Welcome to August. I’m excited to bring you our series sharing Unique Holidays – August 1st, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays and let me know which Holiday you most would like to celebrate and why.
Friendship Day – First Sunday in August

Friendship Day is a day to nurture relationships, new and old and it’s a really easy and fun Holiday to celebrate. Are you ready to learn how to celebrate?
Start the day by getting in touch with old friends and I would suggest you start early because chances are, your friends know it’s Friendship Day. You want to beat them to the punch, and contact them first. Phone calls, emails, and Ecards, are great tools. When talking to your friends see if you can make plans for lunch with a friend today, or some other day (soon).
I’m blessed because David is on Vacation and I get to spend the day with David and Charlie. Not, only that my sister is off. Did you know Debbie is one of my best friends. I might see if she would like to have dinner with us. Would you like to join us?
If not catch up to some of your current pals and buddies and make sure to do ]interesting things with your friends before the day is through. As you go through the day, be vigilant to spot an opportunity to make a new friend. Finding new friends today, is a real feather in your cap.
I wish you a very fine day, my friend.
One thing is for certain…… if you put your all into the spirit of Friendship Day, then you will have a great, great day. Happy Friendship Day to people all over the world!
History and Origin of Friendship Day:
In 1935, the United States Congress, proclaimed the first Sunday of August as National Friendship Day. Following the popularity of Friendship Day in the US, several Countries adopted the tradition of dedicating a day to friends meaning Friendship Day is celebrated by several Countries around the world.
In 1997, the United Nations named Winnie the Pooh as the world’s Ambassador of Friendship. Isn’t that the coolest thing ever?
International Forgiveness Day – First Sunday in August

Global Forgiveness Day is held on July 7th. This Holiday is also referred to as “World Forgiveness Day” and “National Forgiveness Day”. International Forgiveness Day is held on the first Sunday of August
Forgiveness Day is a time to forgive and to be forgiven and it must be a pretty good thing, because there are two major organizations in particular that lay claim to creating Forgiveness Day.
If you dig deeply, you’ll discover that there are a number of other “Forgiveness” days, created by primarily Religious Organizations, or Organized Groups promoting the concept of forgiveness. These holidays are World or International events.
There’s enough trouble and strife in the world and the existence of multiple Forgiveness days can only help to make the world and your life a little better. We agree with the sponsors of this day, that a little more Forgiveness will help to make the world a much better place.
All of the Holidays promoting forgiveness, have one thing in common: to forgive and forget wrongs and we should put aside the grudges. Bury the hatchet and, end the feuds. Are you ready?
Life is too short to hold in the pain and anxiety and instead, forgive people and you will find your life is calmer, and more peaceful. Forgiveness goes both ways. While much of the focus of this Holiday encourages you to forgive others, its important to seek forgiveness to both God and others, for any wrongs you’ve done.
Global Forgiveness Day began in 1994 and was created and sponsored by the Christian Embassy of Christ’s Ambassadors. This Holiday originated in Vancouver, British Columbia, and Canada. Depending upon a variety of sources, this Holiday is sometimes called World Forgiveness Day or National Forgiveness Day.
International Forgiveness Day was created by the World Forgiveness Alliance, a non-denominational, Educational foundation. According to their website: ” International Forgiveness Day is dedicated to evoking the healing power of forgiveness worldwide.” The founder is Robert W. Plath, from Mill Valley, California.
Use today to clear your conscience and your soul and take a few moments to sincerely forgive someone and to ask forgiveness of others. If possible, make it public. That way forgiveness will spread
In Religions:
** The Jewish celebration of Yom Kippur is a day of Atonement or forgiving.
** In Christian Religions, the first Sunday before Lent is called “Forgiveness Sunday”.
Other Forgiveness Day Dates:
Many Organizations, often Religious groups, have held “Forgiveness Days” on various dates during the year and many of them are one-time or small, localized events.

National Girlfriends Day is a special day, indeed and is her special day, a time to celebrate, spoil and pamper your girlfriends. You might begin, by celebrating the fact that you have an awesome girl, as wonderful and special as her, to call your girlfriend. After all, look what she has to put up with!!
Some people may say this special day is not needed, because a girlfriend should be treated nicely, and in a special way, every day of the year. This day is an opportunity to go beyond nice… all the way to spoiled and pampered.
There are so many ways to celebrate National Girlfriends Day. Are you drawing a blank? Typical guys would.
Here are just a few ideas:
- Take her to see a “chick flick”
- Simply tell your girlfriend you appreciate all the things she does and giive her some specific examples.
- Don’t hesitate to shower your girlfriend with a card, flowers, perfume or other gifts.
- Don’t let her lift a single pretty finger to work today. Today, she is a woman of leisure.
- Give her the Television Controller and this, in and of itself, is a huge gesture.
- Take your girlfriend out to dinner.
- Give her a back massage..
Guys, whatever your plans for National Girlfriends Day are, make sure to celebrate in a big way. Your girlfriend has a long memory. She will certainly remember what you did when National Boyfriends Day comes along.

When is National Mahjong or Chinese Mahjong Day? There are two dates referenced on the internet:
National Mahjong Day is celebrated on August 1st and this day was established in 2018 by an American website, suggesting it is a U.S. “National” day.
Chinese Mahjong Day is on April 30th and it is also often referred to as “National Mahjong Day”. It is the older of the two Mahjong Day special events and it has been around since approximately 2010 – 2015. It also seems to be American in origin.
If you love the game of Mahjong, why not celebrate on both days!?
The game of Mahjong originated in Shanghai, China and there is speculation that the game of Mahjong was created thousands of years ago by Confucius. Over many Centuries, Mahjong become popular in many countries in Asia, including, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore, to name a few. The game of Mahjong arrived in America in the early 1920’s. It took the Country by storm and quickly became the rage.
Mahjong is a 4 player game of strategy. and there is a Solitary version. While the original version is Chinese, there are other varieties, most notably Japanese and American. The game has 144 beautifully decorated, Domino-like tiles made of Ivory or Bamboo (newer, American game pieces are plastic). The tiles are marked in five categories of tiles: simples, Winds, Dragons, Flowers and Seasons.
This Holiday is also referred to as Mah Jong Day, Japanese Mahjong Day and Mah Jongg Day.
Do you like to play games ? That’s great, because all you need to do today is find three friends and play Mahjong and you are also encouraged to teach someone how to play the game.
Happy Chinese Mahjong Day
The History and Origin of National Mahjong Day:
National Mahjong Day was created by Riichi Mahjong Central and their goal is to increase awareness of this popular game. There mission is to “make the world a better place through Mahjong with love and peace”.
Our research did not find an identify or an individual or group having created Chinese Mahjong Day which is often called National Mahjong Day.
We did not find any documentation confirming either of these days to be a true “National” day and we found no Congressional records or Presidential proclamation. Some sources suggest President Obama declared April 30th d as a National Day. However, we found no presidential proclamation.
More About Today:
Chinese Mahjong Day – from China Unique
National Mountain Climbing Day

Everyone should climb a Mountain at least once in their lives because it is an exhilarating experience, with a huge reward at the peak… a big sense of accomplishment for reaching new heights. Fresh air and magnificent Scenery, only adds to the joy of climbing a Mountain to the summit. You might climb just one Mountain, and attain pride and bragging rights to family and friends. Or, you might find the experience so rewarding, that Mountain Climbing becomes a new Hobby, as you seek the challenge of conquering one peak after another.
National Mountain Climbing Day was established in honor of Author’s son, Bobby Matthews, and his friend Josh Madigan, for successfully climbing the 46 High Peaks of New Your State’s Adirondack Mountains. These two young men, climbed the 46th peak, Whiteface Mountain, on August 1, 2015 and they were formally inducted into the Adirondack 46er Club in May, 2016.
Mountain climbing is a challenging hike and on occasion, a difficult climb may require using both your arms and legs on a steep portion of the climb. Rappelling a Mountain, like you see when adventurers climb Mount Everest, is not part of the climb. Depending upon the size and difficulty, your first climb on an easy Mountain, will only take a couple of hours.
Can you climb a Mountain? Sure you can! Young children under 10 years old, and senior citizens over eighty have climbed mountains. Josh Madigan says “It’s more stamina and mental, than strength.” So, there’s no reason you cannot climb a Mountain.
Bobby and Josh offer their toughest challenges:
- Hiking down a Mountain without a boot because Josh’s boot was of poor quality and literally fell apart.
- Bobby reflected upon a May 12th hike, when they came upon unexpected knee-deep snow. Without snowshoes, the hike was almost impossible to accomplish. But, they made it.
- Bobby and Josh both say forecasting the weather prior to a trip is very important, and can be difficult. Most of all, you need to avoid Thunderstorms near the peak.
If you can, go climb your first Mountain today. Need time to plan? That’s okay. Use today to make a goal and a plan to climb your first Mountain. Then, go out and climb it. Don’t forget your camera.
Word of Wisdom for Mountain Climbing:
- Stay on the Trail.
- As you get close, even though you may not see it, you will get to the top.
- Bring plenty of Water in your back pack.
- Bring high Energy Bars on long hikes.
- There is no shame in turning around, especially if the Weather gets bad, or you are injured.
- Wear good quality hiking boots, no sneakers .
- If you get lost, re-trace your steps.
- Plan your Hike and study trail maps. Most can be found online.
History and Origin of National Mountain Climbing Day:
National Mountain Climbing Day was established in 2016 by Bob Matthews, from Rochester, NY. Bob is the creator and author of HolidayInsights.com
August 1st is a perfect time for this Holiday and to climb your first Mountain. It is the middle of the Summer season, and the Weather is most likely to be good.
National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

National Raspberry Cream Pie Day is perfect day for Raspberry lovers.
Raspberries are one of the gems of Summer and there sweet and tasty. Raspberry Cream Pie is loved by millions of people (and birds, too!) With the arrival of ripe Berries, itstime to make and enjoy some of your favorite dessert treats. High on the list for Raspberry lovers, is Raspberry Cream Pie.
Make this a super Raspberry day. Go out and pick your own Berries. Then, make a Raspberry Cream Pie. Better still, make one for you, and another to give away to a family member, a neighbor, or a friend. Then, dig in and eat a piece of Pie….
If you love Raspberries, you will also savor National Raspberry Cake Day
Recipe: National Raspberry Cream Pie
- 1-1/2 cups crushed Vanilla Wafers (about 45 wafers)
- 1/3 cup chopped Pecans
- 1/4 cup Butter, melted
- 1 package (8 ounces) Cream Cheese, softened
- 2/3 cup confectioners’ Sugar
- 2 tablespoons Orange Liqueur
- 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract
- 1 cup heavy Whipping Cream, Whipped
- 1 cup Sugar
- 3 tablespoons Cornstarch
- 3 tablespoons Water
- 2-1/2 cups fresh or frozen Raspberries, divided
- Combine the Wafer Crumbs, Pecans and Butter. Press onto the bottom and up the sides of a greased 9-in. pie plate.
- In a large bowl, beat the Cream Cheese, Confectioners’ Sugar, Liqueur and Vanilla until light and fluffy. Fold in Whipped Cream. Spread into crust. Chill until serving.
- In a small saucepan, combine Sugar and Cornstarch; stir in Water and 1-1/2 cups Raspberries. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Transfer to a bowl; refrigerate until chilled.
- Spread topping over filling. Garnish with remaining Berries.
Sisters Day – First Sunday in August

Sister’s Day celebrates being or having a sister and today is a day to celebrate your love for you sister(s). That means a lot of us will celebrate this special day. Sisters are truly special and unique. Sure, we may argue and fight. But, when it comes right down to it, sisters are the best, the very best. Make sure you let her know. After all, she may tell you “My sister has the best sister!”.
Who qualifies as a “Sister”? In the spirit of sisterhood and inclusiveness, this can include: biological sisters, blended family sisters, sister-in-law, sorority sisters, and of course religious Nuns, Sometimes friends refer to each other as sisters and this relationship counts and is celebrated today, too.
Today does not have to be a gift giving event. Just being close sisters is gift enough. How about celebrating Sister’s Day by spending time together!? Go to lunch or dinner, go shopping or take a trip to the beach. Any activity that the two (or three, or four…) of you enjoy doing together, is the perfect way to spend the day.
For all of you guys reading this, you can celebrate it , too. If you have a sister, let her know how much she is loved by you, and how much she means to you.
Celebrate Sister’s Day by spending time with your sister. Make it a special day in some way for you, and for her.
Related Holidays:
Brothers and Sisters Day
National Siblings Day
Who’s Wrong!? ……….
Crayola and Hallmark are pretty big companies. When they write something on their websites, you take it for fact Crayola.com reports this day as August 5th. Hallmark.com records Sister’s Day as August 7th. Other sites show this special day on varying dates, usually in the first week of August. Who is right?
They are all wrong! Sister’s Day is on the first Sunday of August. So just once every seven years, they’re correct. That’s why you look to HolidayInsights.com for the correct dates for all of the Holidays and special days.
The Origin of Sister’s Day:
Tricia Rivalto Eleogram and Stacey Lowrey from Memphis, TN. launched Sisters’ Day and they wrote a book about it, too. The State of Tennessee recognized this Holiday with House Joint Resolution # 378 on January 17, 1996.
A few websites refer to this as “National Sister’s Day” but this is not a National day. Importantly, the creators founded it as “Sister’s Day”, and refer to it as such to this day.
Samantha Graham wrote and told us that there is an Asian Indian tradition of a Sister’s Day and it recognizes the love between sisters.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates