Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: August 16th, 2022. I would like to ask you to take a look at the holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate. If I had Suzzie here we would celebrate National Roller Coaster Day.

Life is like a roller coaster, filled with ups and downs. Life can be a little scary and intimidating, yet exciting.
It’s late Summer. Let’s not let it go by without giving recognition to a Summertime thrill.. Gather the family. Text your family and let’s head on out to the Amusement Park to ride a Roller Coaster. The more loops and vertical drops, the better!
You’ll find people young and old riding roller coasters. because were never too old to ride a roller coaster. This author had an Aunt who rode roller coasters with joy well into her 80s! For some people, riding roller coasters is like a cult following because roller coasters can become addicting. These thrill seekers travel the Country, intent on experiencing every roller coaster they can find.
Several inventors created versions of the roller coaster or made notable improvements on existing designs. Among the notable inventions: The first known roller coaster was created in the 15th Century in Russia. It was made of a wooden car and was push started down Icy hills. In 1872, J.G. Taylor received a patent for an inclined railway. It was the first known roller coaster on rails. A few years late, in 1878, an Inclined Plane Roller Coaster was patented by Richard Knudsen. On June 16th, 1884, Coney Island, NY opened one of America’s first roller coasters. Designed and built by LaMarcus Thompson, this roller coaster was known as a switchback railway. It cost a nickel to ride and traveled at 6 miles per hour. On August 16th, 1898, Edwin Prescott patented the vertical loop roller coaster. Since these early days, roller coasters have only gotten faster and wilder.
History and Origin of National Roller Coaster Day:
We did not find the creator of this holiday but he or she is undoubtedly a roller coaster fanatic. Of course, it could be an Amusement Park.
The date for this holiday was selected as Edwin Prescott of Arlington, MA received a patent for the first vertical roller coaster on August 16th, 1898.

Tell an Old Joke Day is always July 24th.
National Tell a Joke Day is always August 16th.
Let’s get serious now were not kidding. Tell an Old Joke Day and National Tell a Joke Day are real laughs. We hope your day is filled with chuckles.
No doubt about it. Today, will be a fun-filled day, with lots of laughter. To fully participate and enjoy this holiday, just tell some jokes. You can do it in person, or pass along a few humorous emails. The more jokes you tell, the more fun this holiday will be. We also encourage you to listen to many jokes today. Everybody is getting into the act, and in order to tell a joke, someone has to be present to listen to the joke”.
The only difference between these two special holidays, is that on Tell an Old Joke Day, you should tell old jokes. The logic behind this, is to keep old jokes from fading away. If they were once funny, they will still produce a laugh. On National Tell a Joke Day you can tell a new joke, or an old one.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates