Unique Holidays: December 13th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: December 13th, 2021. Check out the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie and I said we would like to celebrate Ice Cream Day with an Ice Cream Cone. Would you like to join us?

Ice Cream Day– December 13th.

Image result for Icecream Day

When you get the urge for a snack on a hot, humid Summer night, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Ice Cream! Therefore, it’s only fitting Ice Cream should be given its own Holiday. On this day, we hope you enjoy an Ice Cream Cone, a Sundae, or Milk Shake. or you could set aside any diet you might be on and splurge a little. Have one of type of Ice Cream desserts.

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July as National Ice Cream Month and he also established National Ice Cream Day as the third Sunday in the month.

Ice cream is Nutritious although a little heavy on Sugar and Calories, otherwise Ice Cream is good for you. Ice Creams base ingredient is Milk, which is loaded with healthy Vitamins and Minerals.

Charles E. Minches of St. Louis, Missouri is credited with inventing the Ice Cream Cone. On July 23rd, 1904 at the World’s Fair in St. Louis, Charles E. Minches filled a Pastry Cone with two scoops of Ice Cream to make the first Ice Cream Cone. There is some controversy over this claim. Italo Marchiony of New York City filed a patent for the Ice Cream Cone months before the Fair opened. And, Italo Marchiony was selling Lemon Ice in Cones as early as 1896. 

There is also a celebration of Ice Cream Day on December 13th, but we found no factual information about this Holiday. We suspect that the Holiday evolved from some local event. Perhaps a school Ice Cream Social took on an undocumented, national recognition as a Holiday. 

History and Origin of National Ice Cram Day

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan declared July to be National Ice Cream Month ad he also proclaimed the third Sunday in July as National Ice Cream Day. According to President Reagan ” Ice Cream is a fun and nutritious food that is enjoyed by over 90% of Americans.

Violin Day– always held on December 13th.

Image result for Violin Day- always held on December 13th.

Pick up your Stratovarius, and let’s play music together. The Violin is a classy musical instrument.

Those who play the Violin can create beautiful music. If you are a Violinist, we salute you.

On this Holiday, you should:

  • Pick up the Violin and play a few songs
  • Take steps to learn to the play the Violin
  • Attend a Symphonic Orchestra or a Violin Concert.

History and Origin of Violin Day:

We found no factual information about the origin of Violin Day, and we didn’t find any information on the creator of this Holiday. You can speculate as to how this Holiday was created. I have a very logical hypothesis. It is the Christmas Holiday Season and schools hold Holiday Musical Concerts. One of the Violin Concerts was likely the origin of  Violin Day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates