Unique Holidays: April 8th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 8th, 2022. I would like to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate. As for me I think I will celebrate Zoo Lover’s Day.

All is Ours Day

Image result for All is Ours Day

All is Ours Day is bound to be a spectacular day for us.

Think of the concept and imagine the possibilities. The creator of this Holiday was absolutely brilliant. What a great day this will be.

The creator of this Holiday was absolutely brilliant. Let’s dissect the meaning and intent of this Holiday. We will do so by examining the title of this day, word for word. It begins with the word “all”. It’s all-inclusive. From a possessive standpoint, therefore, we are talking about anything and everything we want. The verb “is” is short, sweet and definite. Ii leaves no room for doubt or question.

Finally, the creator chose the word “our” rather than the word “mine” This is a vital decision allowing us to completely enjoy today. The greatest events, and the best things in life, are those that are shared. The only thing the creator left out is the definition of who “Ours” represents.

Draw a Picture of a Bird Day

Image result for Draw a Picture of a Bird Day

Draw a Picture of a Bird Day is a Holiday for Bird lovers who like to draw. It doesn’t matter whether you are young, or old, if you like to draw, then today is a day to draw pictures of a Bird.

Ready boys and girls? Grab your crayons and open up your curtains. Then look for Birds. Once you spot a Bird, start drawing. Make sure to autograph your picture because you never know, your work may become famous!

According to the Draw a Bird Day website, this Holiday was created as a way to express joy in the very simplest of things in life and as a way to help Soldiers everywhere forget War and suffering even if only for a short time.

History and Origin of “Draw a Picture of a Bird Day”:

On April,1943, 7-year-old Dorie Cooper visited her Uncle in the hospital. He had been injured in WWII, having lost his leg to a Land Mine. Dorie Cooper asked him to draw a picture of a Hird. Her Uncle did, and Dorie Cooper teased him saying it wasn’t a very good picture, but she would hang it in her room. This lifted his spirits. Three years later, Dorie was struck and killed by a car. At her Funeral there were many Bird pictures and drawings, prompting the creation of this Holiday.

Zoo Lover’s Day

Image result for Zoo Lover's Day

Today is Zoo Lovers Day. Zoos have been around for thousands of years. Did you know a Zoo was originally called a “menagerie”? In some form, menageries have been around since ancient times. The earliest recording was around 1500 B.C.!!

People, young and old, enjoy visiting the zoo. Where else can you see Lions, Tigers and Bears all in one place. And, Elephants, too!

It is easy to celebrate this Holiday. Go visit a Zoo today and if you are able to bring the whole family. Even the Grandparents. If you can open your purse strings and make a donation in support of your local Zoo.

History and Origin of “Zoo Lovers Day”:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday but it appears to have been around for decades.

Understandably, this Holiday is also sometimes called Menagerie Lovers Day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates