Unique Holidays: August 31st, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: August 31st, 2021. Take a look at the Holiday and let me know which Holiday you most would like to celebrate and why.

I keep saying I wish I had my yard done so I could eat outside as I miss it and Charlie hasn’t had the opportunity to eat out in our yard. So if I were to celebrate a Holiday today it would be National Eat Outside Day.

David says he wouldn’t mind celebrating National Eat Outside Day if it would make me happy. Charlie says he would like to celebrate both Holidays and have his dad help him make Trail Mix for his Homeschool Cooking Class.

National Eat Outside Day

National Eat Outside Day - Breaking Buzz

The last day of August! Summer is almost over, yet we can’t get enough of the great outdoors. The Sun is bright and warm, the Weather is great and National Eat Outside Day couldn’t come at a better time.  

People have been eating outdoors since the days of the Caveman. Nowadays, people eat most, if not all, of their meals indoors. Eating outdoors has become more of a special event, than a regular occurrence. National Eat Outdoors Day, is an opportunity to change that, if only for a day.

Celebrating this special day is very easy. Find a Picnic Table, a Park Bench, or an Outdoor Restaurant. You can also spread a blanket out on the lawn. Use one of these special places to eat all of your meals, snacks, popsicles and Ice Cream, outside in Sunshine and fresh air. You will be glad you did!

 Sidewalk Cafes first appeared in the early 1900’s in Manhattan in New York City. Can you believe I can’t remember a time when I’ve eaten at a Sidewalk Cafe. How about you?

National Trail Mix Day

National Trail Mix Day - involvement@UND

National Trail Mix Day features a high Energy, tasty treat for the Trail or as a Healthy Snack. You can buy packages of Trail Mix at a store. Or, you can make up your own Trail Mix, using ingredients you like best.

When you head out to a Campout, a Hike or to go Biking, take the Trail Mix along with you. Trail Mix provides the extra energy boost to keep you from getting tired and running out of Energy along the trail. Don’t limit Trail Mix to the trail because its also good at Campouts.

How to make Trail Mix:

This is the recipe the Boy Scouts use to Trail Mix:

Ask each Hiker or Camper to bring a box or bag of their favorite Cereal, Nuts, Pretzels, Raisins, Dried Fruit, and M&Ms, etc. For younger hikers or new members of the group, it’s best to provide them with a list of the types of food that can go into Trail Mix.

That way, the inexperienced Hiker won’t bring something that can not be easily carried. At the Campout or before the Hike, bring the group together and mix all the food in a big, big bowl. Put the mix into sealable baggies and pass out to each hiker.

When making your own Trail Mix, avoid messy items that leave your hands sticky. Also avoid too many Salty items. For example, Unsalted Nuts is better than Salted Nuts.

History and Origin of National Trail Mix Day:

We didn’t find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday and we didn’t find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” Holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates