Unique Holidays: August 2022: Romance Awareness Month

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: August 2022: Romance Awareness Month. Did you know it’s Romance Awareness Month? I don’t know about you but when David gets home this evening I’m going to have his favorite drink and a romantic movie picked out for us to watch. We can celebrate Romance Awareness Month and I’m sorry but this time I’m not inviting anyone else.

Romance Awareness Month

When people hear the word “romance” they might tend to run for the hills. Being romantic can be difficult for some, and for others perhaps they have too much in the way of expectations as to what “romance” really means.

History of Romance Awareness Month

Romance Awareness Month isn’t meant to scare anyone away! Romance Awareness Month is meant to bring attention to the idea that couples often need to be intentional about being romantic with one another in order to keep the flame burning.

As the Summer season comes to an end and Autumn schedule begins to gear up, this is a great time for couples to try adding a little spark to their relationship. It’s been six months since Valentine’s Day, so it’s time to remember why your together with a little romance.

Whether a couple has been together for 5 years or 50 years, or is just getting to know each other, it’s vital to make sure each partner feels swept off their feet at least sometimes.

One study conducted in Australia through eharmony.com revealed that 96% of people believe that romance is an important part of a relationship. 53% of people think that a relationship won’t work without romance. However, only 30% believe in finding the type of romance that’s in the movies, so at least there’s a large contingency who are being somewhat realistic, even when it comes to romance.

With that in mind, it’s time to get started celebrating Romance Awareness Month!

How to Celebrate Romance Awareness Month

Celebrating Romance Awareness Month might include grand gestures, but it’s just as important to include the simple things to let that significant other know that they are loved!

Read a Romance Novel

Those who don’t currently have a partner to woo can still get in the spirit of the month by enjoying literature that was written in the romance novel genre. Try these romantic stories to get started:

  • Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. War and the threat of poverty loom as Scarlett O’Hara is at risk of losing everything when Rhett Butler provides a way of rescue that tests everything.
  • The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.A passionate and sweet tale that covers the lives of two star-crossed lovers in a beautiful example of the love of a lifetime.

Learn About the Benefits of Romance

People think romance is nice when it happens, but many people don’t realize that romance can actually be good for them! While there’s no Science that indicates that fresh, new romance can be beneficial. A longer-term love has been shown to actually make people physically healthier in addition to being happier.

Evidence shows that people who participate in mutually satisfying, long-term relationships enjoy a variety of benefits to their health, including:

  • Less Depression/Anxiety and Fewer Instances of Substance Abuse
  • Lower Blood Pressure and Better Management of Stress

Watch a Romantic Movie

If there isn’t time for reading a complete novel but a story needs to be told, try watching a romantic movie. Watching a movie with that significant other is a great way to remind each other why you fell in love in the first place! Try out these ideas for romantic movies to watch:

  • Casablanca (1942). A beautiful story about love in a time of crisis, Casablanca is set during WWII and takes place mostly in a cafe in Morocco. Humphry Bogart and Ingrid Bergman’s roles are unbeatable in this love story rife with pain.
  • Titanic (1997). An epic drama centered around a couple from two decidedly different backgrounds whose love is likely doomed from the beginning. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

Simple Ways to Create Romance

Romance doesn’t have to be about extravagant gifts or expensive meals, or Chocolate. Romance doesn’t have to mean taking a second honeymoon. In fact, engaging in the simplest hings on a daily basis can foster a healthy relationship. Why not try one of these simple habits to get the romance flowing?

  1. Go to bed at the same time
  2. Walk hand in hand or side by side
  3. Hug each other every day after work
  4. Say “I love you” or “Have a Good Day” every morning
  5. Say “Good Night” every night, regardless of the circumstances

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates