Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays; August 8th, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why.
Charlie says he would like to celebrate International Cat Day and adopt a Cat but David will not let us do that because of the dogs we have. David says he wouldn’t mind celebrating Middle Child Day and taking his brother Bo a Six pack of Beer.

Looks like Charlie and I need to go to the Dollar Store and pick up Cat Treats and call my niece Lily and see if we can come and visit her Cat Socks. As well as Slippers and Nayla. Would you like to come with us?
International Cat Day, also called World Cat Day is today. This is a truly International Day, which is celebrated in most Countries around the world. Its a special day to celebrate Domestic Cats of all kinds. According to the sponsors, on this day we “Cat lovers around the world unite across the globe in a celebration of Cats.” This is a day to enjoy our beloved Feline Pets and to pamper them.
Not all Cats are alike. There is a very wide a variety of Cats, with one or more certain to find a place in your heart. You could say that there is a purr-fect Cat for you. Don’t have a Cat? Celebrate this day by going to your local Animal Shelter and adopt a Cat.
If you are a Cat lover, and we hope you are, you and your Cat will just love this day. Spend extra time together. Purchase your Cat a new toy or a new bandana. As you pamper your Cat, don’t forget to give a special meal and treat to your Cat. In return, watch your Cat give you a little more love and comfort than usual. Importantly, don’t forget to take a picture of you and your Cat, and post it on Social Media.
Cat Facts and Trivia
- Do you have Ailurophobia? We hope not. That’s the fear of Cats.
- There’s over 500 million domestic Cats in the world. Over 95 million are in the United States.
- There are 71 standardized breeds of Cats.
- Stewie, a domestic Tabby from Nevada, was the world’s longest cat at 48.5 inches long.
- Himmy, a domestic Cat in Queensland, Australia, is the world’s heaviest cat at 20.87 kilograms, over 46 pounds.
- The oldest domestic Cat ever is Creme Puff at 38 years and 3 days.
- Cats may shy away from water, but they can swim.
- Your pet Cat’s genome is 96% Tiger!
- Cats are near sighted.
History and Origin of International Cat Day :
This special days was created in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Sponsorship for International Cat Day was transferred to International Cat Care, a non-profit organization in 2020.
Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony

Here are the rescheduled dates of the Olympics Opening Ceremony and Closing Ceremony. Which were rescheduled from 2020 due to COVID-19
Opening Day Ceremony: July 23, 2021
Closing Day Ceremony: August 8, 2021
Location: Tokyo, Japan
The Next Summer Olympics: The XXXIII Olympics Games will be held in Paris, France in 2024. Having Paris as a place to visit on my Bucket List wouldn’t the Summer Olympics in 2024 be the perfect time to visit?
Once every four years, the world’s top athletes meet, to compete in the games of the Summer Olympics. Its officially called the Games of the XXXII Olympiad.
Opening Day ceremonies for the Summer Olympics is a huge, and very special event. The Olympic competitions are held over a two week period. It concludes with a closing ceremony.
Also see the Winter Olympics
Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day – now that’s nasty!

Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day. Now that’s nasty! But hey, what are you going to do with an endless supply of Zucchini Fruit? We can only eat so much Zucchini.
Experienced Gardener’s know that Zucchini is one of the most prolific Plants in all of the Gardening world. A single plant produces a endless supply of Zucchini. A small row of Zucchini has the potential to end World Hunger.
By the time August arrives, gardeners have far more Zucchini than they can possibly use. They use Zucchini daily in a number of recipes, from Soups and Stews, to Breads and Dips. Still, the Fruit matures on the vine faster than anyone can even pick it. Zucchini growers become desperate, as they try to give Zucchini away to family, friends and everyone they encounter. By August, even non-gardeners have had enough Zucchini. Everyone avoids you, with your arms laden with giveaway fruit.
Desperate times calls for desperate measure. It’s time to sneak over, under the cover of darkness, to your neighbors porch, and unload Zucchini. Today is that day. This may solve your problem for today. But, what will you do with all those Zucchinis that you harvest tomorrow!?!
History and Origin of Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day :
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day. However, as a Gardener, this Author readily understands why someone proclaimed a day in August to distribute the bountiful Zucchini harvest.
Middle Child’s Day – second Saturday in August

Thank the LORD my dad isn’t here or there is no, clue how he would want to celebrate my sister who is the Middle Child and by far his favorite child always hands down.
Just as my brother was my moms favorite. Before you ask me what about me. I wasn’t either of my parents favorite child they just tolerated me. In fact my dad wanted to give me to my grandmother Dorie if I wasn’t a boy and I wish he would have. But we all know my dad didn’t.
My parents ending up keeping me and because of that I had a horrible childhood. Even though I loved my mom and dad my dad treated me horribly just ask my Aunt Sue.
Middle Child’s Day, or Middle Children’s Day, gives a little well deserved recognition to the wonderful and special middle child in the family. Which if you were to ask me my sister got enough recognition when my dad was alive. I don’t plan on celebrating her…
For parents of three children, you likely know the “Middle Child Syndrome” all too well. If you grew up the middle child with both older and younger siblings, you know the feeling a from a personal perspective.
The first child is the first child. Beyond a doubt, the first born is a very special occasion. He, or she, has all of mom and dad for a while before the second child comes along. Then the final child is and always will be the baby of the family.
This author knows what its like to be a middle child and we won’t go into a Middle Child Syndrome is. Rather, we will focus upon one aspect. Older and younger children tend to be more outgoing, or extroverted. The middle Child tends to be more introverted, and quieter, perhaps a bit of a loner.
It is very fair and fitting that we celebrate, and place into the limelight, the Middle Child today. Go out and enjoy this day to the fullest. Tell the world about it. Be a little outspoken, and let the world know how great it is to be the Middle Child. You truly are a wonderful, talented, and special person!
Happy Middle Child’s Day to all of my fellow middle children!
History and Origin of Middle Child’s Day:
This special day was created in 1986 by Elizabeth Walker of Sebring, Fl. As you’ve already guessed Elizabeth was a middle child.
From it’s creation and up until a few years ago, this Holiday was called Middle Child’s Day. Around 2107, a few websites began to add the word “National” to the title. According to Litton Walker, the creator’s grandchild. “As for websites adding the word “National” to it, I don’t have a preference, but I suppose it does sound better.”
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates