiful music. The sound is fantastic when played as a solo. In a concert band or orchestra, the sound blends well with just about any musical piece. If you are a Violinist, we salute you.

How to Celebrate National Violin Day

  • Listen to Violin music.
  • Pick up your Violin and play a few songs
  • Sign up to take Violin lessons.
  • Attend a Violin Concerto.
  • Study and learn about famous Violin players.

History and Origin of National Violin Day

We found no factual information about the origin of Violin Day. Our research in the early 2000s and again in the early 2020s has not uncovered who created Violin Day.

We can speculate as to how Violin Day was created. We have a very logical hypothesis. It is the Christmas holiday season. Schools hold holiday musical concerts. One of the Violin concerts was likely the origin of Violin Day

We did not find a congressional or presidential proclamation making Violin Day a true national holiday.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates