Unique Holidays: April 6th, 2022: Lupus Awareness Month

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 6th, 2022: Lupus Awareness Month. I don’t know much about Lupus or anyone who has Lupus do you? But that could change in the future and to help raise awarness about Lupus I will be wearing purple. Would you like to join me in wearing purple to help the cause or there is a Pledge you can sign.

Lupus Awareness Month

Image result for lupus awareness month

Lupus Awareness Month occurs every May and which we celebrate to contribute to the welfare of the affected community. Lupus is an Inflammatory disease which is caused when the Immune system attacks its own tissues and affects the overall well-being of the person. This month is all about raising awareness about Lupus impact on the physical, emotional, and economic aspects of a person’s life. 


Originally, from 1977, Lupus Awareness Month was observed as National Lupus Awareness Week in September, and but then the Holiday was moved to October. It was only in 2009, owing to the efforts of the Lupus Foundation of America, that the Holiday was shifted to May as Lupus Awareness Month, which has officially been observed throughout this month since.

Lupus is difficult to diagnose because it is often mistaken for other diseases. Most of the time, people don’t even know they’re living with Lupus. However, one common symptom that has been noted is a bright red rash on the face that runs from the bridge of the nose, under the eyes, and across the cheeks. Due to its resemblance to a Butterfly,this rash is known as a Butterfly rash. This is likely also where it got its name from, with its Scientific name being systemic Lupus Erythematosus and ‘Erythroid’ being derived from the ancient Greek word for ‘red.’

Lupus Awareness Month has become increasingly important for Lupus advocates over the years as a lot of people do not know about Lupus or how to manage it. The color purple has become associated with Lupus awareness. One may wonder why purple. That’s because purple is a combination of the passion of the color red and the calmness of the color blue. Purple is thought to pacify the mind and nerves, uplift the spirit, and provide the courage to fight. The movement to create awareness about this autoimmune disease sees several events taking place every year in May across the Country. The events are aimed at raising funds for research initiatives and to financially support affected families.


  1. Did you know Lupus lacks significant awareness and there isn’t even a cure for it yet? Education and continuous research are imperative if we want to conquer Lupus. During this awareness month, you can advocate for Lupus through Social Media by inciting informative conversations and equipping others with the knowledge you possess. You can even participate in the Walk To End Lupus Now event hosted by the Lupus Foundation to further your advocacy.
  2. The Lupus community needs an ever-growing support base. You can head to World Lupus Day’s official website and sign an awareness pledge. By doing so, you are pledging to help those affected by lupus garner the much-needed attention from the relevant people in leadership positions.
  3. Purple is the color associated with Lupus since purple brings together the passion of red and the calmness of blue. You can show your support for Lupus by wearing all things purple on Put On Purple Day on May 21. Make sure to inform others why you’re doing this and the significance behind the Holiday.

5 Facts About Lupus

  1. Studies have found that 90% of patients who have Lupus are women.
  2. Patients with discoid Lupus may only get rashes and skin lesions as compared to Systemic Lupus.
  3. According to a study, about 40% to 70% percent of patients with Lupus have Kidney Inflammation.
  4. One of the reasons Lupus is such a complex disease is that there is no definite known cause that triggers the symptoms.
  5. There are four different types of Lupus: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Discoid Lupus Erythematosus, Drug-Induced Lupus, and Neonatal Lupus.


  1. Some studies show that way too many people know little to nothing about anything related to Lupus. A survey by the Lupus Foundation of America states that “while Lupus affects an estimated 1.5 million people in the U.S. alone, 63% of Americans surveyed have never heard of or know little or nothing about this disease that has no cure.” Thus, a dedicated month is crucial to spread as much factual knowledge as possible about this Autoimmune disease.
  2. Lupus neither has a cause, nor a cure. Lupus can be an isolating feeling to fight through this disease alone with its heavy mental and financial impact. Lupus Awareness Month is critical as it brings people together and shows the Lupus community that they are not alone in this fight. The Holiday provides them with hope for a better tomorrow and encourages them to fight through this.
  3. Lupus needs to be extensively researched to find a cause and cure so Lupus can be handled better. More research can hopefully help in early detection and a better plan for treatment. Lupus Awareness Month helps in gathering funds for research and to financially support families in need.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates